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Stroke at 21 years old


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This really hurts. My son had a hemmoragic stroke Nov 10 and is unable to use the left side of his body. The good news is that he is alive, his speach and personality largly unaffected. I'm posting this as I sit at Joe's bedside. It will be about 5 weeks minimum before they can replace the 1/2 of his skull they took out to relieve the pressure and get to the affected area. Everyone has high hopes and the neurosurgeons are extremely optimistic that Joe's right brain pre-motor area will recover and rewire enough so that he will recover a significant amount of control and strength on his left. But so far... almost nothing.

It really sucks that this stuff happens to someone so young and full of promise. He's a junior in the engineering school at Iowa State University. Probably the most clean-cut kid ever. If I could take this from him and onto myself... I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Well... supper has arrived... time to spoon feed my baby.




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Oh wow. My prayers go with you and your son.

I'm having thanksgiving dinner tomorrow with one of my best friends who had a stroke 3 years ago in his early 40's. It was shocking when that happened. I can't imagine what you've gone through. My friend's situation has been much better. He happened to be very close to a great hospital when it happened and has had some very good surgeons. The latest thing was putting a stent in one of the arteries feeding his brain to prevent future issues.

He's so psyched because the docs just cleared him for skiing this winter. It will be his first in quite a few (I think he took a few turns back east last year, but he can now do it at altitude).

Good luck to your son and your family. It seems such small consolation to think about how lucky we all are.

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Wow Brad, we are really sorry to hear about your son. Before I opened the thread, my eyes kept trying to read Stoke at 21 instead of Stroke at 21. They would not even process what the title said.

There is a lot of love in the world that shows up when you truly need it. Hopefully you are finding this to be the case because it really helps get us humans through some seemingly impossible times.

Rebecca and I wish your son and your family the best recovery possible. It sounds like your son is extremely lucky to have lived. To still have his speech and personality is a great start toward recovery. We'll be thinking of you guys.

Buell and Rebecca

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OMG. Brad, that's awful. Happy Thanksgiving - not.

Stay strong - they can do some amazing things with recovery from strokes now. I'm sure that in no time Joe will be back at achool and drving you crazy again. Plus he'll have a great scar to impress the ladies with :)

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I'm so Sorry. Such a terrible shock.... You are a great Dad for being there for him. I'm sure you are making him feel better. As a Dad myself I can't even imagine your pain. Life is so damned unfair sometimes.

I wish you, your son, and your family the best at this difficult time, and hope for a speedy recovery.

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Hey Brad,

I wish your son a speedy recovery. I really don't know what to say. My best friend (43 y.o.) had a stroke last year and all the early warning signs we kind of passed off. It was during deer season, cold on one side, tired, difficulty walking. Didn't think much of it. Two days after the season closed he was in the hospital. My prayers go out to you and your family. That is all I can say for now, hits too close to home.............BE STRONG


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My wife had a relatively minor stroke about 6 years ago. It's quite traumatic so I can feel for what you are going through. The brain does have quite amazing healing abilities, just give it some time. She went from not being able to feel her leg/arm at all to feeling them to having limited control in a short period. Then she regained full control a short while later!

Of course every stroke is different. Best of luck to him!

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This has been a tough week for the bomber family.I will pray for your son's recovery just as I pray for Jeff Patterson's family to recover from the loss their daddy/husband to a stroke at 43.One does not have to be religious to believe in the power of prayer.My prayers are with you.

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Brad...wow...more BOL prayers coming your way. Be strong brother. Glad to hear he is alive. My family is having Thanksgiving dinner with a couple where the husband recently had a brain tumor removed...and we will include you in our mealtime prayers. Another reason to live EVERY day to the fullest - easy to say, hard to do, but oh so true.

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This might sound funny coming from me as Im not known in most circles as the optimistic one, but yes, be optimistic. He's a young man, still in physical development stages to where growth/repair is even more likely. Scary to think about, but he can recover and may well do so! Let's hope that's the case.

If not...well...you still have him around!

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Thanks for sharing. Very sorry.

I have five kids 23 to 14. Regardless of how old or independent they get, as you noted, they still are your "baby." As you sit there and spoon feed him, the moment and the activity work to underscore that reality.

As with many others on this post, you and your son are in my thoughts and prayers.

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