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Body armor

John E

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I stuck with the 661 and was about to give up on finding anything better when I ran across the Acerbis Koerta Naked body armour. The shoulder protectors are heavy duty and cover the whole shoulder. The rib protection is stiffer than most and carries around and down far enough to cover the area I've had problems with in the past. It doesn't use any netting or other material to tie the pads together so I'm hoping it will be cooler. I'm really looking forward to wearing it this upcoming season.http://www.dirtbikebitz.com/images/products/protection/acerbis/acerbis_koerta_body_Armour_front.jpg

That does look like some good shoulder protection. I've never had any issues with ribs, though, and that looks like it might be too much there and inhibit the "waist pinch". Let us know how it works.

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I have some rooadracign armour made by T-Pro, it is dual density foam laminated with a layer of kevlar. I walk today as a result of it's protection and if you can find any (it is/was a british company) it is awesome stuff. I'll tr and post some pictures next time I am home.

I think the current stuff is marketed as Knox armour, I have never worn that brand but it looks like they are licencing the technology.

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oldacura: "What's the purpose of padded shorts? "

If you ever get a Hematoma the size of 1/2 a basketball :eek: on your right buttcheek, you'll know what the purpose of padded shorts is. It may not be something you won't recover from, but it certainly WILL be something you won't forget! :biggthump

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Maybe I'm not understanding the risk correctly. What's the purpose of padded shorts?

Wish I was wearing some @ winterpark on the labor day weekend gravity fest when my bar clipped a tree and I went down hard. My fat a$$ is still hurting a month later, you never know until you need it.

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Trikerdad - does that armor also have spine protection? What does it cost? How important is shoulder and elbow protection?

I'd like to take "reasonable" measures to protect myself. However, this is a risky sport and if we really wanted to stay safe, we'd stay home.

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  • 7 months later...
I wore 661 armour for about 10 years. During that time I broke ribs twice and injured my shoulder. I'd broken a rib and dislocated a shoulder (at different times) before I started wearing the 661. Over the years I've looked at a lot of different protectors and even ordered a couple. The shoulder protection was iffy and the rib protection just wasn't where it needed to be, along with all of them being too warm. I stuck with the 661 and was about to give up on finding anything better when I ran across the Acerbis Koerta Naked body armour. The shoulder protectors are heavy duty and cover the whole shoulder. The rib protection is stiffer than most and carries around and down far enough to cover the area I've had problems with in the past. It doesn't use any netting or other material to tie the pads together so I'm hoping it will be cooler. I'm really looking forward to wearing it this upcoming season.http://www.dirtbikebitz.com/images/products/protection/acerbis/acerbis_koerta_body_Armour_front.jpg

Trikerdad, how did this armor work for you? I just learned that a "small" shoulder injury from a snowboarding fall in Feb was actually a big deal, and my kayak season is over before it started. :( I have kayaked for 23 years with no shoulder injuries, and am heartsick that a carving injury will probably keep me off the rivers this summer at least, and maybe longer... I'm reconsidering my participation in this sport, but with some modifications to my riding style and more protection, I might be back...

I like the look of the shoulder protection on this one, and was wondering if you could give us a review? Thanks!

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two_ravens, about all I can say is, I'm not looking for anything better! Sorry about your shoulder, I just had mine operated on about 4 weeks ago. Nothing showed in the x-rays or MRI but, the pain kept getting worse to the point it was affecting my quality of life. Having tried everything short of going under the knife, exploratory surgery was all that was left. Other than a little cleaning up and one of the bicep muscles being completely detached he didn't find much but, the chronic pain is gone and my range of motion has been improving daily.

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Trikerdad, how did this armor work for you? I just learned that a "small" shoulder injury from a snowboarding fall in Feb was actually a big deal, and my kayak season is over before it started. :( I have kayaked for 23 years with no shoulder injuries, and am heartsick that a carving injury will probably keep me off the rivers this summer at least, and maybe longer... I'm reconsidering my participation in this sport, but with some modifications to my riding style and more protection, I might be back...

I like the look of the shoulder protection on this one, and was wondering if you could give us a review? Thanks!

Shoulder injuries are what ended our sons Snowboarding career..at least Professionally.

I am not familier with any armour that would stop them from happening ?

Reaching for the snow on Backside is as close to ripping my shoulder as I have come...so I have stopped doing that.

