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Ankle Recovery - How long?


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I broke my fibula and tore ligaments etc on my left foot just before Christmas. The cast came off Feb 3rd. It took me 2 weeks with crutches to be mobile, 1 week with only one crutch (could walk without for about 5 minutes.) then about half a week with a cane before I could walk half decently. I am still really slow but I have about 50- 60 percent of my normal range of motion. I need to go back and get a screw taken out that holds my fibula and tibia. This should help out my range of motion. I keep stretching it and it doing my PT exercises. It gets better every day. I might try boarding around Easter if I feel up to it.

Heal well guys.

Heal well to you too. Tore ligaments, I heard anything with muscle will take xtra timing t heal. Did they do any surgery on the ligament? How did it happend?


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Scooby, The upper two buckles were snug, but my calves are thin and the buckles were snug mostly from the plastic, not because they were really holding my calf that tightly. After the break, I could not put any weight on it unless I really tightened them up as far as I could. AND the boots are one size too big! I had just put a 1/8" (3mm) shim under the heel of the liner and added boot fitting foam behind the Achilles tendon on either side to get better heal hold. But the upper calf was loose. I am getting the filler pieces from Tognar to address the looseness. As well as looking for MP25 boots.

The odd thing was that after Ski Patrol looked at the ankle, wrapped it up in bandages and packed it with snow, they pushed me to my car in a wheel chair. It was a strange scene to be hopping over to the drivers seat and waving thanks to the guy with the wheel chair.

Flea, did the doctor do anything other than an x-ray to determine that you had torn ligaments? Or was that an observation from the surgery? I guess I am lucky that I just needed a cast, but I wonder if there is any damage to the ligaments. I do know that the doctor was looking at the amount of space around the Talus and liked what he saw when the cast went on as well as came off. I hope that means no torn ligaments.

Well, I'm off to drive to work now. Only 7 miles. We shall see how that goes.

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Having just gone thru this with my GF breaking her tibia in softies, I can say that PT is critical. All the time the leg was not in use it was atrophied and now needs to be strategicly rebuilt with workouts. If there are pains, chances are it is due to inactivity. THis will subside as you strengthen the muscles. The big clunky ortho-boot will help protect the ankle as it heals, but also limits the regrowth of muscles because it basicly imobilizes the ankle. You will feel other muscles compensating and be achey elsewhere. Best thing my GF found was to ice it, as it would swell up with use, and exercise of it. Try to not spend more than an hour out of the boot and definatley not a lot of walking around on it without the boot. Ease yourself back into use of your ankle. re-condition the muscles. follow thru with PT. the sooner you can get motion back into the ankle, the better it will be. One instructor I was talking to in Aspen had busted his ankle, and was only in an aircast for a week. He took it upon himself to ride a snowboard and said his logic was "the stiff boots are basicly a "cast".... It really did not work out for him because a few weeks later he severly sprained his ankle and tore a ligiment. Ligiments take far longer to heal and can require surgery and a lot more time off your feet than a broken bone.

If you feel strong enough to use the ankle, do such but don't over do it. We can self assess our bodies better than anyone, but we also need to follow thru with instructions that those of us who know far more about these breaks, strains and tears gave us... AKA: the DRs.

My GF was in and out of surgery in a day, a plate 2 screws, and ortho boot because her bone had a fault like break and would not heal strong enough to be weight bearing without damages or arthritis in the future, and considering her active lifestyle, was the best option. Jan 4th, she broke it, surgery on the 7th, out of work 10 days, then up and moving around with an orthoboot for 5 weeks, and this week she is not needing any boot and able to wear normal shoes. she still experiences tenderness and has a slight limp, but her prognosis is a full recovery with 2 more sessions of PT by april first. She hopes to get out on the snowboard again for a few days of spring conditions, but I want to see her running and jumping first. Its not worth risking a re-injury or some colateral injury with a weakened ligimentary connection in an unrelated area due to overuse and under strength.

