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For Sale: Tanker 192


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Be it known that I am 3rd in line, and you are BEHIND me...however, I would let you sneak ahead of me if...

A) You are currently not in possesion of one of these.

B) And you have not owned one of these before.

C) You can provide proof of such assertation.

D) You desire greatly to possess this wonder tool.

E) You own a sense of humor to go with this ribbing....

Blood sample, proof of citizenship and first born (he's a good kid)

As per your criteria..

A) The only boards I have right now are an SP Comet and a Burton FP that had an unfortunate meeting with a rock while at Tremblant.

B) This is my first full year carving and have only ever owned the boards mentionned in A)

C) I can have Loopback vouch for me as he got me into this great sport to begin with or can provide a note from my mom

D) The desire is there however seeing as my wife was just layed off the funds may be a challenge.

E) as for the sense of humour..nobody likes a good laugh more than I do... except, perhaps my wife... and some of her friends. Oh, yes, and Captain Johnson. Come to think of it, most people like a good laugh more than I do, but that's beside the point! I'm warning this thread NOT to get SILLY again! Right!"

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Last of the breed, Rad-Air Tanker 192, designed & manufactured in Euro, imported by dealer to Cali, sold & shipped to hbooter in Utah, who re-sells and ships it to Aussie rider Purple something-or-other in Oz, making it the only specimen of this rare ride on a continent that boasts 7 of the 10 most-poisonous reptile species on the planet.

The Earth is Flat!


just musing

Man, that NC humidity goes in your ears and makes your brain all soft n' mushy don't it? ;):D:p

Come out to SoCal, I'll set you up on a big-boy board!

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I really want to see what all the hype is about these long narrow Tankers. I've never had a board this long, nor have I ridden a Tanker.

Hopefully I soon find out :)

OK, here you go. If I send this Tanker to Australia via USPS it should cost $82.75 for Express Mail International with a guaranteed delivery date. On a whim, I checked how long it would take to send the Tanker to Western Australia. It came out to 6 days. The price includes $100USD insurance and I'd recommend getting a bit more coverage (like another $300USD to make it 400 total) which will make the price go up another 5 or 6 dollars, eh? So, the total bill for your Tanker 192 shipped from the US to Australia would run you $490.00 give or take a few US dollars. If you don't want to pay extra for additional insurance the only coverage you'll have is the 100 from the postal service.

If, on the rare chance that I get the board to the post office and the clerk says that the package is over-length for the price I quoted you, I'll cover the cost assuming it isn't a drastic amount.

I take PayPal or US money orders (reluctantly). So, there you have it sports fans! Isn't this exciting to watch? Contact me via email to finalize the transaction if you are still interested, Purpletiesto. Good luck.


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Man, that NC humidity goes in your ears and makes your brain all soft n' mushy don't it? ;):D:p

Come out to SoCal, I'll set you up on a big-boy board!

But we need to take this extraneous BS to Off Topic so Ute Carver can conclude the business at hand.

See ya there! High Noon!!

BB of Possum's Pouch

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I may be able to score another one if someone is interested

I know someone who was hoarding them and has decided to unload.

not sure if they are still around.

last I knew there were 2 182s, 1 192 and a 172

any interest, let me know. would be the same price.

I really don't get why the 192 is any better than the others though.

IMO, the 172 and 177 make the most sense if you ride softies on them depending on your foot size.

I have a 187 that hardly goes out!

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I can't anymore due to extreme shipping costs. It was much more than we were expecting (up around the 260USD mark) and for a board that is costing 400USD (and it totally worth it) is unjustifiable. Now I know I will kick myself later for not picking this up.

BUT! this gives you an awesome opportunity to pick up this board from Mark! So whoever was next in line, come get it!

Sorry for wasting your time Mark.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been 2 weeks since I first posted that I had a Tanker 192 for sale and I cannot seem to sell it. Between international shipping costs, lay-offs, and overall malaise about buying without having the money to buy, I'm stymied about how bad the economy (economies) are. This is a brand-new board in it's original factory plastic, it's never seen snow, only basement dust.

