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17cm waist and 29m boots, can I do it?


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Madd 170s are 18cm wide.

I've used both size 28 and 27 on my Madds and I don't have any problems with overhang. I am able to run < 60 degrees easily. At 29, you shouldn't have to go much above 60 deg to make it work.

You'll have a blast on the 170. Its an awesome board. :1luvu:

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Dont know where to ask, so...Im looking at a Madd 170 for sale and the 17cm waist thrills and scares me, I can see incredible edge to edge turns but the angles are going to be pretty high.

Has anyone ridden on a similar setup and managed fairly well? FYI Im 6 1 and 185 pds.


the 170 is nice but the 158 is the one that really shines IMHO nothing quite like the 158. it's doable. just find the minimum angle you think you need and go a few degrees lower. many of alpine riders I've seen ride angles higher than they need to, if you drag go higher.

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I don't like any drag at all. On my Burners (18cm) with 28.5 Fire shells and burton plates I am at about 63-66. And it feels good. Definitely more C to C type turns and a little less driving of the knees but it works just fine.

Getting the (insert shameless plug for favorite new product here) TD3 intec would be good as you gain some room on the toe if you are really worried about it.

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As others have pointed out, 18cm. It's do-able, I have 28.5 boots and that equals about 66 degrees. I'm riding a 158 in my avatar. For pure carving those angles aren't as big a deal as you might think. It doesn't make for a very versatile <i>snowboard</i>, but it's fun, and I think everyone should own a skinny board at some point and learn how to use it. It's a focused tool that makes you bring your A-game. But having been there and back, I probably won't buy another board under 19.5 again. I'm at the lower weight limit of the 158 F3, so I'll have it for a long time.

I'll have to disagree with bobdea, the 170 is a wicked machine.

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