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Prior ATV 171... Disappointing


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Well Ive ridden this board a few times, and it was underwhelming. last time being the closing day at vail with about a foot of heavy new snow.

This is my second board from prior, first being a WCR metal 183, which rode fairly well, but fell apart.

I thought it was overall too stiff, seemed too have near GS type flex, and the nose was a bit stiffer than it needed to be (conversly the 4807 178 is a bit too soft in the nose.)

I just couldnt get comfortable on the board, was ok on hardpack, but thats obviously not the point. Several other boards I have/had including my madd BX 168, modified MLY 167 melhuse, and volkl cross all did better in almost every respect.

I mean it didnt float too great, and was even worse trying to carve in the softer stuff. Didn't have that much pop, and was a little on the heavy side.

Frankly I think prior put very little effort in to the design of this board. (including the fact that was short a 1/2" on my stance)

I almost did better all mtn on the WCR!! except for the length.

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i think this is a pretty dated design, so perhaps not entirely surprising. i was looking at the demo board rack to see if there's any boards that might fulfil my quest for a fresh snow / crap carver, but now i'm thinking their 'allmountain' hardboot boards could probably use some updates. a 4wd sounds closest to what i want, but the oldschool nose probably isn't optimum for soft / chunky stuff (or so it seems from reviews i've read). the pow stick is almost tempting, but not sure i want the 26cm width, and a split tail is probably overkill for the amount of pow i ride. oh, the ongoing dilemmas...

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If you're going to use it for powder, why not get a board specifically made for powder?

It's funny, I love Prior's boards. Their alpine boards rock, as do their pow boards. But the ATV and 4WD are not that good, imo.

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i think this is a pretty dated design, so perhaps not entirely surprising. i was looking at the demo board rack to see if there's any boards that might fulfil my quest for a fresh snow / crap carver, but now i'm thinking their 'allmountain' hardboot boards could probably use some updates. a 4wd sounds closest to what i want, but the oldschool nose probably isn't optimum for soft / chunky stuff (or so it seems from reviews i've read). the pow stick is almost tempting, but not sure i want the 26cm width, and a split tail is probably overkill for the amount of pow i ride. oh, the ongoing dilemmas...

Get the Fissile. An incredible new shape of theirs, and if you get it narrowed down some it is awesome with hardboots.

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If you're going to use it for powder, why not get a board specifically made for powder?

It's funny, I love Prior's boards. Their alpine boards rock, as do their pow boards. But the ATV and 4WD are not that good, imo.

oh i'm thinking about it. pow stick work w/ hardboots? 176 vs 181?

no cheap fissle, alas. spearhead is also an option...


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Don't know... I rode it quite a few years back and I liked it. Mind you, it was a carbon reinforced version, built for a 220lbs rider.

Yeah, wide WCRMs are quite good all-mountain-ish, probably better then 4WD and non-metal Axxess or Coilers. However, none of those are real all-mountain boards in my book.

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For just occasional use in powder/crud, at a REALLY low price, it's hard to beat an old Burton Alp - just get the longest one you can find. They float well, and are so soft that they smooth things out a lot. Can't really be leaned on if you find some hardpack, but they'll get you around even there. Torque is so loose mid-board that you can do some cute things with independent foot-action too.

I keep one around for when my 180 Racecarve starts nosediving.

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i rode a pow-stick recently at whistler and in my opinion it carves well with hard boots- at least as well as the AWD. i dont generally like wide boards but for some reason it doesnt feel any wider at 23cms than the 21.5 cm wide AWD. Once in the soft snow it really shines and i finished the day very impressed with the board. some boards you get on and immediately know they are right. this is one.

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yeah, the pow stick gets some solid reviews. this is the stock 26cm deck though. might be worth a try for kicks. never tried a real powder board.

curious how it compares to the spearhead though. looks to be similar apart from the round vs swallow tail.

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For just occasional use in powder/crud, at a REALLY low price, it's hard to beat an old Burton Alp - just get the longest one you can find.

Yeah, Alp is ok quasi-all-mountain. I've still got a 169, mostly used as a loaner. Burton Speed Wide is even better all-round board.


As to Powsticks, Spearheads, etc. 26 gets really wide for h/boots, unless big boots. I can give you a lead to a really cheap but beat up Spearhead 166, if Scooby doesn't wan't it.

Otherwise, take a demo on 3800, for real pow pleasure on the cheap.

Big difference in ride between swallies and roundtails.


What is an AWD? ;) 4WD? ATW? Hybrid of the 2?

On a more serious note, does Prior have a non-standard 23 wide Powstick on demo?

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What is an AWD? ;) 4WD? ATW? Hybrid of the 2?

On a more serious note, does Prior have a non-standard 23 wide Powstick on demo?

whatever..... you know what I mean. And I am sure they keep changing the name. I am easily confused.

Actually I see now that the 176 I rode was 26cm wide. Somehow it only feels as wide as the all mountain board. I was very surprised at how much I liked the pow-stick. I really want to like the 4WD.... but I just don't no matter how much I ride it.

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I have a 176 pow-stick and it is a great board. Floats amazingly well in the pow. The only carving was on two groomer widths midmorning after a 10 inch dump. There are some good videos on youtube of people carving with HB on Powsticks. Suprisingly it carved really well and was fun to transition from the tracked powder to the groomed....rail a carve in the groom and float through the pow. Mine is for sale in the classifieds. Overkill for Minnesota.

