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Targhee/SnowKing/Teton updates


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Casparcarver: My JH lift tickets came with the room (Alpine House) but maybe I can exchange them for Targhee tickets for a day? What are the differences? They said Snow King is close and has night hours so we'll probably try that one night at least. We've only been outside eastern PA once... to Squaw Valley last year this time... so not at all seasoned at this kind of travel.

I will have to see what kind of $$$ I might incur bringing two sets of boots, two boards... could work. Maybe we'll wear our soft boots on the plane...

Two Ravens: Thanks for the forecast, that's helpful. Sounds like we should look into Targhee. Is it easy to get to from Teton Village (where we're staying, I think)? Is that the shuttle dredman mentioned?

Maybe we'll try Targhee Sunday? How are the crowds?

Thanks again to everyone for the information, tips, etc. Is anyone going to be out Monday or Tuesday?

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IMHO, don't want to start a flame-war. bring your carving setup if your comfortable on it cause there aint no powder anywhere! i could be talked into going to Targhee on sunday if everyone say's thier going? could be a hoot and i have my new HD camera! the village has had no lift lines and good grooming and the place is mammoth, the village has everything. easy does it, liftline and sleeping injun runs have the perfect fall line for carving. that's why i spend all my time there, there under the casper chairlift thus the nickname "caspercarver". i will let dredman and two-ravens fill you in on the attributes of their respective mountains. oh, the village is EXPENSIVE. hope to see ya. cheers!:biggthump

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Sorry they won't make the ticket exchange easy, but it might be worth pleading!

Night riding at the King can be fun - but no night skiing on Sunday or Monday, so plan around that. You probably won't be wanting anymore turns anyway after a day of keeping up with the Montucky/Idaho/WY crew at Targhee on Sunday! ;) (And Sunday crowds aren't usually too bad at the Ghee, unless it's a big powder day - which it isn't supposed to be.) Hope to see you Sunday!

(p.s. I could maybe be talked into a few runs Tues night at the King, if you're up for it...)

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I don't think we'll be able to make Targhee Sunday since we're arriving tomorrow night and would have to go to JH first Sunday morning to get a ticket refund... probably couldn't get to Targhee before noon. But Tuesday night at Snow King could be good.

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two-ravens are you planning on going too the ghee on sunday? :confused:


I don't think we'll be able to make Targhee Sunday since we're arriving tomorrow night and would have to go to JH first Sunday morning to get a ticket refund... probably couldn't get to Targhee before noon. But Tuesday night at Snow King could be good.

Bummer about Sunday! Will you have computer access here? We'll keep in touch about Tues night.... Will be fun to meet another BOLer!

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Day at home with sick boy.... Did way too many domestic things. Did get to go for a very short and cold motorcycle ride.

How were the conditions? Did I miss "the best day ever?"

Hope you all had a super fun day!!

Cheers, dredman

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Hey Guys & Gal,

Thanks for an interesting day! :cool: Awesome to see Hot Coco out in hardboots! :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump I'll look in the corners and see if I can't come up with that other pair of 24's for you to try, that should make things a bit easier for you....

Dredman, sorry you couldn't make it. :( Hope your little pup is feeling better! You missed a gorgeous bluebird day and.... challenging conditions. I managed to whack my head pretty hard first run, so rode the rest of the day like I was kind of scared of snow snakes. :eek: (Still trying to figure out - since I landed on my head, how come my kidneys hurt?!? :confused:)

The snow started to get more reasonable after noon and got in a few fun runs, but then the crowds started showing up so I bailed. I'll let others more qualified tell tales of Crazy Horse! :ices_ange

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So is he a contender for you and the Targhee Fog Buster jacket you have?

Maybe the two of you would look like Super Hero Twins if you wore them at the same time?

I do appreciate people who wear brighter colors. Gray days with dark colored trees make it hard to easily see people in black and forest green! I nearly hit one fella a couple weeks ago. I apologized and let him know that his camo was working well.

Cheers, dredman

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Green Dave and my Pink Fogbuster jacket on the hill at the same time - yikes! :eek::eek::eek::eek: I think everyone on the hill would just be immobilized by the blinding, lazer-like intensity. Might be good for clearing out all the traffic though! :);)

And yes - color is good! :biggthump

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Crack Addict and Hot Coco - I did just find that pair of mondo 24 Raichle's!!!! I'm heading to Idaho tomorrow (Wed.) morning - is there a place I can meet one of you to hand them off? Maybe 10:30 ish? I really think Hot Coco is going to like hardbooting a whole lot better in boots with some flex. :)

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Hey dredman & BDD - thanks for the awesome day at Kelly Canyon! I know it seems unlikely - given the snow conditions - but I had an absolute blast! You guys are a hoot to ride with! :1luvu:

BDD, take care of that leg, and I'll look forward to seeing you guys at the Ghee in a couple of weeks! :)

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Yes the conditions were far from desirable, but I guess 2 groomer passes surrounded by lumpy ice can be fun. Really the fun part was just goofing off, chit chatting, enjoying the weather and the company.

Thanks for a great day!!

I did learn, you should not edge while on a trick box...keep the base flat. OR...Stay off of trick boxes all together, leave that for the young durable kids!

Till next time, dredman

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for helping us get the most out of our trip to Jackson Hole. It didn't go as planned... my daughter sprained both thumbs on the first day (Sunday) and we scrambled to find other things to do on short notice.

We think we spotted CarperCarver Sunday late morning from, of all places, the Casper lift. Never caught up, though (we got a late start that day, maybe that was your last run?).

I got Monday and Tuesday morning in. The runs down to the Casper lift were great Tuesday morning! Except "Wide Open", which was a cruel joke: NOT wide, and covered with moguls! Hah-hah! Thanks for pointing them out; we would have wasted a lot of time just finding our way around without them. (I did a bit of that Monday and it would have been a lot worse!)

We left feeling like we didn't get enough, so we're coming back. Really nice area.

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Thanks for the boots Kelly! They fit Colleen real well; they're comfy and way easier to get into the race plates. We'll buy you a lift ticket for sure when you get back.

Anybody coming up this weekend? The conditions were quite mixed yesterday. Joe's and the ridge were great, but the arrowhead and the steamvent were too hard for me. There were still a few inches sitting on top of the hardpack waiting to be groomed into Floyd's and some other runs too. Maybe they'll be soft tomorrow. The headwall was groomed again. No ice balls (death cookies) or brown spots to speak of, but it might warm up today. To be honest, we could use a bit more snow (did I just say that?), but some runs are still in very good shape.

Today we're going climbing at the Enclosure in Jackson, tomorrow we'll be at the DC at 0900 as usual. You Daves are both welcome to our spare room anytime.

Hope to see you all.


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I thought today was amazing! Excellent grooming everywhere! Visibility stayed good on the Blackfoot chair, while the DC had fog down a ways. By 2:30 the fog blanketed the whole mountain. It stayed cold all day and should be excellent tomorrow!!

See ya at the DC 0900

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