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Nakiska Expression Session 2012


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I'm thinking it's gang colours. Steve hasn't shived his first jibber yet hence he's not allowed to wear the uniform?

Steve hasn't yet threatened to 'rip the lungs out' of a ski racer that ran over his board. Once he's done that, he can join the red crew.

That was both awesome and scary to witness. I think that guy had an extra lump in his race suit after that lecture. Note to self: don't cross Darcy.

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Here are the videos I took with my little point and shoot. Clearly I need a tripod but other than the shaky cam effect they are not too bad. Pretty good frame that youtube chose arbitrarily for that last one, Darcy killing it there as per usual. Figuratively, this time.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/roIxbXt2A80" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KvSZeODxHyQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QvSs1qqr_5E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kOprn8c0SKk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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I'm thinking it's gang colours. Steve hasn't shived his first jibber yet hence he's not allowed to wear the uniform? You can tell Corey is gangsta by the bandana.

Great pictures. I bought a new jacket but decided not to conform, will look more like Dave and Zoe. Might get an NES uniform in a few more years when I am worthy. I will also leave threatening racer punks to Darcy for now.

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I finally got a video up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB4HRUIjVuk

YouTube gave me grave warnings about the video not being available in all countries due to the music. Please let me know if you couldn't watch it. Please let your neighbour to the North or East of your house know if you don't like the music. :D

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Thanks, Corey. That long follow-cam section of you is great - you were really killing it there!

Thanks Neil! Dave took that great footage, must have been hard work skidding the whole way and matching my speed. What you can't see is my legs screaming for mercy near the end. ;)

I always wondered why I didnt get more action with the way I ride, and then I see how I ride, and its not as awe inspiring as all that... must try harder!!!

It looked awesome to me Kurt. That camera angle isn't very flattering, I had to be too close with the super-wide-angle of the GoPro.

I wish I had got more footage of everyone... :( It's so hard to get footage of yourself.

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"snorts with laughter"

Shred says look after the horny devil for him.

That's what it's all about for me Allee. Glad you got a kick, never take myself too serious.

Horned Monster is not likely leaving Alberta. I REALLY like that stick.

I'm at Panorama and ran into two HB'rs, third year hear, never saw anyon on HB's. the one guy rode super well and I was like "are you on Bomber dude"? He looked at me puzzled and I was like "guy where did you hey your Coiler"??!!!!

He said his cousin is JJA and I laughed. Great guy, great rider. He said he rarely saw any HB's at Pano and then 10 min later another ripper appears, turns out he's the head of the ski school and know's Mark Ballard of CSC. He's threatening an alpine get together. The hill is pretty sweet y'all.

Carbo Monster w/BBP comes out again tomorrow. Still trying to tame that MF.

Come to Pano guys. It's super fun.


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