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Have you talked with Tex? Maybe if you let him know his verbal comments of members "killing" themselves and foul language would lessen if he knew it was not in the BOL spirit.

tex is a fixture here and also contributes a lot of knowledge, he also does not piss off people in just about every thread he posts in.

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tex is a fixture here and also contributes a lot of knowledge, he also does not piss off people in just about every thread he posts in.

Fixture? Absolutely. Pissing people off? Well, he may not talk about alternatives to high priced gear and follows the mainstream thought about hardbooting vs. soft, but I would not say he doesn't have a mean streak or is a hot head or steps out of line. Bobdea, you and I have butted heads many o' times, but for some reason I hold you in a different light. Perhaps because Tex gets away with violent attacks, not just against me, but others, comments that others would never get away with simply because he clings to the "old" model of hardboot carving. Is that a bad thing? Well, I know we all hate change, but if the sport is going to branch out we have to be willing to accept the fact that if alpine is going to be around in 20 years then there has to be some flexability. Even BOL is coming out with SB gear, and every company that makes the skinny HB boards are making wider and wider carving alternatives. Even SB specific "carving" boards. Yes, I've made the mistake of talking about SB on the carving forum in the past, but in the year 2010 I've kept all my comments about SB on the off topic page (with the exception of the SB thread started by the administration). I can say that I've never told another member of BOL to kill themselves.

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Good! and I hope that should you need one, you're able to find a much better replacement.

Thanks for the possitive reply and I think that a replacement will not be necessary. In a 3 bedroom house, one roomate is enough. I've known this guy since highschool and he has a kid too, so I think the "bachelor" attidude is a thing of the past. Side note, my daughter started windsurfing this year and can already gybe and tack. We've been out 3 times this year and she is where I was after more than twice that many times out. Thinking about getting her a harness for next year if not later this summer.:biggthump

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bobdea... What, no comment?

WTF? you really want a fight don't you?

here's a tip, take one cup of bleach and cup of ammonia, mix, inhale deeply for the ultimate high. have not tried it myself. you first.

I hope that old roomy used your toothbrush to clean some clingers out of the toilet before leaving, I know I would.

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Fixture? Absolutely. Pissing people off? Well, he may not talk about alternatives to high priced gear and follows the mainstream thought about hardbooting vs. soft, but I would not say he doesn't have a mean streak or is a hot head or steps out of line. Bobdea, you and I have butted heads many o' times, but for some reason I hold you in a different light. Perhaps because Tex gets away with violent attacks, not just against me, but others, comments that others would never get away with simply because he clings to the "old" model of hardboot carving. Is that a bad thing? Well, I know we all hate change, but if the sport is going to branch out we have to be willing to accept the fact that if alpine is going to be around in 20 years then there has to be some flexability. Even BOL is coming out with SB gear, and every company that makes the skinny HB boards are making wider and wider carving alternatives. Even SB specific "carving" boards. Yes, I've made the mistake of talking about SB on the carving forum in the past, but in the year 2010 I've kept all my comments about SB on the off topic page (with the exception of the SB thread started by the administration). I can say that I've never told another member of BOL to kill themselves.

Wow....you guys quote this douche and make me look...


Please remember these things:

1) I apologized publicly for telling you to kill yourself, but apparently you are too insecure to let it go - I strongly suggest that you seek professional help to overcome your victim mentality and become a better, more positive person.

2) I have over 28 years of snowboarding experience, including national level racing and state level freestyle comps, as well as two years of teaching, and have always moved along with the new developments in technique and gear. I have never once suggested that old gear is unrideable - other than some gear being unsafe due to age - I have simply supported the progressive efforts of builders like Coiler and Donek and suggested that once you reach a certain level of skill, the obvious next step in improving your riding is to improve your equipment.

3)Show me one piece of real stoke you have added to this place. You bitch and moan alot and contribute absolutely nothing. I have in the past and will continue to add as much positivity to this place as possible. I have met people from here in person who I consider to be real friends. Have you made any efforts to further this community besides your constant whining?

4) I like BobDea's suggestion - I hear it gets you really mellow.

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3)Show me one piece of real stoke you have added to this place. You bitch and moan alot and contribute absolutely nothing. I have in the past and will continue to add as much positivity to this place as possible. I have met people from here in person who I consider to be real friends. Have you made any efforts to further this community besides your constant whining?

Take me off ignore and you might see some stuff that doesn't piss you off. Here's one I put on SBsailors thread on surfing. Here's a few threads started by yours truly... http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=28729, http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=30065, http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=26342, http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=20849


Compliments of photodad. I'm glad I had an excuse to post this one again, it really is that good.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWFkCyO4gR4&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWFkCyO4gR4&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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I'm in a middle of a 36 hour shift-24 at the ER and now a day job at a clinic in Conroe and last night was filled with my ER pet peeves....

Like the 4 year old who's brought to the ER with intermittent stomach pain for a week at 4 am and who's laughing and playing with said mom...

Like the 3 year old who's brought in because "mom can't control his fever with Tylenol". Of course it's one dropperful of the infant Tylenol drops that she gave him 1 time 12 hours ago...that child was brought in a 1 am...

Like the 14 year old who snuck out of the house and got into a car wreck at 12 am....who was walking around the car and the scene and her parents refused EMS transport...but, once she starts getting into trouble, decides to tell everyone that the car was going 55 mph, and she was submerged for 5 minutes, and maybe she lost consciousness for a minute, and she wasn't wearing her selt belt and the car rolled over...did I mention she was ambulatory at the scene and showed up in the ER 3 hours after the accident?

