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Heard in the lift line - 2004/2005

Guest thomas_m

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I was at Mammoth several weeks back, sharring the chair with a couple ladies. I was sadly mistaken for a mono skier. My reply was "no its a snowboard" and I then explained the decipleship of carving. I think they were more imperessed with the way mono skiers move their hips :confused: Who knows what they were thinking.

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i share today because i had a little boy make my day. i was in staff training all weekend so this truly was a highlight. i was waiting for a clearing in traffic (and waiting for my co-workers to head out) when a little boy stopped after getting off the lift to strap in. he just sort of said "hey, cool, too bad people don't make those boards anymore." of course this got a response out of me, talking about how there are smaller companies out there right now that are making them and that alpine was alive and well. to this (again, he made my day) he responded with something like, "cool, i can't wait to learn how to ride one of those, and get my own."

he he he, i so wish i could have like, adopted him right there on the spot and taken him "underwing," further steering him in the direction of riding alpine. or anything to at least have the opportunity to inform him (and his parent's) of the possibilities that are out there and how their son could go about exploring this if he seriously wanted to. and of course suggest that they request me for lessons (so i could continue to work there). i love this sport.....

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On my ship (USS Kitty Hawk) I have aquired the reputation as the "Best" snowboarder, from both a skier's viewpoint and a snowboarders...though this is quite an ego boost it has more to do with the fact that I stay in control and that I am fast rather than any real skill on my point...I still consider myself an intermediate Boarder at best, I'm only now able to maintain the gunfighter pose for about half the day. Still it's rather funny to hear people I don't know talk about how fast I am...NO I DO NOT RACE

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Gecko, Hope you stay out of the mess in the desert. My nephue ran the deck on the Lincoln to start things off. He is out now. Good for him. Last week at Mammoth heard a few good ones. Two of us were on the top of 2 when a skier comes over to look at the boards. Wants to know if we can lay em out?? We said we would give it a go. He followed, said it was the best he had seen in a long time?? Cool !! A bunch of teen free riders came into line and said that was the coolest set up they have ever seen. I was on my 178 Burner. One of them asked if the boots were ski boots, and when I told her that they were Burton boots she could not belive it. Just another good day for an Alpine rider!! Oh, had another one, a lady skier that was real good, said she was interested in trying alpine. However she did say that she beat us down the hill. She could not get it that the turns are the real deal, not going straight down???

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Tim, we have done our time in the pond outside the sandbox...we are slotted for a westpac/downunder tour this year which will give me my fix of Aussie skateparks and other Oriental ports of oppurtunity before I return to the USA and the Icecoast next year... at least Groton has a good concrete skatepark and easy access to NH/VT mountains

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Christmas day this year.

Softbooter behind us in line, just as we're stepping in front of the chair: "Hey, you hardbooters think you're so much faster than me?"

My wife, without missing a beat, looks back and calmly replies, "No. But we can hold an edge better than you."

Smacked down by the woman on the pink Donek... :D

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Originally posted by joecarve

"No. But we can hold an edge better than you."

Smacked down by the woman on the pink Donek... :D

ROTFLAMO - wonderful comeback!!!

First day out this season as I'm putting my board in the rack: "How can you ride something that skinny? That can't be a REAL snowboard!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took my homemade split down to Sportsmans Chalet in Bellingham to get a basic base grind. When I picked it up tonite, I was chatting with one of the guys there about skins. One of the other guys, young kid, I think trying to impress the girl he was trying to sell gear to, said "You know,you can put real bindings on that if you want to." Needless to say, I kinda jumped down his throat a little. I said "These ARE real bindings, and I use REAL snowboard boots with them, REAL plastic snowboard boots." I almost went back on my way home (30 miles) to add some choice comments about his upbringing or lack thereof, his lack of knowledge about snowboarding and his lack of tact. I expect a little in the lift line, but certainly not as a paying customer.

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Originally posted by Gecko

On my ship (USS Kitty Hawk) I have aquired the reputation as the "Best" snowboarder, from both a skier's viewpoint and a snowboarders...though this is quite an ego boost it has more to do with the fact that I stay in control and that I am fast rather than any real skill on my point...I still consider myself an intermediate Boarder at best, I'm only now able to maintain the gunfighter pose for about half the day. Still it's rather funny to hear people I don't know talk about how fast I am...NO I DO NOT RACE

Kitty Hawk? Bagged a few traps on that boat a while ago- Prowler driver in a former life and did the Midway swap for the Indy before the Kitty. Drop me a line (offline) when you have a chance.


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Wow...that brings back memories. I was a Prowler plane captain for a few years and was probably the only PN3 to work in the line shack in the squadron's history. I worked with a couple of airframers that did the Midway swap. I still love that plane but don't miss being stuck on the boat or being away from family.



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Originally posted by Sean

Kitty Hawk? Bagged a few traps on that boat a while ago- Prowler driver in a former life and did the Midway swap for the Indy before the Kitty. Drop me a line (offline) when you have a chance.


See KittyHawk Post .. Don't want to threadjack

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Originally posted by northcoast


Wow...that brings back memories. I was a Prowler plane captain for a few years and was probably the only PN3 to work in the line shack in the squadron's history. I worked with a couple of airframers that did the Midway swap. I still love that plane but don't miss being stuck on the boat or being away from family.

Hmmm... PN3 in the line shack? Get on the skipper's bad side? What time/squadrons were you in? I was a Cougar (VAQ-139) on the Indy when we did that Gulf thing for George the 1st, then did a turn as an IP in 129 before bailing for the reserves in 95. This thread is definitely taking a wierd turn...