Going Highside is of course unavoidible at certain times and conditions as well...and landings came be very damaging

Just hearing the news as you have is a real tough hit to take :( Be gentle with yourself and give it some time.

I am sure you will heal well though with your persistence ...

again so sorry to hear,

Take Care

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23 years, you must remember the days of 220/230 paddles, and high braces that would rip your arm off :lol:

I had a silly fall, skating a steep bit of cat track, caught an edge, and landed on my left shoulder. and did some rotor cuff damage. It wasn't bad enough to totally stop paddling, but it did limit what I could do on the left side. It certainly made me more aware of the box (kayaking term for an imaginary box in which to restrict arm movements to prevent shoulder injury). It continued to hurt when I moved that arm in certain positions for a couple of years. Then I started some weight training. I had to be careful with that shoulder, but after about six months, the injury was totally gone. I wouldn't know I had ever had a problem.

Kayakers that I know, who have had repair surgery have had mixed results. It seemed to me that the success depended on how much physio the person did afterward. Which made me wonder from my own experience, whether physio therapy alone would have had the same outcome.

Anyway good luck with it.

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That sucks... Hope you don't quit. Who else is going to run SKES!!!

I busted my shoulder first week on the season. level 2 AC separation.

Like you I started searching for armor: Here are more infomation:


I started doing lights weight and push up to strengh the musle around the shoulder and now I am pretty much @ 100%. At least I think I am.

Heal fast!!!



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Softbootsailer, you're right in that body armor won't stop the kind of injury you would get from catching a hand in a rut but, my shoulder injuries have come from "augering in" on my shoulder after going over the nose for whatever reason.

Yes, of course Trikerdad you are correct...I think Pat D augered as you describe at Milk this year :(

I am referring to going Highside on the uphill side of a prejump at speed then airborne into the superman flight mode

and then crashing with the arms outstretched and while I have done this a number of times and thought my shoulders

were toast luckily it was only my neck that was sore afterwards...:freak3:

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Softbootsailer, you're right in that body armor won't stop the kind of injury you would get from catching a hand in a rut but, my shoulder injuries have come from "augering in" on my shoulder after going over the nose for whatever reason.

The injury to my left shoulder was from just such an impact - I am quite confident that some kind of padding would have reduced the extent of injury. I also injured my right shoulder with a some poorly considered hand dragging - I do have the bad habit of reaching for the snow - though that shoulder is still fully functional. I feel a need for both more protection and a change in riding habits if I am to continue with the carving addiction....


That sucks... Hope you don't quit. Who else is going to run SKES!!!

I busted my shoulder first week on the season. level 2 AC separation. I started doing lights weight and push up to strengh the musle around the shoulder and now I am pretty much @ 100%. At least I think I am.


Yes, David - it would put quite a damper in SkES if the organizer AND only participant quit the sport! :o And then there is the problem of what to do with the new one piece I just got off of ebay... :ices_ange I am just very, very bummed right now about the prospect of no boating. Was hoping to repeat a 100 mile, 8 day solo I did last year, among many other things...

Glad your shoulder healed well. The confusing thing about my injury is it seemed to heal up just fine after a couple of months - no pain, full range of motion, full strength, was doing everything I normally do, plus started trying to ride a unicycle, which involves much flailing and random grabbing of nearby objects - all with no indication that I was still injured. Then I got in a kayak (my squirtboat) for a flatwater warm up last week. About 15 minutes in I started doing flatwater cartwheels and the first one I did to the left, my shoulder dislocated doing what is essentially a low brace. For non-kayakers, a low brace position is about the safest thing you can do with a shoulder while kayaking. So I was caught completely off guard. It popped out again a couple days later when I leaned on a desk-top. Guess I'll have to quit sitting at desks too! :eek: Anyway, it feels like something just isn't connected - have an appointment Monday get it assessed.

Good thing your shoulder is all healed up - you'll need it when you move west! :)

I am referring to going Highside on the uphill side of a prejump at speed then airborne into the superman flight mode

and then crashing with the arms outstretched and while I have done this a number of times and thought my shoulders

were toast luckily it was only my neck that was sore afterwards...:freak3:

Ha! SBS, I haven't tried that one. I usually try to tuck and roll, and end up landing on my head. :smashfrea

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23 years, you must remember the days of 220/230 paddles, and high braces that would rip your arm off :lol:

BobD, oh.... goodness, I remember all kinds of things! Yes, the super long paddles, with the comfy 90 degree offset, 13' boats, and out here in the wild west there were still people arguing that you really couldn't roll with a lifejacket on... :freak3: (uh....those were the people who couldn't roll anyway...!)