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I am on my second ankle injury now...1/1/07 45 degrees out (was a crap snow year) ollied my 180 over a pile of crud, stuck the nose and I kept going. Flipped and rotated as I felt my ankle moving how it shouldnt inside the boot. End result was several high grade tears to a tendon and ligaments. No surgery needed but was in a boot four months with pt for nine. Back at full strength by winter. Left ankle....

Last week, heelside chattered out, trying to recover I can feel my heel doing the same thing (I keep my boots tight). Swelling was finally down enough to do an MRI today. Pain is much worse than the last injury. Right ankle this time, I ride regular....

I did find out with the first injury that the walking boot fits nicely with great support in flow bindings although I do not recommend riding. :eplus2:

Sorry if this is all over the place but Captain Vicodin is in charge.

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Spring day, soft snow and my boots in a soft setup and the front of my board folded up on a hard toe side turn. Went over the handlebars and felt a sharp pain in my ankle. Ended up being a fractured talus. They wanted me in a cast for 6 weeks which I had them remove at 4 weeks. Was told to take it easy and get Physio right away. Was active within a few weeks after some aggressive treatments from my sister who is a physio. She says doctors are very conservative when it comes to talus fractures as blood flow is not good at that bone, but she said if x rays showed bone healing then get at the stretching quickly and hard which I did. I think you are done for the season, but should be OK to go soon.

Hope you heal fast.


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I did find out with the first injury that the walking boot fits nicely with great support in flow bindings although I do not recommend riding. :eplus2:

You mean like this? The Catek FR2 allowed me to compensate for the huge mass around the heel area with 10+ degrees of heel lift.


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You mean like this? The Catek FR2 allowed me to compensate for the huge mass around the heel area with 10+ degrees of heel lift.

yep, but as i said i will neither support or endorse this. i was just sick of being on the couch and needed to ride. :eplus2:

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Sounds like you got your wish to wash your foot. Never been in a cast, but I know how bad you want to take a bath after laying in insulation all day.

Hope this all goes well for you. It was a pleasure talking to you, and thanks for the advice and link to Phil and his Doc. Did the contact to a Mako Doc, and am doing some scope work to see what's needed.

Remember more give on the equipment, less breakage on the body.

Best of luck, and thanks again.

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Jan 15 folded the nose and went over, badly inuring the ankle, nothing broken or severely torn. Was put in a cast and this season and told I wont be able to ride.

Feb 10 I took it off, starting training and exercising by myself while waiting for an open spot at the rehabilitation clinic, Feb 20 went out the first time but only managed 3 runs due to the pain.

Meanwhile kept exercising and doing balance exercises on the ankle, and just this weekend (Feb 31st) I was able to ride a few hours each day, just taking it easy, and avoided anything resembling a bump or mogul. Ankle was swollen each night but everything felt ok.

I still cant run or jump, but god damn this takes a long time to heal.

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Jan 15 folded the nose and went over, badly inuring the ankle, nothing broken or severely torn. Was put in a cast and this season and told I wont be able to ride.

Feb 10 I took it off, starting training and exercising by myself while waiting for an open spot at the rehabilitation clinic, Feb 20 went out the first time but only managed 3 runs due to the pain.

Meanwhile kept exercising and doing balance exercises on the ankle, and just this weekend (Feb 31st) I was able to ride a few hours each day, just taking it easy, and avoided anything resembling a bump or mogul. Ankle was swollen each night but everything felt ok.

I still cant run or jump, but god damn this takes a long time to heal.


