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Question for my Canadian friends

Bobby Buggs

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Manager - Marketing and Communications Services of WHAT?

I know there is a running joke that Canada is really small and everyone knows everyone, but Ottawa is even smaller and a lot of people have been coming out of the wood-work this year, so someone might actually know him. This city is truly crazy - more like three degrees of separation between everyone.

Off the top of my head I do not know him, but like I said - others around the city who have years on snow and work at some of the local hills or within the sport community might.

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It really is a running joke. One time at a US hotel, someone runs up to a few of us and says:

"There's a crazy dog by the pool. We think it's from Canada, do you know who owns it?"

What could we do but laugh?

Anyway, there's a few hits on LinkedIn from Google: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=Gilles+LeBlanc&meta=&aq=f&aqi=g1g-v9&aql=&oq=

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Thanks Tabatha, this was the type of response I expected. You never know who knows who, especially in another country. This place is my biggest exposure to Canadian readers so I figured just maybe there would be a connection.

Guess not but no one got hurt except Trash and that matters none.

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...It's a running joke among Canadians - we've all been asked, "hey, you're from Canada, I was there one time - do you know Jim Smith?"

Um, same thing here.... "oh, you're from London?" (actually I'm from Blackburn and live in Cambridge, but I don't like to confuse things if it's not important).

Then: "do you know John Smith, he lives there?"

I think the people who ask those questions come from countries where a fair percentage of the people have slightly strange world-views.

There are, what... eight million people in the London, plus millions of mostly confused tourists. There are people there who I've known all my life and you just never meet them by chance. Ok, it's probably worse for Canada because it's quite a big place, but even for quite a small place with a lot of people it's a question which betrays quite a lot about the education system of the those who ask it.

(I'm afraid I don't know the guy in the OP, but if the guy is "in the business" then the scope of the question is much narrower.)

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