Glad to hear your shoulder healed up too - good to hear success stories! I have no money for surgery right now, so physical therapy/strength training is what I'll be doing. I'll just have to see how it goes...

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BobD, oh.... goodness, I remember all kinds of things! Yes, the super long paddles, with the comfy 90 degree offset, 13' boats, and out here in the wild west there were still people arguing that you really couldn't roll with a lifejacket on... :freak3: (uh....those were the people who couldn't roll anyway...!)

Glad to hear your shoulder healed up too - good to hear success stories! I have no money for surgery right now, so physical therapy/strength training is what I'll be doing. I'll just have to see how it goes...

Sorry, didn't realize it was a dislocation. That really is a bummer for a paddler, and as you say, very strange to happen on a low brace. When I drag my hand on the snow, I've learned to avoid the weak arm positions we know from paddling.

Funnily enough, it's paddling that impinging on my boarding and especially skiing. I now have bunions from hundreds of hours of crossing my toes to get into low volume boats. BTW I use zero offset now - much more comfortable :)

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I bought some Demon body armor. It is really spine & rib protection only (no shoulders). I'm not very big & bought a size medium and it fits tight. It fits best over long underwear top & under a sweater.

As I understand it, shoulder protection would work best if the hard plastic cover was on the outside so when it collides with hard snow or whatever, it is more likely to slide than dig in and stop suddenly.

Will any of these shoulder protection armors fit as an outermost layer?

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Out of all the ones I've tried, the Acerbis armor would work best for wearing on the outside though I don't think any of them would be comfortable over a jacket. All the peices are held together with heavy duty elastic straps instead of some kind of netting, making it easier to put on over snowboarding clothes. I wear it under my jacket and over my polar fleece but, take my jacket off on warmer days. That said, when you hit shouder first, your not going to "slide" nomatter what you have on your shoulder. I know when my riding buddy or I land on our big shiny helmets , they doesn't slide. What you want is a large hard surface area to distribute the impact over a larger area with good padding underneath.

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Hey Trikerdad, glad to hear the surgical results are still good, and healing is progressing nicely! :biggthump

Got checked out yesterday. Partially torn subscapularis, partially torn (and VERY angry) infraspinatus (so that's 2 out of 4 rotator cuff muscles), a torn posterior labrum and some compression of the median nerve. Figuring about 2 months of PT and I might be paddling easy stuff. So.... not so bad. No apparent need for surgery, which I am glad of. Won't be much of a paddling season, but I'll aim to be strong for next year.

Hope you and your shoulder get out on the golf course soon!

Thinking I might try out the Acerbis armor.... but have awhile yet to decide.

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Got hit last winter by a skier coming in from behind broke and separated my collarbone.

Bought a 661 core saver at the end of the year when I went back on the slopes. It has a little tendency to go up at the waist but it's not too bad. It's not too hot, then again it's often -20 C around here so it's not an issue

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All this talk makes me feel a bit better. I am into week 2 of 6 to 8 weeks in a sling before months of PT and maybe, just maybe trenching by December. My snapped collarbone and separated shoulder were misdiagnosed, resulting in one end of my CB mending 45* next to my neck and the other floating off the shoulder... 5 yrs ago. I still remember facing off with my GP when he handed me a sling and asking what he would do if I didn't mend right. He said that it would be repaired like it was no big deal, but not to worry.

So I knew it mended badly but wanted to surf/carve trashed more than miss out on all the fun. After 5 yrs being partially crippled got old. A 1.5 hr surgery turned into 3 hrs to remove bone and scar tissue. Now I have a metal collarbone & bone graft with shiny screws on both ends. X-rays should be in 2 weeks. I am not sure what is in there. Just glad to be off the opiates and on Acetaminophen. This is going to burn up all my sick time too, so carving more blues than blacks until I can bank more time. I still have my partial ACL tear hanging over my head.

I need to go back and reread my original thread from Feb '05.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a pair of the 661 Body armour and it has saved me on a few hard falls in boardercross. I think the body armour is a definate need!! its a life saver and i have an extra pair of body armour from last year very nice and new size large for $60 bucks!!!!

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