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Pulled muscle now a bruise?


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So last weekend (Sat) I bailed in such amanner worthy of an Oscar in some of the fluffy fluff and pulled a muscle in my arm. I think it runs under the bicept from armpit to elbow...possibly one of the tricepts. Anyway, it hurt like a typical pulled muscle or a real bad cramp. Rode the rest of the day and was still able to use it but raising my arm over myhead took a few minutes. It's feeling better...a lot better now but today I noticed a bruise from armpit to elbow in the same area of the origional pain. I have never pulled a muscle this bad and am not sure if I need to see a doc about this. I know there are a few around here (I think) that may be able to help with some advice.

Here is a pic with link to larger image (click pic):The area outlined is the bruised area.


any suggestions? I've tried ice but should I see my Doc?


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I'm not a doctor but I work with high performance sports team and we encouter, pulls, bruises frequently.

My best advice is You need continue icing (15 min max) for every hour.

You can take some Advil - motrin or if you have access to anti inflamatory it might help you.

If you have access to an Hyper baric chamber you'll be able to get make the swelling go away faster ;)

Other wise you can go with this simple principle.

I : ice

C : Compression (start elastic wrap from elbow toward shoulder) Don't keep the compression at night.

E : Elevation

I hope this helps. Seeing a doctor is a good idea. Unless it's like here in Quebec where you have to wait 6-10 hours at the emergency. You probably know your body best, if you say it's unlike anything you've had before I would consult for sure.

csquared: if you don't have anything intelligent to add don't waste your time posting.

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You forgot the R... It should be RICE.. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Don't forget to NOT use your arm cause you don't want to keep tearing it..

If you ask me (not a doctor), go to the docs if you're concerned (which I guess you are), but there isn't really much you can do for a pulled muscle besides the RICE thing. Maybe they'd give you some pain killers/anti-inflammatories or whatever, maybe a sling..

So since you're concerned, we can't really tell you anything you don't already know, so go to the docs to get it checked out.

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I would follow the ice and add the “BR” suggestions if you want.

The only thing that I would do at this point is to see sports medicine therapist to get any and all exercises that would help in speeding the recovery of the mussel. This person should be able to evaluate the injury and let you know whether or not you need to see a physician. This should make it easier and quicker to get it back into shape. Some of the exercises at this point will most likely be very minimal and maybe even seem stupid, but do not underestimate them. All recovery starts with small steps.

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I'm only making of fun of his avatar.

However, I agree with you: a trip to the doctor in Quebec can be a long and unproductive experience.


I have all Avitars turned off on my login profile, so I don't have to look at his annoying "give a damn" avitar or DSub's bumfight's guy or Shed disturbing skull guy.

My $0.02,


p.s. Shred, my BOL friend read your comment above and can't stop laughing :lol: :lol: :lol:

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thanks everyone for the advice...and some of the info I could hav edone without...Shred.

i think I'll see my doc tomorrow. It doesn't hurt any more but I had never had a muslcle pull/strain that ended up this way. Anyway sorry if my avatar offends...I actually do give a damn.:rolleyes:

Well sometimes Ido.


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I did the same exact thing with same bruising except mine turned a multitude of shades of blues and purples from the blood and then my arm started to swell. Mine was a forward fall into powder with arms pulled up and back over my head.

The doc said don't use your arm, charged me 45 for a sling that was made in china for 12 cents and wouldn't even prescribe hydrocodone. :angryfire

Every time I flexed my arm, apparently I was pumping more blood into my arm.

for soft tissue damage the doc can tell what it may be, but I think the sports therapist route would be better, unless there is serious pain and it does not go away in a week or two.

Or go to massage parlor with happy ending so you don't have to do the Shred thing. :eplus2:

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RICE is a good start

You can also do a search for a practitionerin your area ,usually a sports med type, that uses a KINESIO taping technique.

you can check out the tape website on line its fantastic stuff designed to speed lymph flow and provide proprioceptive input that is lacking in the damaged muscle. It will pull out the bruise quickly and provide support for the muscle while it heals. IT is very flexible and waterproof you can wear it for a week and not know it is there. It isn't latex based so no itch and irrritation. Fairly new to this continent originated in Japan.

