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Is This A Great Barnyard Of A Country Or What? - POLITICAL

C5 Golfer

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that was more aimed at C5 golfer and generally, if you have not noticed, I enjoy being a dick.

a good example of that is in the auto tax thread, what I actually think is fairly close to what I posted but not that black and white. Neocon is fairly applicable to the majority of american conservatives, one example, they are more concerned about keeping taxes low instead of keeping a balanced budget to keep taxes low. Ron Paul is one of the very few exceptions in the republican party. Have you voted republican in the last 20 years? If so you've been supporting a neocon agenda.

The dems have a bunch too, make no mistake they are just more subtle.

The thing that really kills me is that lowering taxes does not stimulate the economy as a whole, it has been proven time and time again in this country and in other parts of the world. But still that's all guys like Al the certified old fart are worried about.


Actually the party hasn't fielded a candidate that shows its true values since reagan. most conservatives don't vote becasue they can't stomach the bush's and MCcains. conservatives want small government small budgets and small taxes. The biggest beef with taxes is the use of them to build bigger government. the republican party is not conservative any more. much the same the Democrats aren't the party of the people any more. they are the socialist elitist party and there aren't many in that constituency either. so they both have to lie to the rest of us to stay in power.

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Actually the party hasn't fielded a candidate that shows its true values since reagan. most conservatives don't vote becasue they can't stomach the bush's and MCcains. conservatives want small government small budgets and small taxes. The biggest beef with taxes is the use of them to build bigger government. the republican party is not conservative any more. much the same the Democrats aren't the party of the people any more. they are the socialist elitist party and there aren't many in that constituency either. so they both have to lie to the rest of us to stay in power.

Hallelujah, Brother!

(but I still vote - if not for Bush/Mccain/whatever the party has to offer then Against Gore/Clinton/Obama/whatever socialist agenda the far left has today)

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You know, Ken Starr investigated the Clintons for 6 years to the tune of $70 million dollars of your money and found absolutely nothing....

He now represents Blackwater as counsel....

I'd take Bill lying about a BJ anyday over W and his ilk and what they chose to lie about....

When Clinton lied, nobody died.....

Oh, and what about Jeff Gannon?

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I'd take Bill lying about a BJ anyday over W and his ilk and what they chose to lie about....

When Clinton lied, nobody died.....

Ah, yes ... One of my leftie sister's favorite sayings. So basically, you're ok with some lies as long as they're not too bad. Where do you draw the line? Is it ok to lie to protect national security? To enforce the law? To save yourself from embarassment? Just curious where you draw the line...

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Originally Posted by skatha

I'd take Bill lying about a BJ anyday over W and his ilk and what they chose to lie about....

When Clinton lied, nobody died.....

Ah, yes ... One of my leftie sister's favorite sayings. So basically, you're ok with some lies as long as they're not too bad. Where do you draw the line? Is it ok to lie to protect national security? To enforce the law? To save yourself from embarassment? Just curious where you draw the line...

I think the inference here is when comparing the results of 2 different lies there is an easily identifiable worse lie, not that any lie is justifiable. It's not really fair to put words in someone's mouth.

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I'd take Bill lying about a BJ anyday over W and his ilk and what they chose to lie about....

When Clinton lied, nobody died.....


Actually there is some compelling evidence that if you don't support his lies you might just get framed for suicide!:eek:

most people could care less about the Bj but lying to a grand jury as the leader of the free world is a little stinky.

IN other news world net daily reports that the Clintons are facing fraud charges in California to the tune of 17 million dollars. Depostions from all three Clintons to commence soon.:eek:

guess it depends on which newspaper you read :lurk:

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I'd take Bill lying about a BJ anyday over W and his ilk and what they chose to lie about....

When Clinton lied, nobody died.....

Dr D wrote: Actually there is some compelling evidence that if you don't support his lies you might just get framed for suicide!:eek:

Dr D -- would you be referring to this -- be sure to wheel thru the bottom


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A Little Hillary Info

It's all well documented information. Check out each of the

statements yourself since proof is readily available.

