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SkES 2011 Daily Rub In


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Once again, the most entertaining thread of the season.

I'm a bit confused. I thought getting "fully laid" involved at least 2 people.

John E - Wow! So many directions one could go with this... "Vibrators are people, too!" comes to mind. And a careful review of Fin's "Sex in the SES" from a couple years back will reveal that many carvers get along just fine by themselves... :p (I think most carvers just use their personalities as contraceptive devices anyway. :eplus2:)

But the truth is that you have really hurt Mud Flap Guy's feelings. :nono::( He was there in every pic, right behind two_ravens the whole way! :biggthump He may not be pretty, but he's pretty tough - he does fully laid out euro carves butt naked in all conditions! (I think he ought to win the carver's G.N.A.R. contest!) Anyway, the organizers of SkES feel you owe Mud Flap Guy an apology. :angryfire If you are attending SES, you may apologize in person, as he doesn't hang out on BOL much (and now I can see why!)

OK, lifts open at 10. We're going to go ride!

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fin, you need to consider two_ravens as the official SES Reporter :biggthump.....

OR would that be a 'conflict of interest' :rolleyes: ?

two_ravens, Thanks Again for the updates on SkES :) !!

I second that! And she might even be able to get a picture or two of some turkeys on plates at SES!

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I sincerely apologize to Mud Flap Guy for not including him as a people.

I've always thought that one of the best things about snowboarding is you never have to worry if anyone else enjoyed it.

I hope it was good for MFG too.

By the way - hope it is warmer at Snow King than here. It was -40 at Steamboat this morning.

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Miss Kelly, I'm going to have to comment on the fact that your apparel this year looks ... for want of a better word ... BORING.

Straight yellow jacket and black pants? Pleased to see that the purple heelsides outfit made an appearance, but damn girl, BDD is totally outstylin' you in the Volcom gear!

I expect to see the screaming neon one piece busted out for the banquet - one has to uphold the fashion sensibilities of the Montucky crew, yanno!!

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Hey everybody, thanks for all the positive feedback. :1luvu:

John E, apology accepted. :) And yes, it's ALWAYS good for MFG. :p (p.s. -40?!?!?! That's just ridiculous!!! :eek::eek::eek:)

Allee, it's true BDD is totally rocking the colors this year. He's doing us proud! :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump

As to your assessment of 2raven's attire - we'll deal with you in Whitefish, grrrl..... :eplus2:

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Well, a balmy -20 on the SkES house porch this morning. Brrr!


1) The crew gets a bit of a late start, bundled up for the cold - a little sun makes it SEEM warmer... sort of... :eek::eek::eek:

2) Wow, a busy day on the King.

3) Looks like about 150 little racers on the hill. Hey, good luck with that, guys. That looks really, really cold....:eek::(




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OK, to be honest, we didn't last very long today. Just cold enough to dampen our enthusiasm a little bit. AND, everyone is excited to see what will be revealed at SkES House this afternoon!!!!

1) We find a little bit of fresh groom on Kelly's Alley. Still looks cold though!

2) Photographic self-check for frostbite - noses and toeses still seem to be OK... for now! :D



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Damn it, why was I not told of this event going on!

I could have brought 52 sets of Td3 and 34 Boiler Plates.

Fin, the real reason you weren't invited????? :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2: Because your Boiler Plate can't hold a candle to our new.....

Pi Plate

Available only at SkES 2011 - exclusive new technology to enhance your carving experience!!! From the brilliant mind and mathematical genius of Two Ravens comes a totally radical step forward in carving technology. The Pi Plate will unleash your unlimited carving potential. Don't be left out: BUY ONE NOW!!!! Every carver on the planet needs one of these!!!!!


1) Blinded by delight! The new Pi Plate revealed!

2) Lightweight design fits any hole pattern. Absolutely guaranteed to improve the performance of any boot/binding/board/rider combination in any and all conditions!!!!



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Reviewer's comments about the AMAZING NEW PI PLATE technology:

"Tasty!!! :p"

"Gives you that Pie in the Sky feeling! Never ridden anything like it before! :1luvu::1luvu:"


1) Easily adjustable to fit any width board. Here we demonstrate the quick and easy way to fit it to a wider board.

2) Equally simple to fit the Pi Plate to the narrower boards in your quiver.

BUY ONE NOW!!! YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF, BECAUSE YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump



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Here is a sneak peek at the research project we are working on for next year, code named "Pi 'R Squared" This plate technology promises even more radical advances, and will be totally customizable to allow unlimited pedaling ability AND pre-drilled to fit ANY hole pattern on the planet!!!!!

OK people, let's hear you shout it out, all together now: at SkES, we believe in pedaling!!! Yeah!!!


1) sneak peek at the Pi 'R Squared plate.... :biggthump

2) customize yours for any kind of pedaling technique you prefer!!! :1luvu::1luvu::1luvu:



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two_ravens, Can I just but one :freak3: or do they come in pairs :confused:

They come packaged 3 for a dollar. I know.... just deal with it!!! :eplus2:

OMG what a brilliant design! Can I buy a set at SES or is this offer only available at SkES?

This is an SkES exclusive offer!!!! Last day is tomorrow - you could fly out now!

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two_ravens, I have a High School buddy that lives in Jackson :) can I have him pick them up?

Local pick-up - YES! In anticipation of exceptionally high demand, I am working with a local retailer. Your buddy can swing by the Dollar Store, at the corner of Broadway and Flat Creek Drive - they have a great supply!

Okay I'm working on changing my connection flight to SES for a stop at SkES. :D

Excellent choice! When you show up at SES with these under your feet - you will be warping all their minds!!! :eek::biggthump:eplus2::D

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We can't believe it either - SkES 2011 is coming to a close. :(:1luvu::p:smashfrea:eplus2::ices_ange

So many emotions, so few emoticons!!!

The crew is moving a little slowly this morning. The legs are tired, but our hearts are full of all the great memories, and the wonderful camaraderie we have shared at this spectacular event! So many stories left untold - personal victories out on the slopes, the exquisite feeling of that closer-to-perfect carve, the hunger to do it again, and again, and again..... (Yeah, we don't need any addiction therapy - we love our addiction!!!:1luvu::1luvu::1luvu:) Plus new friendships formed and old friendships renewed. Words and pictures (and even emoticons!) can't truly convey the depth of the experience when so many like-mined souls gather....

Well, we're going to try to get everyone gaggled up and out on the slopes soon to enjoy one last day of riding with this amazing group of carvers. Then a surprise special event this afternoon, followed by the traditional banquet this evening. Hope to see you all there!!!! :)

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