Or the drug seeker who shows up at 12 am with a 2 week history of a cough and, oh, BTW, can I refill her vicodin? Or the drug seeker with bad teeth who comes in with tooth pain at 2 am. Or the young lady who comes in for evaluation of a fever following an elective abortion and doesn't bother to mention she never got around to getting her antibiotic prescription filled and I find this out after I call the OB at 4 am. Antibiotic on Walmart $4 list, BTW

I'm giving the guy with a kidney stone and the guy who was delirious a pass...the rest were my patients between 12 am and 7 am today

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I'm in a middle of a 36 hour shift-24 at the ER and now a day job at a clinic in Conroe and last night was filled with my ER pet peeves....

(note:outrageous redacted)

I'm giving the guy with a kidney stone and the guy who was delirious a pass...the rest were my patients between 12 am and 7 am today

Reminds me of my one night (into morning) at Gilley's in the '70's. That place, especially its parking lot, must have sent thousands to local ER's through the years.

Sounds like you need a heaping helping of those 'darkside cookies', or something...

(And if that doesn't work, try some rhubarb pie or a generous serving of catsup...)


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I'm in a middle of a 36 hour shift-24 at the ER and now a day job at a clinic in Conroe and last night was filled with my ER pet peeves....

Like the 4 year old who's brought to the ER with intermittent stomach pain for a week at 4 am and who's laughing and playing with said mom...

Like the 3 year old who's brought in because "mom can't control his fever with Tylenol". Of course it's one dropperful of the infant Tylenol drops that she gave him 1 time 12 hours ago...that child was brought in a 1 am...

Like the 14 year old who snuck out of the house and got into a car wreck at 12 am....who was walking around the car and the scene and her parents refused EMS transport...but, once she starts getting into trouble, decides to tell everyone that the car was going 55 mph, and she was submerged for 5 minutes, and maybe she lost consciousness for a minute, and she wasn't wearing her selt belt and the car rolled over...did I mention she was ambulatory at the scene and showed up in the ER 3 hours after the accident?

Or the drug seeker who shows up at 12 am with a 2 week history of a cough and, oh, BTW, can I refill her vicodin? Or the drug seeker with bad teeth who comes in with tooth pain at 2 am. Or the young lady who comes in for evaluation of a fever following an elective abortion and doesn't bother to mention she never got around to getting her antibiotic prescription filled and I find this out after I call the OB at 4 am. Antibiotic on Walmart $4 list, BTW

I'm giving the guy with a kidney stone and the guy who was delirious a pass...the rest were my patients between 12 am and 7 am today

Wow, that's some serious stuff, but can relate. I'm divorced and am nearing the end of a nasty 7 year custody battle with my only child. I'm almost done with my bachelors degree in radiology all while working and barely making ends meet and doing the single father thing. Looking forward to, but at the same time understanding the situations I'll be facing working in the medical field. I spent most of my childhood in hospitals starting with open heart surgery at the age of 7 due to a ventricular septum defect. I attend a school that is conected to one of our local hospitals. I've heard all kinds of stories about ignorant parents. I think the worst one I've seen is a mother who brought in her daughter who was so dehydrated it was nearly impossible to insert an IV because her veins had colapsed. The child was consious but not responsive. Apparently she had been having serious diarrea for nearly 2 weeks, couldn't keep anything down, and had a fever of 105 before she brought her in. Her daughter was 9 months.

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...and how old are you now?

Old enough to be a grumpy old man. :p My avatar is from 89 and I wish you could see the top sheet because that was a Burton Air prototype. The rep that sold it to me as a demo said they only made 15 of those. The model that was produced was the one that had the purple top sheet with the red lettering "AIR" on the top. Mine was tourqoise with purple lettering and had a glossy top sheet instead of the flat textured top sheet.

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...and still not a single post about carving.

Why are you here again?


Ok, I've posted many "premeire" vids of Casper a while back, but after the slaughtering I get when I try to put anything on here about carving I figured I'd stick to Off Topic. Oh, I did give a review of the Madd BX 168 I bought from Bigcanuk. Figures, you'd ask for 1, I'd give you several and it still wouldn't be good enough. You know, keep me on ignore and try very hard not make first contact with me again. K? Has StevefromOregon and AlaskanRover not been keeping you busy enough? What have you done positive this week?

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One or two of my Pet Peeves are internet or US Mail Scams.. not the scam itself but how poorly executed some of them are..misspelled words or poor grammer (sic) -- Like the one I got yesterday--- the scammer mailed me a check for $4800 on a good looking check. I need to pay the income tax on it before I cash it.. typical scam so far --- but on the bank check they sent me they misspelled the city in which the bank is located. :confused::smashfrea

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Ok, I've posted many "premeire" vids of Casper a while back, but after the slaughtering I get when I try to put anything on here about carving I figured I'd stick to Off Topic. Oh, I did give a review of the Madd BX 168 I bought from Bigcanuk. Figures, you'd ask for 1, I'd give you several and it still wouldn't be good enough. You know, keep me on ignore and try very hard not make first contact with me again. K? Has StevefromOregon and AlaskanRover not been keeping you busy enough? What have you done positive this week?

I hope the "criminal" gives you as much stoke as it did for me:biggthump

It carved the schite outta 45* hard pack like the lil wood demon graphic suggests;

light on the feet with a big bite:1luvu: best "do it all" board I've ever ridden.



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I hope the "criminal" gives you as much stoke as it did for me:biggthump

It carved the schite outta 45* hard pack like the lil wood demon graphic suggests;

light on the feet with a big bite:1luvu: best "do it all" board I've ever ridden.



I actually liked it for it's hold on the ice. It seemed the cruddier it got the better the board performed.:biggthump

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