I cannot wait to see what the Globalist Cabal has in store for the world over the summer and into fall. Yeah, yeah you can poo-poo whatever that means to you and us (as an online community) for whatever it's worth but, I'm staring at simple facts: I posted a for sale sign on a great board at a great price and I cannot sell it. So be it.

It's off the market, and I might try and sell it in the fall. Meanwhile, I've got to replace a full-time income within the next few weeks or I'm living on the streets, selling whatever I can sell to get food and shelter.

Wake Up America!


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  • 1 year later...
BOL Members:

The 192 Tanker is back on the market. Email for pics (or I can have the pics up in a day or two).

$400 plus shipping. I can have it shipped as soon as I receive payment via PayPal or money order in USD.

Thanks for playing,


Hope you are not headed for the streets again? Are you working?

I would love to buy it, but have my own mortgage issues to deal with right now......

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This past Friday my wife took me to the emergency room at our local hospital after I collapsed on our front doorstep. They released me 8 hours later after a CT scan, CBC, and plenty of fluids (IV). I'm suffering from vertigo (the screen is spinning in front of me as I type). They were able to verify that it is not due to head trauma, tumor, or blood pressure. That leaves inflammation in the inner ear. I'm meeting with an EENT this afternoon to determine the next course of action.

So, no I'm not out on the streets but, I'm having to pare down to the bare necessities. Hopefully I can be back on my feet, literally, in a few days. For those of you who have never experienced vertigo, you can simulate the feeling by drinking a fifth of vodka and then roll down your favorite hill and then try and stand up.


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The EENT Doc says that I most likely have Labrynthitis, which is most likely a viral-caused inflammation of the Vestibular Labryinth in the inner ear. Which ear? Could be both of them. He prescribed a steroid which should calm the inflammation within 24 hours.

Meanwhile, who needs a Tanker 192cm?


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Rates do tend to vary from day to day, but we have consistently been able to ship via dhl for within $5 of that price ($65). I have no idea what the average joe would pay. We have even been able to (at times) ship to japan for less than it costs to ship to a US destination. We do a fair bit of international shipments, so we have a fairly good relationship with our shippers. I'm also not in the habit of trying to profit from shipments like many companies (I don't think this happens in the alpine world), so I quote what it costs me to ship.

Don't know if your original Australian buyer might be keen again if DHL can come close to matching the price they give Sean Martin (Donek) to ship his new boards to Australia.


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Don't know if your original Australian buyer might be keen again if DHL can come close to matching the price they give Sean Martin (Donek) to ship his new boards to Australia.


Thanks for the 'head's up' on DHL and their pricing. I'm willing to ship internationally if the buyer is willing to pay the shipping costs. As you or anyone here can see, $400 USD for a new in plastic Tanker 192 (pre-rocker) is a deal which should offset a relatively fair shipping cost. I'll ask DHL in SLC what their rates would be to several countries to get a feel for the pricing.

Here's the specs for the board:

Effective edge 149.5

Nose width 29.8

Waist width 24.2

Tail width 29.3

SCR 10.5m

Sweet spot 54.0

Setback 50.0

(the sweet spot is what Rad-Air recommends for a riding stance. This is the stance I've used on my 200 Tanker and I've never had any problems with it)

Pics this afternoon or evening when my wife gets home with my truck which has my camera in it. She drives her car until there's no gas in it. Then, she takes my truck and runs the gas out of it. Meanwhile, I type this while the room is spinning. Nice guys always finish last. :)





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Zanci: please contact me via BOL email. Your contact information is turned off. DHL requires postal code and city. Otherwise, UPS is offering an Express package for around $685 USD to ship to Slovenia. I'm guessing a cheaper shipping cost can be found. :eek:

Several years ago, I shipped a Rossignol Undertaker 198 to Terekhov (BOL member). I shipped it to NYC and from there he had it couriered to Novosibirsk, RU. Maybe something like that in the future?


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