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I had a somewhat similar experience with my Donek Axxess 172 ('05 I think). When I first tried it out I found the board almost unrideable and fought with the bastards for 2 seasons... stiff as hell, esp the nose, and it wouldnt hold in anything. I think I tried every possible stance/setback/angle/cant/lift combination possible and still found it unmanageable.

Of course these were my beginner days and it was disconcerting that I could ride ok on other boards but this Axxess, a supposed good beg's board and "all-mountain" was something that honestly couldnt do anything well, and on hardpack or ice, it was an f'ing disaster.

Well, and there's always a "well...", one day I said f' it and just mounted the bindings using maximum setback, narrowed my stance from 53 to 49cm and wham!!! the thing could rock... it was weird as hell but I could go nuts with it on everything except the **** I ride 90% of the time on, frozen hardpack/ice. Now, hurumph hurumph, as Im a better rider I love the board as an early/late seasoner, as long as its powda or soft or mushy or off-piste or moguls, but for anything else, PASS.

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Well Ive ridden this board a few times, and it was underwhelming. last time being the closing day at vail with about a foot of heavy new snow.

This is my second board from prior, first being a WCR metal 183, which rode fairly well, but fell apart.

I thought it was overall too stiff, seemed too have near GS type flex, and the nose was a bit stiffer than it needed to be (conversly the 4807 178 is a bit too soft in the nose.)

I just couldnt get comfortable on the board, was ok on hardpack, but thats obviously not the point. Several other boards I have/had including my madd BX 168, modified MLY 167 melhuse, and volkl cross all did better in almost every respect.

I mean it didnt float too great, and was even worse trying to carve in the softer stuff. Didn't have that much pop, and was a little on the heavy side.

Frankly I think prior put very little effort in to the design of this board. (including the fact that was short a 1/2" on my stance)

I almost did better all mtn on the WCR!! except for the length.

Wow what a shocker again a product you don't like, man thoose prior guys should get back to the drawing board. It is a shame they haven't sold any snowboard in the past.....

You also forgot to mention the prior that "fell apart" was already broke when you bought it after being very used.

Funny how some riders can ride any board, but you can't.......I wonder why that is?????:barf:

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Wow what a shocker again a product you don't like, man thoose prior guys should get back to the drawing board. It is a shame they haven't sold any snowboard in the past.....

You also forgot to mention the prior that "fell apart" was already broke when you bought it after being very used.

Funny how some riders can ride any board, but you can't.......I wonder why that is?????:barf:

Hey Bordy, howsit man?

No worries about this cat, he ain't happy if he ain't whining about sumthin.

Not called the divebummer on accident.

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Hey Bordy, howsit man?

No worries about this cat, he ain't happy if he ain't whining about sumthin.

Not called the divebummer on accident.

LOL, two of a kind; two old guys that still act like they are 13.You know you can really tell a lot about a person by the $hlt they speak online:lol:

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LOL, two of a kind; two old guys that still act like they are 13.You know you can really tell a lot about a person by the $hlt they speak online:lol:

Which is why you have all the nick names and amazing friends on this forum.

I am sure I am the Idiot.....with all my negitive reviews, and faults with gear?

Some how I (the imature Idiot) can set up scores of people on gear and get praised and payed for the results.

You can't even get your own gear sorted out as stated by your post on this forum, and if you can't adapt to different gear and discover its intended use, how valid are your reviews or the correctness of calling products disapointing?

Your personal ability to judge the true effectivness of gear, Its ability to serve a large number of riders when you have such quirkey needs of your own, such a diservice to any one reading your post.

I enjoy watching you "place blame" on all the differnt gear you ride when I beleive there is only one part of your personal snowboarding system that could use improvment, I hope you find a way to ovecome it.

Carvedog, all is well, More kiting then carving, but I don't mind after so much time on a chair lift and race course it is nice to not have to work, I miss my athletes alot but my family makes up for it. Just a year or two more then I can get back to more snowboarding.

Fun to be called 13 again but based on this Cats normal reviews I think it was ment to be negitive. Hope its all good up in ID, great snow year out west! I was up in the Camas Valley for a snowkite contest great coverage!

I read you are liking your big gun sounds like a fun stick how is it holding up?

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My Prior B2 kicks a$$, so I say thanks to all the old guys who act 13!!!!!! mostly because they forgot way more about boarding then most of us will ever learn.

Glad you are digging it Gary, Still my favorite go to board for pure fun, best one stick quiver I have had. Mini race board with free ride tendancys not small enough to be a SL stick not big enough to be a full blown GS stick just fun to ride. Hope it gives you years of joy!


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Glad you are digging it Gary, Still my favorite go to board for pure fun, best one stick quiver I have had. Mini race board with free ride tendancys not small enough to be a SL stick not big enough to be a full blown GS stick just fun to ride. Hope it gives you years of joy!


any idea how the bsquared specs compare to the new FLC? i was kinda inspired by that b2 - looked like the perfect all mountain alpine freecarving ripper - really the progressive direction alpine should be headed (imo). i ordered an flc & had it in my hands, but due to a build error, ended up sending it back before it touched snow. still deliberating if i should revisit this for next season.

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This is a little off topic, but everyone seems interested. I spent three days on the B^2 (thanks to Will and Dave) and loved it. It's a 175 with a 21.5cm waist. It's got all of the latest technological goodness (metal, decamber, VSR) and sounds like a custom FLC to me. Unfortunately, hardbooter was sold out by the time I demoed. I was curious about the rest of the specs and emailed Prior directly. This is the response I got.

> Its a custom for Billy, twin tip style race board. carves backwards or

> forward with ease that's if you ride like Billy.

> side cut is 15/17 no taper. 21 on the waist as I recall.

> Chris

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