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As I got off the lift this morning the guy in the lift house (shack) came out to greet me and said, "You and that other guy you ride with are the best snowboarders I've ever seen here. I think you two have figured it out." On the next trip up he sez to me: "I've got 3 rules I live by: 1. Don't get dead; 2. Don't get pregnant; and 3. Don't ever make an ugly turn. It looks like you've got two of the three rules down." and waves me off.

I continue to exit the chair and then begin to get rebooted into my binding. I start thinking, "sheeez, I don't know which two of the three rules he's quoted to me I've 'got down'. I wonder if I should see a obstetrician, a mortician, or a snowboard instructor?" :)

The other guy I ride with is my almost-17 year old son who usually makes me look like a clown on fire; he does those 'pop' transitions like Will Garrow use to do in Warren Miller movies.


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Originally posted by utahcarver

......makes me look like a clown on fire.........


LMAO, thats the first time I ever heard that one.

I'd guess the liftie was referring to the two rules that would apply to you and your son, the 'pregnant' one being tossed out the window so long as the liftie assumed you are both guys!

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Today, first chair, nice and groomed. The liftie says to me as I'm getting on the chair "I heard it's fast out there today!". I said "Oh, I thought gravity was the same everyday."

Hind sight being 20/20, I should have asked him what "it" was and if "it" wanted to take some runs.

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"Clown on fire"

That's from some radio ad for GEICO insurance that Dennis Miller did this last year. So, I can't claim it as my own. When I heard it for the first time I almost wet myself with the mental imagery. I also kept seeing in my mind Krusty The Clown from The Simpson's with his hair on fire.

What I was really trying to convey in that part of my post was the difference between the generations. At 45, I ride very confident and poised. Then I watch this kid of mine make my lines look like I'm a grommet trying to learn how to ride. Still, it's him that has to shovel the driveway each morning. Rank has it's privileges!

Phil: So, do alpine snowboards have a specific gravity? In Utah, could that mean I get 'carded' at Salty Peaks? :)


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  • 11 months later...

Along the same "Lines". Has anyone else actually had a skier turn you in for leaving "DEEP GROOVES" in the snow???

I have had folks complain politely , but to go to the effort of "Reporting" you to the Ski Patrol as a safety hazard is just too much. Keeping in mind there are days when the trench do get pretty deep. When you come back an hour later and they are still there is a good sign!!

At SES 2005 I got on the main high speed at Buttermilk with a older skier couple. He was pretty mad. Keep in mind we are looking down at 50 expert ripper dicing the groomer like mad slayers of smooth carpet he came to skid on. He said "I going to complain about all these trenches" . I said "Please understand you just happen to be here when the largest group of alpiners in the world have picked this are for the day". He said with a dead pan face. "Where are you tommarrow??" . I just chuckled and said "Ajax" , He said. "Thank God". He seemed ok and I can only hope that satisfied him.

I tried to put myself in his position. Skis two weeks a year (from Texas or something similar) and skids the perfect groomers with little energy. Looks for any easy and pleasureable cattered experience. Hope he and his wife had a great vacation.

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i share today because i had a little boy make my day. i was in staff training all weekend so this truly was a highlight. i was waiting for a clearing in traffic (and waiting for my co-workers to head out) when a little boy stopped after getting off the lift to strap in. he just sort of said "hey, cool, too bad people don't make those boards anymore." of course this got a response out of me, talking about how there are smaller companies out there right now that are making them and that alpine was alive and well. to this (again, he made my day) he responded with something like, "cool, i can't wait to learn how to ride one of those, and get my own."

he he he, i so wish i could have like, adopted him right there on the spot and taken him "underwing," further steering him in the direction of riding alpine. or anything to at least have the opportunity to inform him (and his parent's) of the possibilities that are out there and how their son could go about exploring this if he seriously wanted to. and of course suggest that they request me for lessons (so i could continue to work there). i love this sport.....

awesome. you didnt have any bomber cards on ya, did ya?

on another positive tip:

steamboat springs, 1995/96 season:

my first year on a carver after wanting to try one out since '90 (riding in SoCal...not exactly prevalent)

so...Im doin my best to crank turns down the sunshine lift line. not steep but a constant pitch...fun.

Im really feelin it...havin a blast...locked in...when I sense someone behind me.

I hold up a bit...look back and see RED

OH ****...SKI PATROL...

here I am thinkin I was making "blind turns"...

ski patrol guy cruises by me, and says:


two things happened simultaneously:

1)my confidence in my carving ability jumped drastically (I was new)

2)the "disdain" for skiers I had been taught disappeared. completely. it had been fading already since I rode with some really cool skiers (Danny VanDevender (sp) and a dude named Skye) who RIPPED, but for a ski patrol guy to drop me a compliment like that...

it really opened some doors. or windows. whatever.

edit. did I just repeat myself? thought this was a new thread.

havent ridden a single day yet due to mental CRAP. I suck

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This weekend, I was riding with another hardbooter and a couple of kids on freestyle boards yell out to us as we get off the lift "What do you call those?". I shouted back "What do you call *those*?"

Last night I was there and getting a lot of comments... which is pretty weird because there are a fair number of hardbooters at Tyrol. Usually people are pretty familiar with them. Then I realized that Tuesdays are only $10 lift tickets, so the place was full of folks who get only a few times a year, and the regulars were all home trying to avoid the crowd.

Got one commenent on the lift... "So do you snowboard, too?"

Lots of people commenting on how cool it looked (it helped to have my Volant on, with the stainless topsheet... that is the coolest looking board). I probably explained about carving at least a dozen times on lifts up (I was riding single).

When someone asks you what kind of snowboard you're riding, what do y'all say? Carve board? Race board? Alpine board? I usually give all three, and then spend a few minutes explaining.

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