I have been using it now for just a few weeks and have been amazed with the results in my patients.


here are a couple from quebec that are certified to use it


Josee Matteau, OT, CKTP


Judy Stanfield, PT, CKTP


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:1luvu: here is a few from CA since I have no idea where san pablo is:biggthump

Fresno Area

Colette Jewell, OT, CHT, CKTP

Nicky leRoex, OTR/L, CHT, CKTP

Los Angeles Area

Amber Fitchew, MPT, CKTP

Christian Barney, DC, CKTP

Cindy Bailey, DPT, ATC, CKTP


Janey Lee, DPT, CKTP

Mariko Edwards, MPT, CKTP

Sharon Goldman-Salach, PT, CKTP

Stephen Iversen, DC, CKTP

Wendy Burke, DPT, OCS, CKTP


Robert Brandon, MPT, ATC, CKTP


George Toth-Fejel, OTR, CKTP


Justin Lau, DC, CKTP

Piotr Serek, PT, CKTP

San Diego

Corey Lichtman, DC, CKTP

Victor Runco, DC, CKTP

San Francisco Area

Debra Bleemer, DC, CKTP

Julia Winter, DC, ATC, CKTP

Santa Barbara

Victor Chakarian, PhD, CKTP

Marsha McIntire, PT, CKTP

San Jose Area

Abigail Vicencio, RPT, CKTP

Helen Tong, MA, OTR/L, CKTP

Jeffrey B. Lease, DC, OME, CKTP

Karen Woodbeck, ATC, PT, OCS, CKTP


Koji Uemura, DC, CKTP


Jeff Walker, PTA, CKTP

Westlake Village

Johanna Deckert, PT, CHT, CKTP

Aimee Antonio, PT, CKTP

Alexandra Nuttall-Smith, PT, ATC, CKTP

Alice Moroney, ORT/L, CEAS, CKTP

Allegra Osborne, OTR/L, CKTP

Andreana Mevoli, DC, CKTP

Angela Sayour, PT, CKTP

Angela Tognoni, PT, CKTP

Antonio Ambrosio, Jr., PT, CKTP

Brent Waterman, DC, CKTP

Carrie Manny, MA, OTR/L, CKTP

Cate Charlton, DC, CKTP

Cathy Do, DC, CKTP

Dave Salzer, PTA, MA, ATC, CKTP

David M Bennett, DC, CKTP

David Schlut, DC, CKTP

Dean Silverstre, DC, CKTP

Eileen Marie Coyle, PTA, CKTP

Eileen Marie Coyle, PTA, CKTP

Elga Oliveros, PT, CKTP

Emily Fine, PTA, CKTP

Franklin Cordero, PT, CKTP

Fred R. Valeo, PT, CKTP

Gene Caligari, PTA, CKTP

Jay Kunard, DC, CKTP

Jeanine Jensen, CKTP

Jeanine Johnson-Caloudes, OT, CKTP

Jessica Corkill, DC, CKTP

Joe Aguirre, PTA, CKTP

Joette Porteous, OTR/L, CKTP

Jonart R Rosal, PT, CKTP

Julie Bergmann, PT, CKTP

Kathryn Wanek, PT, CKTP

Kay Slutsky, OTR/L, CKTP

Kelley Wung, DCS, CKTP

Kenneth Dewart, MPT, CKTP

Kristen Brandt, OTR, CKTP

Krystl Armen, OT, CKTP

Kyli Shelley, DCS, CKTP

Lang Ngov, PT, CKTP

Laurel Johnson, CKTP

Lea Loveless, MPT, CKTP

Livnat Wilcox, CKTP

Magdalena Pertoldova, PT, CKTP

Manuel Ernesto Valle, DC, CKTP

Mary Jane Lowenthal, PT, CKTP

Monica Hanny, PT, CKTP

Nancy Dilger, PT, CKTP

Pei-Ling Shaw, RN, CKTP

Ranvir Sandhu, CKTP

Raymon Tyler Johnson, DC, CKTP

Rennie Lee, PT, CKTP

Rodney Carreon, PTA, CKTP

Rosalie Frankel, CKTP

Scott Rezac, DPT, CKTP

Shakespeare Ngo, PT, CKTP

Sheila Wong, OT, CHT, CKTP

Sherry Eakins, PT, CKTP

Staci Cay, COTA/L, CKTP

Steven Steinberg, PTA, DC, CKTP

Ya-Yuan Cheng, DCS, CKTP

Yuriko I. Wong, OTR/L, CHT, CKTP

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I have been wearing the basic knee technique myself with great results. ITs two pieces of tape and I don't even feel them. They wear for a week in and out of the shower wet dray sweaty etc no problem and the knee aches are non existent.

the best part is total mobility and very little tape so quick application and long wear.


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yes its relatively easy on applications you can reach. I have taped my own shoulder as well and needed a hand from the wife to hold an end etc. knees are easy to apply and you can pick up the technique of off a one or two sheet paper with pics.

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