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Coiler and Jasey in the News


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Here's a link to some nice press for Bruce and Jasey:


Good luck to both at Whistler in the World Championships. It could be the triumph of a lot of up to minute experimentation or a very frustrating result. Bruce only started delivering boards with metal overlays to Jasey in late December. I think they're onto about the third prototype at the moment with the race happening within days. So far the results are encouraging but there hasn't been enough time for Jasey to really get the boards set up optimally or for Bruce to dial the flex pattern. Cross your fingers all.

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That's interesting about Jasey Jay's carvy style. I wonder if that has anything to do with his success - if it's "better" or just "different".

I have a theory that as soon as more suspension/dampening gets put in the boards, we'll see more racers adopting stiffer bindings like Bomber and Catek. Using Burton's or whatever else is like using a flex-stem on a mountain bike. It's a band-aid treating the symptom, not the cause.

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Jasey, along with a bunch of other Canadian riders including Fawcett, get their style from Jerry Masterpole (sp?). Jerry is a private coach from the States that is of the belief that being on a rail is faster than skidding a turn, that you generate more G's on a rail and can therefore be launched out of the turn with more speed.

The truth is though that railing every turn isn't necessarily the fastest for each course, take a look at the Olympic qualifying run in Salt Lake. The course was super-turny and Jasey was wayyy outside of each gate trying to rail each turn and ended up at the back of the pack.

Regardless, good luck to him, along with all the other NA riders. Either way it's great to be hosting the World Champs.


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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

I have a theory that as soon as more suspension/dampening gets put in the boards, we'll see more racers adopting stiffer bindings like Bomber and Catek. Using Burton's or whatever else is like using a flex-stem on a mountain bike. It's a band-aid treating the symptom, not the cause.

Jack, I like the way you think. I've always maintained that the ideal setup is nice, responsive, communicative, stiff bindings, with a damp, adaptive board. Slack in the boots or bindings is something that simply terrifies me.

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Originally posted by Frappe

Jack, I like the way you think. I've always maintained that the ideal setup is nice, responsive, communicative, stiff bindings, with a damp, adaptive board. Slack in the boots or bindings is something that simply terrifies me.

Jack & Frappe, you both make excellent points. Loose (sloppy/over flexy) bindings/boots are downright scary. But if you're not in extrodinary shape (physical condition), something has to assist w/ shock absorption. As an armchair-wish-board-designer, it would be easy to say, "why don't they just build dampening systems in boards like they've been doing w/ skis for years?" Of course the answer is... it's coming (sounds like Bruce & Jacey are heading in that direction). And I think it's safe to say that even though the technology for ski dampening has been around for many years, the width of a board makes application of the same tech difficult at best. At any rate, I can't wait for new technology to make it's way to my feet. Good luck to Jacey, Kris and the other Nor-Am riders!!

p.s. I AM in extrordinary shape! (don't forget, ROUND is a shape :) )

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Originally posted by D-Sub

thanks for rubbing it in. Maybe Im close:)

Waiting for a Coiler is certainly a true test of patience, but that's the price you pay for one of the most prestigious carving boards out there. I just got the email from Bruce last night--my PR173 custom and AM169 are almost completed. My wife was about to commit me to the insane asylum last night b/c of my uncontrollable "WOOHOOO!!!'s" and "YEEEEHAAAAW!!'s".

D-Sub-You better not get your board before me, I've been dreaming about my Coilers ever since the day I sent my order in last February. :D

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Originally posted by D-Sub

wow. thats a LONG time.

I got on the list in April...maybe Ill get mine first cuz its only ONE?:)

yeah, but the wait is no big deal. I have other boards in the quiver to enjoy. Am I crazy though, debating whether I should get back on the list for another board for next season before these boards even arrive? :confused: :D

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Originally posted by Fleaman

D-Sub, I got on the list in March so even I am in front of you.

Nya nYa nya nYa


I ordered in January '04 and got my boards last month.... Nya nYa nya nYa to both of you! :D

Seriously, a Coiler (or several) built to your specs is *so* worth the wait. I took my new 182 AM for it's second spin this AM, I am still in awe of it. Feels like I've been riding it my whole life!

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I'm really sorry that all you guys ( and some girls) are waiting soooo long for your boards. The problem was totally from me planning that I was going to get some boards done over the summer so I set my schedule up with that idea in place. Unfortuanately I realized I just can't keep that kind of schedule up for 12 months of the year, just need to take a rest at some point! So I figure, no worries just work a little harder in the fall. Well that didn't seem to work out either as while the boards are not that hard to build, you still have to put in the hours as they still are very labour intensive to build. Then you throw in Jasey wanting a few new Titanal models and that eats up even more time!

For next season I plan on actually slowing things down a bit and keeping a more realistic schedule as not to make promises I can't even come close to keeping. Olympics are on next season so I will also spend a bit more time developing things with Jasey to give him the best possible chances for good results. This will benefit everyone eventually!

I can imagine its a real hassle for guys especially those who have broken or otherwise unloaded their older gear and end up with nothing to ride on. Not getting the boards out on time is the part of the business I dislike the most and realize its my problem to fix. The results will be an easier schedule for myself and boards that get delivered on time but the flip side is that there will just have to be a lot more saying "no" when I have the schedule filled up. Currently I am already booked until mid October so if anyone is interested in getting something for next season, now is the time to get the order in. I am just getting things on a tentative list as I have not yet organized next seasons information handling system yet as I still need to worry about this seasons boards!

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No need to apoligize. I think that everyone who orders a Coiler realizes that it won't be a quick turnaround. The quality, workmanship, and performance of your boards is highly regarded. As others have said, the wait is worth it. Also, your excellent customer service skills keep us well informed--with detailed feedback, quick responses, and constant updates. I find it remarkable that you're able to balance all the hats considering you're a one man shop.

At least it's not like ordering a new Ferrari. Some people have been waiting for 3+ years on waiting lists. Then, to find out that the dealer bumps them further down the list because their car is sold to another customer. Or, the dealers will only take orders on the high demand new cars (F430) from "preferred" customers--those who have purchased multiple (6+!!) Ferraris over the past several years!

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