Hillary Clinton has been telling America that she is the most qualified

candidate for president based on her 'record,' which she says includes her

eight years in the White House as First Lady - or 'co-president' - and her

seven years in the Senate. Here is a reminder of what that record includes:

- As First Lady, Hillary assumed authority over Health Care Reform, a

process that cost the taxpayers over $13 million. She told both Bill Bradley

and Pat Moynahan, key votes needed to pass her legislation, that she would

'demonize' anyone who opposed it. But it was opposed; she couldn't even get

it to a vote in a Congress controlled by her own party. (And in the next

election, her party lost control of both the House and Senate.)

- Hillary assumed authority over selecting a female Attorney General. Her

first two recommendations (Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood) were forced to withdraw

their names from consideration, and then she chose Janet Reno. Janet Reno

has since been described by Bill himself as 'my worst mistake.'

- Hillary recommended Lani Guanier for head of the Civil Rights Commission.

When Guanier's radical views became known, her name had to be withdrawn.

- Hillary recommended her former law partners, Web Hubbell, Vince Foster,

and William Kennedy for positions in the Justice Department, White House

staff, and the Treasury, respectively. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster

committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.

- Hillary also recommended a close friend of the Clintons, Craig

Livingstone, for the position of director of White House security. When

Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files

of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House

staff, both Hillary and her husband denied knowing him. (FBI agent Dennis

Sculimbrene confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee in 1996 both the drug

use and Hillary' involvement in hiring Livingstone. After that, the FBI

closed its White House Liaison Office, after serving seven presidents for

over thirty years.)

- In order to open 'slots' in the White House for her friends the Harry

Thomasons (to whom millions of dollars in travel contracts could be

awarded), Hillary had the entire staff of the White House Travel Office

fired; they were reported to the FBI for 'gross mismanagement' and their

reputations ruined. After a thirty-month investigation, only one, Billy

Dale, was charged with a crime - mixing personal money with White House

funds when he cashed checks. The jury acquitted him in less than two hours.

- Another of Hillary's assumed duties was directing the 'bimbo eruption

squad' and scandal defense:

---- She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit.

---- She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the

appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of

taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky,

which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.

---- Then they had to settle with Paula Jones after all.

---- And Bill lost his law license for lying to the grand jury

---- And Bill was impeached by the House.

---- And Hillary almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of

justice (she avoided it mostly because she repeated, 'I do not recall,' 'I

have no recollection,' and 'I don't know' 56 times under oath).

- Hillary wrote 'It Takes a Village,' demonstrating her Socialist viewpoint.

- Hillary decided to seek election to the Senate in a state she had never

lived in. Her husband pardoned FALN terrorists in order to get Latino

support and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. Hillary also had

Bill pardon her brother's clients, for a small fee, to get financial


- Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in

White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen.

- In the campaign for the Senate, Hillary played the 'woman card' by

portraying her opponent (Lazio) as a bully picking on her.

- Hillary's husband further protected her by asking the National Archives to

withhold from the public until 2012 many records of their time in the White

House, including much of Hillary's correspondence and her calendars. (There

are ongoing lawsuits to force the release of those records.)

- As the junior Senator from New York, Hillary has passed no major

legislation. she has deferred to the senior Senator (Schumer) to tend to the

needs of New Yorkers, even on the hot issue of medical problems of workers

involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero after 9/11.

- Hillary's one notable vote, supporting the plan to invade Iraq, she has

since disavowed.

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A Little Hillary Info

It's all well documented information. Check out each of the

statements yourself since proof is readily available.

- Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in

White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen.


If I remember correctly this is not quite true... on the steps of the White House as they loaded the last piece she declared "I shall return!" So I really think she believed she was just borrowing those items. :lol:

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If I remember correctly this is not quite true... on the steps of the White House as they loaded the last piece she declared "I shall return!" So I really think she believed she was just borrowing those items. :lol:

I'm not a clinton fan but comparing what the clintons were up to what the exxon/haliburton administration has done is lunacy. Dick invested in the dollar crashing and W is known for croniesm. I'm sorry but that's something any average human can see. The truth is that a strong woman that challenges the Rush Limbaugh/Anne Coulter/Dr Laura ideal of a 50's style submissive stepford wife scares the **** out of allot the right and the rest just realize Hillary is a b i t c h, I think she is too but you guys go overboard.