Be Cool, be cool my friend you don't want to end up in pain as a gimp with a limp the rest of your life just because you want to ride faster than your body wants to heal. ;)

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yep like everyone here has said don't rush and do your PT. I am surprised the surgeon hasn't Rx'd PT the day you had your cast off. :P

someone mentioned the break heals faster ... definitely true. the tendons and ligaments take longer. i tore my ATFL (the ligament is around the location of the ankle bone so as not to get all specific :P) and i very foolishly thought i could go ahead and wear high heels to a friends wedding 2 months into PT...

ankle gave out, re-injured the bloody thing, and spent another 4 mo off dance, running, all the fun stuff! so even when you think you are feeling really strong... take it easy :D

best of luck to ya!~

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yep like everyone here has said don't rush and do your PT. I am surprised the surgeon hasn't Rx'd PT the day you had your cast off. :P

someone mentioned the break heals faster ... definitely true. the tendons and ligaments take longer. i tore my ATFL (the ligament is around the location of the ankle bone so as not to get all specific :P) and i very foolishly thought i could go ahead and wear high heels to a friends wedding 2 months into PT...

ankle gave out, re-injured the bloody thing, and spent another 4 mo off dance, running, all the fun stuff! so even when you think you are feeling really strong... take it easy :D

best of luck to ya!~


( siren & flashing lights behind you ) You pull over , I get out of my patrol car walk up to your window, my badge and uniform patch say "Boarder Patrol" ( knock knock on your passenger window make hands moevements for you to roll it down )

Officer : Hello Ma'am do you know why I pulled your thread over ?:cool:

Aisling : Ah no, was I posting off topic :confused:

Officer: No Ma'am, I ran your profile and you don't have an alpine board.

Aisling : Ah Ah no , no I dont , but I am getting one real soon.:o

Officer: Ma'am, it's late in the season , and you have been on BOL for some time now, I'm gonna have to give you a fix it ticket and ask you to not only registrar an alpine board in your profile, you will also need to be in hard boots, and buckle up in bail style bindings. ( handing you a fix it ticket ), have a nice day Ma'am.

Aisling: ( mumbling under her breath) "jerk" wannabe, he is not even a moderator :mad:


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First day at ECES today and I broke my medial malleolus. Doctor here thinks it will need a few screws. It's a bummer but I've had a great season so that softens the blow a bit. The hard part will be sitting here for two more days and waiting while my friends ride.

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First day at ECES today and I broke my medial malleolus. Doctor here thinks it will need a few screws. It's a bummer but I've had a great season so that softens the blow a bit. The hard part will be sitting here for two more days and waiting while my friends ride.

Vibes to all the injured. fonzone sorry to hear you had to travel to do that.

Does Jack really know how to ride or does he just pretend to get free boards to ride for the season? :eplus2:

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First day at ECES today and I broke my medial malleolus. Doctor here thinks it will need a few screws. It's a bummer but I've had a great season so that softens the blow a bit. The hard part will be sitting here for two more days and waiting while my friends ride.


Truly sorry to hear that :( , well did you at least get in a good few runs with the group before disaster struck ?

Perhaps you can ride the lift up and back down a few times with a video cam in hand to film everyone :o.

Hope you don't have a long way to drive back to home.

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First day at ECES today and I broke my medial malleolus. Doctor here thinks it will need a few screws. It's a bummer but I've had a great season so that softens the blow a bit. The hard part will be sitting here for two more days and waiting while my friends ride.

That really sucks. You live not too far from me. I went to Rothman Institute in Philadelphia. In the meantime keep it elevated as much as possible. That really keeps the swelling down.

Feb 10 I took it off, starting training and exercising by myself while waiting for an open spot at the rehabilitation clinic

Did you get specific exercises or were you just making it up? My doc has me in this boot for another four weeks before starting PT.

That was a mistake. Next time, get an Intec-compatible cast, and don't take it off until the bones are fully healed.

I really tried to do that. Brought the heel and cable with me but the doc refused.

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First day at ECES today and I broke my medial malleolus. Doctor here thinks it will need a few screws. It's a bummer but I've had a great season so that softens the blow a bit. The hard part will be sitting here for two more days and waiting while my friends ride.

