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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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New mistress is a demanding one, my front leg was cramping up on the way down the hill after 3.5 hours of bliss and punishment, cannot wait to do it again. D, you were killin it on that snakeskinned beast, though I have to say Derek looked pretty damned good on your monster, especially going the "wrong way". Shelly, way to take the gauntlet the little man threw down and run with it, scrub is always an adventure and I was impressed to see you rippin on it. James, put that three on front and get ready to enter a whole new world of riding, today was the best I have seen you ride, good job! Lance and Marie, nice to meet you, congrats on you nuptials tomorrow, and good job on that riding. Kai, you rock little man, and you up your game every week, way to go!


I lmao when you called complaining about your leg cramping while driving.

Killa day indeed. The coila monsta is a Killer plank to ride, with a capital K, forwards or backwards. :)

Lance and Marie, Congratulations again. It was very nice to meet you both. Keep it up and see you the next time you come out.


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Karver Kai stepped it up taking a ride up lift 4 for the first time and riding Scrub with only 2 stops. This decision to go to 4 with the big boys got Shelly to step up her game and go for it also. Later in the afternoon riding with Jeff and Teleboard Zach, Kai stated that we were going down Firecut. Zach had to step up his game since he had never been on anything that steep with the teleboard. After riding that Kai said we were going to 4 again for some more Scrub. Zach had to step up again to not look bad. Last run of the day down Mambo and Kai wanted to do it as a non-stop. He did it while Zach had binding issues and decided to get a sled ride down to stay safe. Zach, get that binder fixed and join us again. What a fabulous day.


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KarverKai has been asking me "is my new snowboard video posted yet?". He will be so excited to see this. Heck, I'm excited. I didn't know you shot down Homerun also. Compare this to the vid I shot 365 days previous. BIG difference in his size and ability. I love the slo-mo on his heelside air.

Proud dada,


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here is the new vid... maybe... someday... once YouTube finished "processing"...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpEa1z34OsU?hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpEa1z34OsU?hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Hey, WMG - GFYS!!!!! :biggthump

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KarverKai has been asking me "is my new snowboard video posted yet?". He will be so excited to see this. Heck, I'm excited. I didn't know you shot down Homerun also. Compare this to the vid I shot 365 days previous. BIG difference in his size and ability. I love the slo-mo on his heelside air.

Proud dada,


Love the slo-mo jump Kai.

Where I ride now there's scores of little ones boarding and skiing. It's just too cool seeing them progress... Ink you have good reason to be proud.


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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Out of curiosity, how busy does Loveland get on the presidents day weekend?

I'm thinking of sneaking up for a day but the thought of fighting 37 bazillion people on the slopes and I-70 doesn't really appeal to me.


They have been groomin the snot out of lovey this season so even when ALL of the lots have been full we have had room to rip, hard to say what's goin to happen with the snow movin in, maybe most will be headin to ail and their secret stashes, if you do come up, make it sunday, the kook factor seems a bit lower even though I am there


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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that we met out there last Sunday morning. It is so nice to be able to put faces to the screen names and be part of such a great community of riders. Many thanks to Derek and Mario for the pointers, my level of enjoyment increased exponentially, as did my leg soreness. As for Kai, D.T., Shelly, and James...you guys (and gal) are great fun to watch and maybe with A LOT of practice I'll be able to keep up. I don't think it will be long before I can convince Marie to buckle on a pair of boots. See you guys next year!

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I was up today. The main lot was full by 10 am. Even the Valley was nearly full. On the way down it looked like the entire state was heading to the mtns.Bumper to bumper from Idaho Springs up.

Groom was somewhat soft, a bit windy, sunny, not too cold. I expect tomorrow will be really good. I left at 10:30 as the crowd was not condusive to freestyle carving.

Back home tomorrow :mad: Sorry to miss the LCI this trip. hopefully next time.


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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Lance, you are welcome, sorry I did not have much left in the tank. That board is a beast, my calves were talkin' to me most of the week. Don, sorry you won't be around, it just ain't the same without your freak flag flyin'. I take it you finally got internet in rock springs, good to hear from you


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no mo cocoa porter :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

A sure sign of the impending spring break doom:AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin

m u s t s t a y m e l l o w

m a r i o

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Hey guys,

My room mate bought a prior finally, and he's taking it to loveland for his inaugural cave session. he's a soft booter who has been on plates once before. He'll be wearing a black and yellow jacket with a royal blue prior. I have to work, so he's on his own. If you find yourself at loveland tomorrow, lets make him feel welcome.

Thanks guys,


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KarverKai was blasting airs in the little park


He got like 4 foot that one time I saw him

saw another guy on an alp.

Ink, do you have accidental snowboarders addy, or remember how to get to his place? He still has my vamp and won't return my calls:AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin:angryfire :angryfire


ps fun day, though a touch blustery

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He got like 4 foot that one time I saw him

saw another guy on an alp.

Ink, do you have accidental snowboarders addy, or remember how to get to his place? He still has my vamp and won't return my calls:AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin:angryfire :angryfire


ps fun day, though a touch blustery

Somewhere around 13th and Williams. I think this building on the Northwest corner. Good luck and if you can get in see if any of Thor's stuff is in there as well.



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So, this was my first 3 day weekend of riding. All I can say is :eplus2:.

Saturday on the Virus with dada, Dustin, Tony, and Keveen. :boxing_sm

Sunday with more of the LCI in attendance for some pow on my Lamar Dragon. Got some big air in the park with great results, I stuck my landings and rode away. :biggthump

Today was the best of them all. Out on the Virus again. Snow was good for my light weight, dada would dig in a bit leaving trenches for me to jump over. I stayed out of the park and hit other stuff to get air on. Dada even worked with me on my carves and I am starting to get better edge pressure at the top of my turns now. It is fun leaving little trenches for other kids to fall over. :p

That's all for now, see you next Saturday!


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First gymnastics now on board. New snow today so KK and I go out on our race boards to do the "family fun race" together. His first time in gates and he is STOKED ending up with a Bronze medal for his efforts in the 11 and under class. He so wants to do the next two that Lovey/Subaru are going to hold.

Way to go KarverKai! dada is proud of you.


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