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The Forum is BACK!! Let us know of any issues....


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OK, we listened and have been working on some of the issues/feedback:


  • TapaTalk is now working for the new forum. However, IP Board actually has a VERY good mobile version. And it is easy to use. Usually your mobile device will automatically change over to that mode once you go to the forum URL. If not, in the lower, left corner you can select "Use Mobile Version". I personally really like the mobile device version over TapaTalk, but check them both out and see.
  • We now have a nice page redirecting from the old URL to the new forum
  • As some of you have seen, PM is now working.
  • I increased total size of file PER post to 500k. So for example, you could do 5 pics at 100k each in a SINGLE post. Also total space for pictures per user is now at 20megs. If you run over this, go to your Control Panel setting and select "Manage Attachments" and create more room. 
  • The only downside right now is you have to size and shrink your own pics. The old forum had a pretty neat function where it took large pics and auto shrunk them. Maybe in a future upgrade. We are charged for the space our forum uses so we have to be a bit more restrictive here. Sorry.
  • Some one brought up: in your CP settings you can also change a setting so that you automatically subscribe to any thread you reply to.
  • You can now add a picture to your signature
  • Bryan: I agree, I also liked see where people where from under there name/avatar. I looked for this but had no luck. I'll see what I can find with some more looking.

Please keep feedback coming and we will continue to tweak it. 

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When I'm logged into the forum I see "0 warning points" just below my avatar and post count - when I select the link I get the message 'There are no warnings to display'. Just out of curiosity, can anyone explain warning points?



 Russ, the old forum had a similar "Warning" system that we did not use.   It is used to highlight occasions when the rules of the forum are broken.  

It is still undecided if or exactly how it will be used.  On the one hand it is better than banning someone , yet it may upset folks to see a "warning". 

Then again, some might hold it as a badge of "badassness" ,   were you looking for a warning? :) 


We mods are working through the changes along with the rest of the members and the Boss will hand down the law when he sees fit.   Fin , IMHO, is not quick 

to become involved unless it is really bad.   As a rule he is not heavy handed and feels we have a really good membership that "self regulates" very well. 

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Note: When you post , you can choose "Advanced" setting and it has a handy feature in the bottom left to attach photos.  I have been using that recently. Much faster than posting to a gallery and then linking it.  It places a thumbnail on the post that links to a full size photo.  For this reason you may want to reduce the size of the photo to something under a meg and roughly 800 x 600 or so.  Anything larger is wasteful and hard to see ,  yet gives good resolution (especially when selling things)  Hope this helps.  Just one more option now available. Bryan 

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What I Like:


Internal PM system

MEMBERS GALLERY!! Very cool!!  I hope you bought some additional data memory space with the new forum :)

No more "double post" , I had to remove an extra post everytime I posted anything.  Got old. 

Rating features, lots of new features!! 


Not so hot on:


I miss it showing "where" they were from.  Maybe I am just missing it. 

Having to relearn my way around , this too will pass. 



To get the location to show up the individual needs to go into their profile and re enter it.

Edited by clebner
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My location didn't change / become view-able? 
Clicked on my avatar > "Edit Profile" > changed my location > saved >  didn't work. I cleared the cache, shut the browser , 

still blank? 



Ok got it. 


Do not change it in "Converted" , go to the "Location" in "Profile Information"

.  If it is blank, add your locations, BINGO!!!

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When I click "View New Content" I don't get all the new content.  I can see additional new content in the Recent Topics box.  Not sure what's going on there... don't see any settings that pertain to this.

After you click on "VIEW NEW CONTENT" (it is in the top right corner) , look to the left side, there should be navigation and selection options. You can selection what you view when you select "View new content"  It allows you to select the frequency, times etc etc.  Lots of new options. 



By content type By time period Other
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Ladia, not sure . 


It looks like you can log on and post.   I don't see any photos in your gallery?  


If you continue to have issues, please email the boss directly to see what is going on.  


You can attach photos directly using the "Use Full Editor" or link them to photo you upload to your gallery. 


If the forum will not allow that,  check your "User Setting" ,  or contact Bomber directly. 


Everything seems to be working really good for me.  Although it is different in many ways that the old forum. 



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Al, one of the easiest ways I have found is to choose "edit" and then  "use FULL editor"  you then have an attach button at the bottom left.  You can upload the photo and then choose which order and which photos to add to the post.  


Side note:  If you want the photos above your words, that is what it does by default, if you want the photos BELOW the words you need to put the insert bar (point the arrow to the last of the words and then click) , it will then enter the photos there. 





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I haven't figured out yet how to sort the messages within a thread in Most-recent-first order.  The threads are presented in most-recent-post order in the forum, but I still have to click to the last page of a thread and scroll to the bottom.  I hope there's some simple way to set the message sort order as was the case in the old forum (once you found it), but I have yet to find it.  Anybody have a clue?

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How do I delete my own post?  or is the function gone?

You need to be signed in, then bottom right there should be a "Delete" button.  Or go to "Edit" and then the option should be available. 


Check the FAQ for additional details. 


Short answer is , yes, you can still delete your posts and even the entire thread. It is a "Soft" delete which members can not see but admins and mods can still see or "undelete" . 

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I haven't figured out yet how to sort the messages within a thread in Most-recent-first order.  The threads are presented in most-recent-post order in the forum, but I still have to click to the last page of a thread and scroll to the bottom.  I hope there's some simple way to set the message sort order as was the case in the old forum (once you found it), but I have yet to find it.  Anybody have a clue?

Yes, I believe it is available.   Check the FAQ for the how to.   I may have time to find the specific method later.  Bryan 

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Photos. Including photos from your computer in a post can be done as follows. Go below the text entry box to "Attach Files", click "Browse", and find your photo. Click the "Attach This FIle" button. Repeat if you have more. Then each attachment will have a clickable option "Add to post". Click it and it will add a line like to your text. Put that wherever you want the photo to be. Hope that's helpful.


Location. I could swear I saw locations appearing under avatars a few weeks ago. I entered mine, but I don't see my or anyone's location any more. Did something change or am I just confused?

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