Vagina dentata is the only thing I've not heard about her out of the right but I'd not be surprised if on the factor Bill had a guest claiming Hillary nipped off his jewels.

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I'm not a clinton fan but comparing what the clintons were up to what the exxon/haliburton administration has done is lunacy. Dick invested in the dollar crashing and W is known for croniesm. I'm sorry but that's something any average human can see. The truth is that a strong woman that challenges the Rush Limbaugh/Anne Coulter/Dr Laura ideal of a 50's style submissive stepford wife scares the **** out of allot the right and the rest just realize Hillary is a b i t c h, I think she is too but you guys go overboard.

Vagina dentata is the only thing I've not heard about her out of the right but I'd not be surprised if on the factor Bill had a guest claiming Hillary nipped off his jewels.

Bob, I am curious -- do you believe what you hear on the Colbert Report, Jay Leno or Saturday Night Live?? :confused:

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thats a very nice tantrum BOB:biggthump I was really interested in wether or not anything on the list was untrue or exagerated though not just your "feelings".:eplus2:

On another note I am sure that vagina dentata is an accurate DX :lol: very nice:ices_ange

Almost as good as digital cranial rectalitis which most if not all politicians suffer from:lurk:

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that last statement is not a troll, it's pretty honest.

I understand why people don't like her but not why she's so hated and feared.

****, Mike huckabee is the next closest thing to Satan probably closer that the current president but I don't have to sit around taking shot at the guy like you guys feel you do at hillary.

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I could say the same thing about Bush. I understand why you don' t like him but I don't see how he can be equated with Hitler etc. The Rhetoric is a little overboard.

billary has just been in the spotlight long enough to have made herself a target. I suspect the same would hold true if Bush ran for the senate next time around etc.

Saying that someone is satan is a strong statement coming from someone who comes of as atheist?!!? inflammatory

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the rumored north american union seems to be taking shape..... http://www.northcom.mil/News/2008/021408.html

what do you think?

the press release makes it sound like it's for natural disasters but the deeper you read the more it becomes clear that basically what they want to do is and what this moves towards is a way of easily calling in the military might of the neighbors on the people of either country if things get out of hand or blackwater can't handle it for any reason not just disasters.

It also seem like it gives quite a bit of decision making power to military types, bad move when it comes to domestic issues.

Lets say something terrible happens like a stock market crash, there would be riots and we ended up in a state of martial law, if I saw a canadian flag on a hummer I'd just as soon pick the guy off as it's my duty as a citizen of the united states if the canadian soldier were armed.

there's a TON of info about this, both the far left and far right are worried but the centrists are spookily quiet about these things to the point where it spooks me.

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So Obama appears to have a lock on the nomination. If he then chooses Hillary as his VP and then wins in November, you'll see how evil the Clintons are. They'd off Obama to put H in the oval.

But he won't take her as veep, so it's a moot point.

Interesting idea I heard the other day from my Democrat boss whom I respect very much... a small group in the office was discussing illegal immigration after hours... the right wing guy was saying build the wall... my boss said no, let's just get rid of the border altogether. Then annex Mexico and Central America down to the Panama Canal, and make them sovereign territories like Puerto Rico. Then we'd have a real uncrossable border at the canal, AND all the oil down there!

That surprised me coming from the left. Not a bad idea!

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Its really intriguing how much the two sides are sounding alike lately. I think if the rhetoric is ignored we would have a lot more in common than we think.

I like his idea, imperialism isn't always bad. but its not a common idea coming from the left.

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Even tho we are all, except those in uniform, supposed to hold our right hand over the heart during the National Anthem, how many do you see do it at a sporting event each time that wonderful song is sung - even tho sometimes the artist butchers and mutilates a wonder piece that needs no improvement. But that is a topic for another discussion. :flamethro

{ All - defined as legal law abiding US citizens }

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