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Vote on direction of next year's SES


Vote on next years SES direction  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote on next years SES direction

    • Bare Bones
    • The Current Scenario
    • Mega Organized

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#1: The Bare Bones: Very basic scheduling with minimal to no organized events. Basically, a schedule of the dates to meet and where would be posted but there would be no demo tent, scheduled parties, or package deals. Just show up, meet people and ride. Anything after that (après ski, parties, meals, etc) is up to the individuals. No cost really to speak of as you buy your own tickets as there is no financial connection as there is no host.

#2: The Current Scenario: Medium organization with some scheduled and organized events. Dates and resorts are scheduled and a demo tent with gear and a place to meet with others is set-up each day. End of week banquette is planned as well as a few parties. Essentially what we have going now.

#3: The Mega Organized: Heavily scheduled events and parties. Might even include group housing and meals. More extravagant demo tent with clinics run by paid instructors. Obviously this would involve a much higher initial cost for the participants, but the organizer/host takes care of everything. Think Club-Med for Carvers.

We want to try and use this Poll to find out what people would like to see as far as the direction the SES should go. If you look at the three options I have above you will see that the 1st and 3rd are pretty extreme. Keep in mind this is NOT what you are voting to have the SES become. What we want to see is the DIRECTION you want to see it go.

Obviously we could spend all day and I could create 30 different scenarios for this event. That would take a while and be unproductive. So let us know what DIRECTION you want to go.

Vote away!


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For starters, I've never been to a carving funtion.

I have been reading many threads relating the past SES convention and the feedback is 50/50. One day I hope to go to SES, when I save up enough money. So option #3 does not seem feasible to me. Option #1 would definitly be a let down because most of the feedback and my desire to go is base on option #2.

So my vote is for option #2

P.S Even though I have never attended an SES convention, I want to commend Fin and Michelle for thier efforts to organize a huge event such as SES. Look forward to meeting u guys in the near future. Until then, keep living for the next turn.....swoosh!!

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Always a very delicate balance to keep the old timers happy when they are there to see old friends, and the first timers that are often intimidated by the town, the mountain and the skill exhibited by so many participants. But as Fin said, if you're looking for some tips or a riding buddy, take the first step and approach someone, either at the demo tent or on the hill. Sure there could be organized on hill events, but the general experience with this is that nobody (or very few) attends those for whatever reason. Like the GO's at resorts, it's really tough to organize people, doubly so when they are on vacation.

Keep it the way it is. We as participants need to make the effort to improve the session, not put it back on the "organizers". Another misnomer, Fin and Michelle are really the facilitators, they have never tried to organize us, a hopeless task at best!

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Never been to SES although did attend ECES some years back at Stratton. This year was off and just didn't pull the trigger for no good reason.

That being said, next year will be a different story. Kids said they'd go with me so my plan is to be there.

I like the idea of option #2 so as to be able to demo equipment and maybe be fortunate enough to win some. Meeting everyone at the get togethers would, I think, be fun also.

Seems like it's been working so far...Like they say "If it's not broken


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Option 2. Where else are you going to put that much best of the best new equipment and have 4 world class resorts at you disposal with limited trafffic and that grooms as well as Aspen Ski Co grooms? That opportunity alone I think is a big draw. The feeding frenzy I whitnessed at the tent was amazing. Moths to the flame so to speak.

Think Snow

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Having attended my 3rd SES this year, I am happy the way things are and voted for #2. However, I would have no problem spending extra money on quality instruction where it is applicable. My wife and son came with me this year and I would have loved to have Ann hook up with a carving instructor for private or group instruction as it was her first week in hard boots.

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Having attended my 3rd SES this year, I am happy the way things are and voted for #2. However, I would have no problem spending extra money on quality instruction where it is applicable. My wife and son came with me this year and I would have loved to have Ann hook up with a carving instructor for private or group instruction as it was her first week in hard boots.

Ha! I almost want to ask you for instruction. Actually, the instructor idea has a lot of merit. Marco would be an excellent resource to have for newbie riders since he's already an instructor with the ski school. It could be arranged/coordinated between Bomber and the Aspen Ski Co, but paid for by whoever takes the instruction. I bet Marco would love the opportunity to instruct hardbooters for a change.

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I think it's just great the way it is.

I have a suggestion for the T shirt issue. How about just making different Bomber designs available on one of the shirt sites such as Cafe Press? Bomber wouldn't have to mess with them at all after set up and can add different shirt styles and designs whenever. The customer can order when and what they want without Bomber having to ship or have an inventory.

Riding together is what it's all about and there are always people I wish I had gotten to have a few runs with, I leave the event always wanting to come back for more.

The white board is a great idea and as far as clininics go they are perfect. I like the informal nature of them and if you can turn and stop you are welcome to participate in a clinic that you are interested in.

James wants to bring a label maker and slap name tags on everyones helmet , but I won't let him:smashfrea


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I voted "Current Scenario." Though it's been suggested elsewhere, I'd also add a plea for at least one beginner/intermediate technique clinic (however possible—whether through an outside instructor, Aspen Ski Corp., whatever).

Maybe also making info available ahead of time on good "officially authorized, insured, and sanctioned" private hardboot instructors who work for Aspen Ski Corp.


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I think all of us who have been to the SES before realize that there were some hiccups this year in what is usually a very fuctional plan and execution of this event. While there were obvious things at the banquet I had issue with, they didn't tarnish an otherwise exceptional experience. So a solid vote for option # 2.

I would suggest to the Bomber crew to take more advantage of the loyalty of your customer base and solicit some volunteers to help if and where they're needed. In the end it is all of us who attend (sponsors, builders, riders alike) who make this event what it is. I have issue with anyone being truly dissappointed as it would seem to me that they didn't make the most of it.

Is it February yet?

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girl with the gun in the the other ses thread comes to first tracks with Elle next year.I also vote for SES to more or less stay the same but get better.#2 ?

For example; I would volunteer to staff the demo tent for half a day in order to facilitate faster in/out times there.If a few of us did that,we could make it so that more of us demo more boards;a good thing for the makers and retailers,and more fun for those of us who try as many boards as we can.

ps;we could all be required to do a pre demo tent clinic so as to all be adhearing to proper standards...

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Seems like I saw this somewhere but can't find it now, so excuse if it is a repeat.

Thinking of informal clinics, or mixers to be posted somewhere, where you can see who will be coming by the tent to take out a group.

Wouldn't be instruction oriented as much just a chance to ride with certain people or videographer or something. That kind of thing.

It would be great for some of the more experienced riders to go out with some of the newbies for whatever.

Like one I would do is all mountain bump exploration. Not a clinic as much as lets go find it.

I think it would be good for everyone.

Even have Aspen Ski School show up for clinics every other day or so if you want the instruction to be more formal.

Could be beginners on Monday. Advanced beginners on Wednesday and more of a full mtn graduation on Friday.

Signups could be ahead of time. As long as they get there group rate for lesson tix and know that the instructor would go out even with 2-3 people if that is all that signed up, it could be a slam dunk.

Happy to help if I could. But I don't think Aspen wants a "turncoat" teaching on their hill.

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Thank you everyone who voted!

I believe we have a general idea of what everyone thinks the SES should be. So for now we will most likely run it like we have in the past but will tweak and refine it. If anyone still has input on this, you are more then welcome to e-mail myself or Michelle directly.

Poll closed.


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