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I boarded a long time ago for quite a while and recently started again about 4-5 years ago with the kids. For the last couple years, home mountain has been Fernie and only board has been a Salomon Sick Stick. Pretty spoiled for conditions last year. Becoming more and more interested in carving and with the recent conditions, have decided I need to expand the quiver. I think hard boots might be a bit of a stretch to start but I'm looking for as serious a soft boot setup as is reasonable.

I'm a Salomon fan and considering the Burner, Calibre, Malamute combo. I guess my questions is if this sounds reasonable? Are there other setups you would try first? Where to buy locally (Alberta or online)? For a board like the burner, what size for dedicated bombing down groomers and hardpack? If I was trying to make it an All Mountain board I might go 160 which is the smallest size but I'm considering a 166 instead. I'm 5'10" 160lbs size 9 boot. I went up to a 160 Sick Stick from a 156 and am liking it better but it might be because of the added stability when on the hardpack.

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Lots of soft boot options for you which I'm sure others will weigh in with. But I'm guessing most will probably say to take the plunge and go for a used hard boot set up. It's really the only way to try the sport for most people.

As for soft boot set ups, I find I can go way over what your average jibber shop recommends for length. I'm 5'4" and usually ride boards in the lower 160s for carving--and those boards are customs with the equivalent edge length of a board in the 170s. (Mind you, having decambered tips and tails helps a bunch as it effectively shortens the edge length when riding flat.)

In regards to Salomon boards, I know people like the FRS quite a bit. Malamutes are good for boots, as are Burton Driver X's. I have a pair of Caliber bindings new from last year that I'm actually thinking of selling. They are good quality, but I don't find them stiff enough for my liking.

If you are committed to going the soft boot carving route, it might make sense to look at slightly older BX boards. If you have cash and can go custom, look at Donek's Razor or Saber models. (The Razor is my personal board of choice.) If that's too rich for you, look into the following:


It's an old stand-by, but absolutely fantastic for what you're looking for. Good luck and have fun!

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If you can find a Salomon FRS consider yourself lucky. It's one of my favorite all time soft boot boards, carves well and stable at speed. Only board that I've found that I like better is my new Coiler softy. Feels very similar to the FRS but with the benefits of metal and new technology.

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like dave said... what is your ski boot size? If you give hard boots a shot you wont go back. The local crew is awesome and incredibly talented. Can't go wrong coming up to the hill.

Edit: sorry I didn't see the bottom of your post. I'm almost exactly the same size and weight and was riding a 156 Burton Fluid on SB. I now ride a Prior 4wd 164 and a Coiler 171 AM-T (20 cm waist). I find the Prior better for choppy days, and have only had 2 half days on the Coiler but it's absolutely amazing.

I have a 155 Rossi if you want something to give hard boots a shot. If you ask in the AB forum, I'm sure somebody will have spare bindings and I think Steve (Riceball) has some size 9 boots.

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like dave said... what is your ski boot size? If you give hard boots a shot you wont go back. The local crew is awesome and incredibly talented. Can't go wrong coming up to the hill ...

I'm sure somebody will have spare bindings and I think Steve (Riceball) has some size 9 boots.

If you can make it out this weekend, then we'll have gear coming out our ears, and people to give you pointers on how to ride it. If you want to ride your softies, I can bring my Madd BX to the hill - it's a fantastic soft boot carver, you'd probably have a ball on it.

Sounds like a BX board might be a great option for you ... there's some good ones come up on this forum, you should keep an eye out.

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These are not mine but are some incredible soft boot boards for sale in the classifieds.


BTW, Welcome. I agree with others to get out with locals, make friends, test their boards then make your decision. Lots of really cool people on here willing to do that for both the long time carver and the newb.


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Thanks for all the responses! It does seem like a BX board fits the bill but I haven't seen any suggestions as to where to buy these in Canada? Given the market, it just might be a reality that there is no where.

Also thanks for the invites to the NES event. I'm afraid it's too short notice for me to make it work however. My kids are both in ski programs at Fernie so we are essentially committed to be there every weekend. I'll be checking here for updates on how it all went.

If I decide on a Burner, I think I'll be going for a 166 as a result of comments. Would love to consider those insane CF boards and might during the off season when I have more time to research how to get one here.

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Thanks for the plug for the 2 boards above, they are mine, I also think you would probably do well with them.

the Saber is more of a BX/charging board, the Razor is more carve orientated, the Razor is stiffer and more lively.

I also am selling a pair of Salomon Malamutes, I am selling them because they are just not quite as stiff as I wanted, particularly the inside of the boot, it lets me fold over more than I really like...

I am using Burton Driver X from 08/09, lots of people use and like the Malamute though, I liked them, just not for my riding, out west, on softer snow/better overall conditions I may have liked them more.

I also owned a set of Salomon Caliber bindings, they were not stiff enough for me overall, I was able to make them give quite a bit, I use Burton C60's from circa 05/06. the boot/binding interface was very good on the Malamute and Caliber though.

I think it depends how into it you want to get.

I am also selling a Burton Custom X 168, definitely not as carve or BX orientated as the above, but a stiffer all around board, but that has the channel...

ask me any questions you want, I have tried a bit of stuff for soft boot charging/carving particularly with boots and bindings and risers and even a Donek plate.

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Thanks for the plug for the 2 boards above, they are mine, I also think you would probably do well with them.

the Saber is more of a BX/charging board, the Razor is more carve orientated, the Razor is stiffer and more lively.

I own a Razor, and it's one of my favorite boards. It's just really fun, carvers great, and is still easy to ride.

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Thanks for the reply.

In regards to using old bindings...what do you do when things eventually give and break? Is it still possible to get parts for Burton's that old? Or are you mix and matching straps, etc.

the straps and ratchets are all still basically the same, so they are all interchangable. the highback/base plate i am not too worried about.

I always broke the ratchet retention system on the older burton bindings, but I rivet them permanently, so they will not fail, other than that no problems.

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You can definitely start down the carving path in softboots. If you don't have any other carvers to ride with and help get you started, check out the articles in the links in my signature.

Here are "the most bad-ass softboots":


If Rob Stevens says so, you can take it to the bank.

Good luck!

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