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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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I was thinking early (1-ish) so that I can get some work done in the afternoon.:(

I don't think that I can get out for that 1ish. Fridays I am usually the only one in the Arena covering both machines.

10AM flight on Sunday; back mid-day Saturday. This is gettin' OLD! :(

Bummer dude. :( Hopefully the bonus will be good and at least you have work to keep you busy all the time. I get bored and eat more... getting fatter by the day.


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Rode Apex with Farmer tonight, its always nice to ride with someone who biffs more than you. It was rather amusing watching him stommit halfway down the rock problem before the forest and land in the stream at the base.

I had one near endo, but I felt it coming, and vaulted over the bars, a perfect2 point landing. Good times. I may be able to swing one on Sunday, I will let you know


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I don't skateboard but are you guys aware of this?:


A competition in Lafayette this weekend - Sat & Sun 10AM - 5PM

Might be worth checking out. I assume Bola will be there.

- John

KarverKai and I will be there Saturday to check it out. Bola is one of the sponsors so I will assume that he will be in attendance also.


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The family and I checked out the skate slalom nats on saturday, ran into oldacura, and saw a bunch of fast riders. It was quite impressive to see their feet moving so quickly.

A course was set on a different hill, not so steep, for kids to give it a go. KarverKai went for it and had a blast! After running the course for a while he asked if we could get some cones. Anyway, here is a quick vid off my phone that I shot while riding behind KK.

I think that he will be carving his snowboard next season.


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A course was set on a different hill, not so steep, for kids to give it a go. KarverKai went for it and had a blast! After running the course for a while he asked if we could get some cones. Anyway, here is a quick vid off my phone that I shot while riding behind KK.

I think that he will be carving his snowboard next season.


Ink - please tell KK that the video was very cool!! :biggthump

He can ride with me anyday!

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anyone up for a ride on Saturday?

I have another trail building day out at Buffalo Creek Recreation Area so probably a camping weekend for me. Sorry bro, have fun wherever you ride. Or come join us for some diggin', BBQ and riding. Lemme know if that is of any interest which I doubt with how much you have been working.

Screw it. Go PLAY! Wish I could join you.

Aloha, Ink

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Yeah, in TX now, back tonight. Heading to VA on Sunday morning.

I'm playing this weekend!!

P got to work this am and they didn't need her so we are heading up to try Kenosha. This opens up tomorrow for me so let me know what you have in mind.


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COMBA Social Ride last night. About 24 people showed up for fun and frolicking in the hills behind my house. I got my A$$ handed to me on the climbs but did well descending near the front of the pack. I also handled the techy stuff well after doing that stuff a couple times by myself and a couple times with LCI and friends.

Overall a good ride.


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Trail day

Yesterday we built a "boardwalk" over a drainage on Nice Kitty, the new trail we are building in BCRA. It was a lot of tough work but the final product turned out great. After working we had a BBQ and got stuffed to the hilt. A little while later 4 of us decided to ride the Buffalo Burn trail and what exists of Nice Kitty.

This was my first ride on Nice Kitty and it was a blast. Carving around the flowing turns was sooo much fun. This upper section was laid out by myself and an ex-skiracer/coach. We both had GS on our minds while laying this one out.

Climbing back out wasn't nearly as bad as I had expectd it to be.

Fun, productive day.


Our "Epic" trail working/riding event will be in Sept. I will post more info when I get it. This is a fun event with camping, food, beer, work, riding and social time.

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Yesterday, Pete joined me for a tour of our private trails at a location to be disclosed later. We had a good ride with an hour and a half of climbing and a half hour downhill ride. We were able to beat the rain showers, since you all know Pete likes to start early.

We thought it would be fun to have an LCI ride from my house one day this summer, maybe followed by a bbq. A Sunday would work best for me, since I have a part-time job on Saturday afternoons. Possible dates are August 2, 23, or 30.

Let me know what you think.


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Yesterday, Pete joined me for a tour of our private trails at a location to be disclosed later. We had a good ride with an hour and a half of climbing and a half hour downhill ride. We were able to beat the rain showers, since you all know Pete likes to start early.

We thought it would be fun to have an LCI ride from my house one day this summer, maybe followed by a bbq. A Sunday would work best for me, since I have a part-time job on Saturday afternoons. Possible dates are August 2, 23, or 30.

Let me know what you think.


I will be there. I need to check the calendar to see what works best for me. Probably 2 or 23 as I think Concussed is out of town the 30th.

FYI: We can also do this out of my backyard on Evergreen Mtn/Aldefer Three Sisters.


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