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wondering about a few choice resorts......


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MRG has more reason to do it than anyone else, they basically pledged to never modernize and kinda function as a museum in a sense

the other three are specifically built for rich old azsholes, like these guys

Exactly my thoughts, Bob. As for Taos and the others, they have no reason not to allow snowboarders. I have heard that Taos doesn't allow snowboarders because of this one really sharp turn right before a long flat catwalk that would be "unsafe", but that is just what I have heard and I'm not sure if that's true or not.:freak3:

Then technically the ski area should be open to snowmobiles, they are not using the lift and it is the national forest

Except that it could be a legitimate safety danger for skiers/riders, that is on a different level than snwoboarding. Plus motor vehicles (except for "authorized" ones) probably aren't aloud on national forest land unless it is on a road/trail.

two years ago got chased by skiers yelling "SNOWBOARDER ON THE HILL, SNOWBOARDER ON THE HILL"...who then pursued us into the parking lot and a full-fledged fist fight nearly ensued. The area was CLOSED for god's sake. I s*** you not.

Wow... :smashfrea

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If I'm not mistaken, some years ago when the long-time owner wanted to sell the place, the MRG faithful got together and formed something (a corporation?, a co-op?), sold shares, and formed the current governance with the stated objective of keeping Mad River as it was - gun-free, groom-free, and board-free - in perpetuity.

More power to 'em!

The owner - Nancy something ????? - had, in fact, allowed boarders for a while and had found their infantile behavior disgusting. (Easy to understand at the time.)

MRG's in a resort-rich area, and Tex is right - if they don't cozy up to snowmaking soon, their days on a warming Ice Coast are numbered .

Let 'em be!

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the owners name was betsy, and after having been confronted about limiting parts of the mountain to only skiers, she took a snob stance and said "well then just dont come at all, and banned all snowboarders. which, IMHO friggin great idea, lets ban an entire gearset of people because of a few who chose to stand up for their right to ride the entire mountain, just like the skiers.

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ive read that press release previously, alot of rubbish about safety and whatnot, i say bahh.

and i notice all other threads in which snowboarders attempt to voice their opinions have been locked, resahcevaw, so looks like i wont be providing any entertainment for you anytime soon

Oh come on man - it's dead up here right now...

Anyway, you see what I mean. I'm not proud of the dog poo some of those threads degenerated into but I was bored. And that attitude pervades this valley, even at Sugarbush. This summer I was in the grocery store and the clerk says "You shouldn't be spreading that around"...I was mystified what she meant so I asked "what do you mean?" "Your shirt", she says. I was wearing my TransWorld Snowboarding shirt. Last winter (in one of those skimrv threads) someone even said the halfpipes at Sugarbush are an "eye sore". I've bought my pass elsewhere this winter.

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some of you are acting like this is genuine discrimination. It isn't. The indignance expressed is humorous to me. Couldn't care less what someone who paid money to erect ski lifts, still pays money to maintain them and other facilities, wants to do with those facilities. It's their business and if they want to allow skiers only and can profit from it more power to them

what, do you want someone to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions to sue someone who doesnt want you there to let you be there? with the kind of attitude displayed above?

a)screw em

b)you don't have any "right" to be there.

c)All this talk of fighting it and the energy that requires can definitely be spent elsewhere.

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while I dont agree with what you say, I will fight to the death for your right to say it


anyway, alot of people dont care about the cause, that doesnt change the opinions of those who do. and for alot of those skiers, it is genuine discrimination, they steryotype snowboarders as a pack of hooligans who couldnt ride two boards, so they ducktaped themselves to one.

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b)you don't have any "right" to be there.

c)All this talk of fighting it and the energy that requires can definitely be spent elsewhere.

I disagree with b). With the possible exception of Deer Valley, all of these facilities operate on National Forest land, which belongs to all of us.

So what if someone who is disabled ( or differently abled or whatever is pc these days) shows up to ride at Mud River or Queer Valley or Attled and there only equipment is mono type snowboard setup, if they did not allow this person access they would be sued and basically could get ready to hand over the keys to the place. We as normally abled show up and are denied access. If this was not OUR land, I might agree, but it is our land.

For me personally, I suck at skiing and could not access most of the terrain on skis, so I do feel discriminated against with these capricious rules of the ski area. Just from an access to the ski area and forest lands I am denied access by nature of my ability or lack of on skis. That is discriminatory.

At the same time I do agree with c) as I don't think I am the One to carry on this fight. Go get 'em Neo.

Why can't we all just get along?

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and for alot of those skiers, it is genuine discrimination, they steryotype snowboarders as a pack of hooligans who couldnt ride two boards, so they ducktaped themselves to one.

and? So they want to "discriminate" against those poor disenfranchised snowboarders?


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Which is nice, but id rather it belong to none of us.

don't know what to make of that statement, except that you would support selling it off ( privatization - such as "Welcome to the Taco Bell Grand Canyon" or "Domino's Yosemite Experience" or "Allstate Lake Tahoe Ski Area" ) if not please explain.?????????????

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carvedog Im sorry but your argument holds no water. seriously...does this matter that much to you guys?

I'll bow out now. Just too irritating.

I know it doesn't hold water, just the ring of truth. Seriously how can a private licensee of public land tell you/us that one type of snow sliding device is ok and another is not. While it is not racial discrimination, it is discrimination. Rather like the airlines telling you to get off the plane due to inappropriate dress???????

Just not right and at the same time I have my areas that I can ride without the discrimination. At Sun Valley we had three runs that were closed to snowboarding for about ten years, it sucked. Constant reminder of second class status.

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one could potentially look at statistics, and say that they believe snowboards are a safety issue. Or that their ski patrol is not trained in snowboard accidents. or many other excuses to makeit a safety issue.

Long and short of it...Who cares. Lots of good mountains let us ride. At this point even if they opened, I wouldn't go. Why give them my money?

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Zackly Noah...this just in:

Mad River Glen shareholders have voted to allow hunting of poaching snowboards by helicopter with automatic weapons.


anyway, seems its wasted breath these days, fighting for a good cause died in the sixties i suppose. nowadays, everyone analyzes a situation to death, and losses sight of the real goal, freedom, as corny as it sounds, freedom

EDIT: for underlying grammatical error

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