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Point load prevention device


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Carving news bulletin.

Failure to utilize a "point load prevention device" on your metal board may result in catostrophic failure of the metal board.

Point load prevention devices are abundantly available on the interweb. They range from simple plastic plates to integrated fulcrum/slider technology. Get one today or risk catostrophic operator error on your new metal board.

Coming up; news on the revolutionary new accessory for the accessory for your new metal board.

In other news; Not using your new/or pre-owned metal board will cause it to last longer. Stay tuned.

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So Bomber claims that td3's wont damage a metal board? And If I put the sidewinders on my other SG that has not turned into a "split board" yet, will this last? And if/when it fails, will either Bomber or SG claim responsibility? So, its safe to mount metal bindings on metal boards without plates of some sort? Or are plates of some sort a pre-requisite?

Im pretty sure that a board shouldnt split like mine did right where the most point load occurs. And Im pretty sure Bomber said to take my issue up with SG and Im pretty sure SG asked specifically what kind of bindings were on the board when the front binding ripped it apart. Metal bindings are not safe to put on SG boards! I'm claiming this until it is disproven.

Funny thing is, BOL isnt always going to be a techo-weenie ass kissing fest. Some folks may have legit beefs about one thing or another and want some insight. Another funny thing is that some techno-weenies might want to consider what they say in chat rooms, they may wind up in the same actual room someday with the person they are disrespecting. :nono:

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I always wonder in general why boards delam under or in front of the bindings. Not metal boards in specific. Boards in general have hard times in all those bumps. Never broke a board but that's may be I am just a recreational warrior, don't have many snowdays in a year and am not a very aggressive rider ( I don't take jumps). May be this will help:

VIRUS Absorption Plates. In this case put on an Oxess Worldcup UPM.


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So Bomber claims that td3's wont damage a metal board? And If I put the sidewinders on my other SG that has not turned into a "split board" yet, will this last? And if/when it fails, will either Bomber or SG claim responsibility? So, its safe to mount metal bindings on metal boards without plates of some sort? Or are plates of some sort a pre-requisite?

Im pretty sure that a board shouldnt split like mine did right where the most point load occurs. And Im pretty sure Bomber said to take my issue up with SG and Im pretty sure SG asked specifically what kind of bindings were on the board when the front binding ripped it apart. Metal bindings are not safe to put on SG boards! I'm claiming this until it is disproven.

Funny thing is, BOL isnt always going to be a techo-weenie ass kissing fest. Some folks may have legit beefs about one thing or another and want some insight. Another funny thing is that some techno-weenies might want to consider what they say in chat rooms, they may wind up in the same actual room someday with the person they are disrespecting. :nono:

Dude, you don't know the board wasn't trashed when you bought it used.

Now you're burning bridges, but as you leave, dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.;)

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I broke one of my boards last year. At the time it disturbed me greatly as everything seemed to happen without cause. It was my first run at ECES. Probably my 5th turn of the run, I hit a mogul and my intec heel dissintegrated and the board broke. There was very little there to indicate something like this should have happened.

As I reviewed everything, it occured to me that the last run I took on the same board at SES involved a collision and my foot coming out of my binding. I clipped back in a rode to the bottom of the hill without any problems.

If you examine the above scenario though, it was the very next run (2 weeks later) that everything went to he!!. Every crash that a board goes through, every turn that a rider makes is one turn or crash closer to failure.

Boards break, just like that fuel pump, transmission, shock absorber, etc. on your car. Something happens in their lifetime that results in failure the next or nearly next time it is used.

Boards break. So do people. Hopefully the board breaks first.

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Jason, if you take a little time to understand how the dampening system on TD2s and TD3s work, you'll realize the metal center disk is quite insulated from line-loading the board. The board would have to basically destroy the e-ring and cant disk for this to happen. I'm not speaking for Bomber here. I've been riding metal boards since Prior's first production model in 2006, never with anything between the bindings and the board, and never had a problem. YMMV.

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It seemed pretty clear that metal bindings could break early metal boards by point loading at the edges of the binding. Often the tear in the titinal at the break matched the front contact point of the binding on the board. That issue seems to have been completely remedied by all manufacturers.

There is nothing about this damage that says a metal binding did it. It does not match the issues of the past.

Claiming you are going to insist it is true until someone proves you wrong really makes me concerned about you reasoning skills.

You bought a used racer's board. It broke on you. Now you are mad at SG and Bomber. Just 8 months ago you started a thread about "buyer beware" when buying used boards from racers due to your experiences. What happened to that idea. How did it become the manufacturer's faults now?

Not to mention you went off on Bomber last winter because they did not tell you they were about to release the Sidewinders when you bought TD3s. Even though we all knew they were coming but no one else had been told when.

Seems to be a theme of blaming others here.

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I just bought a used metal topped Kessler and some used metal Phiokka bindings. I then went to the store, picked up $2 worth of polycarbonate end cuts and made some very nice point load prevention plates.

If I brake my used gear I'll go buy some new used gear- same as I would have done 6 years ago if I broke a used glass board.

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Sadly, your beef is NOT legit! Critical thinking and mabey a dose of logic would easily demonstrate to you that your being a chode. Used is used bro, buyer beware. Can't feel any sympathy for ya on this. :flamethro

Think Snow!

i'm trying to understand how a load-distribution plate would lessen the chances of inserts being pulled up/through a core laminate.
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Mr. E.

Buy new gear dude and understand the real performance not worn-out performance

Thanks Bola- in 14 years as a hard booter I've only ever owned a handful of new boards and have yet to break anything. I'm just not that tough on gear. And I have certainly broken me on the hill more then gear.

My point was that in buying used gear I have to take responsibility for it breaking, be it on the first run or in 4 years. I bought it used, which implicitly means I have no idea what has happened to it and shouldn't expect warranty work from a manufacturer who made no money on me.

And as a guy who has to work pretty hard to afford lift tickets, that $500 saved goes a long way for me. That isn't complaining- I make some pretty high end gear myself, but I don't begrudge dudes who buy used bikes if that keeps them riding.

Speaking of which, when these Phiokka's start to show their age I guess I'll be calling up for some parts.

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