I broke my Lateral Malleolus 18 months ago....do your PT....get on a bike when the weather gets good and do a lot of miles because after surgery your muscle endurance will be gone. After a complete failure at making a comeback last season I chose to sit this season out and continue rehab the thing I have noticed since the weather got to too bad for me to ride is how much more pain I have in my ankle, especially when the weather is wet

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Thanks everyone. Was a little too excited this morning. Too much speed on a heelside in a bumpy section. Mostly user error and a little bad luck. Live and learn.

I did get in a few good runs before the accident. Got to demo a VSR too.

I choose to be optimistic about recovery. I'll do whatever it takes. I was thinking the same about the biking being good PT. I usually mountain bike but it looks like the road bike will get some miles this spring.

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Officer: Ma'am, it's late in the season , and you have been on BOL for some time now, I'm gonna have to give you a fix it ticket and ask you to not only registrar an alpine board in your profile, you will also need to be in hard boots, and buckle up in bail style bindings. ( handing you a fix it ticket ), have a nice day Ma'am.

Aisling: ( mumbling under her breath) "jerk" wannabe, he is not even a moderator :mad:


so... you're like what... the profile police? why ya checkin my profile, pig??:p

heck, if you're willing to buy me all that stuff I'll be sure glad to post it up ;)

unfortunately paying one's way through uni is expensive so toys have to wait.

:biggthump backatcha

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I am on my second ankle injury now...1/1/07 45 degrees out (was a crap snow year) ollied my 180 over a pile of crud, stuck the nose and I kept going. Flipped and rotated as I felt my ankle moving how it shouldnt inside the boot. End result was several high grade tears to a tendon and ligaments. No surgery needed but was in a boot four months with pt for nine. Back at full strength by winter. Left ankle....

Last week, heelside chattered out, trying to recover I can feel my heel doing the same thing (I keep my boots tight). Swelling was finally down enough to do an MRI today. Pain is much worse than the last injury. Right ankle this time, I ride regular....

I did find out with the first injury that the walking boot fits nicely with great support in flow bindings although I do not recommend riding. :eplus2:

Sorry if this is all over the place but Captain Vicodin is in charge.


(( slurring my words )) Yezzzz suur Cpt Vicodin, seaman Carver repoording for dudie surrrr, :p

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so... you're like what... the profile police? why ya checkin my profile, pig??:p

heck, if you're willing to buy me all that stuff I'll be sure glad to post it up ;)

unfortunately paying one's way through uni is expensive so toys have to wait.

:biggthump backatcha


Officer Rockboard: "Ma'am step out of the thread and put your school books up on the hood of my patrol car":cool:

Aisling: "look you perv mall cop freak, you just pulled me over cause I'm a smoking hottie and you "wish" you could be seen with me in the lift line, Mr alpine looser on your beat up old long board" :mad:.

Officer Rockboard: "No need to get hostile Ma'am, in fact I am gonna tear up this fix it ticket , not because your a hottie, but because your a member of my old fraternity Tappa Kegga Bud, and your a member of collage M.E.N.S.A = smart a** snow board team and I have a soft spot for brainy carving Bettys Ma'am, and here I am going to give you a pamphlet called "collage carving grants" its how to get government money to carve and still pay tuition Ma'am, have nice day Ma'am.

(( Officer Rockboard drives away))

Aisling: (( speaking to herself in her mind )) What a creepy guy , but perhaps I could write a grant , ya ya I could write a paper or even make a documentary about alpine carving minorities and ski slope discrimination and get a new quiver out of it :)

(( the dramatic music theme from the old Dragnet TV show ))> Daaa da da da, Daaaaaaaaaa

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:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That is about the way it is with sir vicodin.

MRI showed several high grade tears again plus part of my heel bone ripped away. Time to break out the Flow's again


DAM,:eek: so does that require invasive surgery to take out bone reagments and / or reattach it ? :o

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