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Coiler Metal owners

Bobby Buggs

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Buggs... Interesting that you bring this up!

Maybe Im the odd man out.. but it seems that for all my metal boards from Coiler... Im almost all the way up front which puts the bindings about smack dab in the middle of the board with a fairly wide stance 21.5" but I use both a 3 degree in front and a 6 degree in back, which bring the knees back in closer.. I like to ride the board very centered and just flip it from edge to edge,, no rocking back and forth.. That my have to change when I get the Hyper X4..

Side cuts on the metal boards always for me feel way larger than they should appear., at least for me they do. It also has to do somewhat with length and the stiffness of the board.. For instance my original schtub.. 161 has a 14.7m sidecut and is stiff.. it rides very long so long.. it freaks you out because when you go on edge you think its going to just turn so quick because its a short board..NOT so...it just keeps on going.. funnest board I have to ride.. The X2 is 171 with the 13m sidecut it two feels like it rides long but it is much softer than the original X1 so I can turn it a bit better.. but Im really as far up on the board almost as you can go on the front foot... Bruce I think sets back his insert pattern quite a bit.. so for me I need to go up , way up..on the front foot. The X3 (the Propellerator, the Lunch Tray) is a 159 with a 11.5m sidecut, 23cm waist hybrid BX.. but again I think since its short and stiff it still feels like it rides longer than the side cut.. Maybe its just been so long since I have ridden anything below a 11.5 sidecut.. My X4 will have a multi side cut so I can move it around and get some variable turning radius out of it..

All depends on the size I think,, like the X1.. if you put a 14.7m sidecut on a 190... you would think wow ..for a 190 it turns quick.. you end up getting more of the radius of the circle since the board is longer.. you stick that same side cut on a 160 and you end up with less of the circle and think that it doesn't turn at all... it does... but the length and mind play around with you a bit.... it took a while to trust that short speed schtubby but it rocks..

That probably didn't make any sense, but I tried...since I have a few Coiler Metal boards..

Right Said Shred

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Bob, you already know what I am going to say this previous conversations but I'm posting it anyway for others to read...

I can't imagine riding a Coiler Metal with a sidecut much under 12m unless it was specifically for SL use. And even then I don't think I'd go any less than 10.5. You can bend these babies hard enough that there is just no need for the really tight sidecut and having a bigger one adds stability as you go faster.

Shred, I've got a board that is similar to your X1. It's a 164 x 14.7, it's actually one that the Boardmaster himself rode for a few seasons that I bought used from him. I had an experience opposite yours... it likes to turn at a rapid tempo like an SL board, but it's much more stable than an SL board I've been on and doesn't dump speed like a SL board. In other words couldn't take it in a SL course but it gives yo the same cardio workout as SL. I suspect he built it quite a bit softer than yours... flex is 7.0 if that makes any difference.

My other sidecut experience with Coiler Metil is my NSR which is 13.7 in front and goes to 17 in back. When Bruce was building it I remember telling him "I hope I can do this board justice" - I was worried it would be too much board with that straightish tail. He told me "they are so easy to ride" and he meant it. Anyone who can handle a 14m sidecut on a board that's got a friendly flex for their weight can handle the NSR build to their weight IMHO.

The 13.2 m Schtubby is again easy to turn tighter than its radius would indicate although I really prefer the flex he used on my latest AM and my NSR. Both those boards work better in north wet variable snow, and frankly they both work better for me at the icier end of the spectrum too.

My next one is a 14.2 m "classic" with a flex that is AM-inspired. I can't wait!

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That probably didn't make any sense, but I tried...since I have a few Coiler Metal boards..

that made sense to me and i don't own any coiler boards, at least not yet, maybe in the not so distant future

basically sidecut, contact lenght and stiffness are much more important than overall board lenght and a common mistake for beginners (including me when i started) is to consider board lenght first, and that's because when i started i simply didn't know about sidecut, contact lenght and stiffness or how they correlate to each other

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Mike,,, I looked at my X boards... My X1 161cm.. is at 7.3 or 7.5 which being a tad bit shorter and stiffer makes a difference...again its about how I try to not change my riding style. I always ride all my metal board the same way that way,, it doesn't take any transition time when Im riding one from the other..

The X3 159cm is also at 7.3... don't know how much that makes a difference.. it also depend how lazy you are to how aggressive you are.. no doubt you can make these metal board do a lot more and way more versitle no matter what you end up with.. I like a damp smooth ice cutting lazy board... not that you can't make it pop and jump... but I just sip tea and lay the board on its edge and ride..

Say hello to my little friend X4....soon...

Right said Shred

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Mine is 170cm x 21cm x 14m. I love it. It's perfect on medium to wide groomers. It can be forced into tight spaces like the top of Liftline at Stowe, but that's not ideal. The middle section of Liftline and Lord were just wide enough.

I had a Prior 177 which is 11.9m and it was a great all around board but the sidecut was too short too often. I like to go faster more often than that board did. For icy days where I want to get turns around and keep speed down, I use my Madd 158 (9m? 10m?). I had a Donek 186 which was 15m, and that was great too, but 14m (and 170cm) is more versatile. My Madd 180 is 16m, maybe 16.5m, who knows. That's the board for when it's buff and you want to bring out your A game and haul ass.

The sidecut is the biggest shape factor that determines how fast you can let your board run and how stable it will be at speed.

If you feel like your current board gets nervous or chattery if you get going too fast (and you want to be going fast), try a longer sidecut. On nice days with good grooming, it's so fun to just lean on it. However you probably don't want a long sidecut if it's going to be your only board. If I could only have one board it would be my 14m Coiler, but that's because I ride Sugarloaf which is generally steeper than average so I get going faster.

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