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Well, my wonderful quest for 100 solid days of riding this year came to an abrupt halt yesterday at a respectable 56. I managed to shear off my lateral condyle of the femur (one of the two knobs at the bottom of the femur). It was a rather freak situation, but basically, the board slowed dramatically and the weight of my upper body drove into my front knee. I don't recommend anyone else trying this, it is very painful and rather inconvenient. Especially on the best powder day I have seen in Utah since we got here in mid December. :smashfrea

I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning to put the bone back in place and screw it in. That will be followed by 8 to 10 weeks of non-weight bearing. Fortunately it appears that the knee ligaments survived, including my ACL graft from '94. It is also nice that I will have a removable splint instead of a cast.

I want to say thank to all of those who have helped me progress this year as a carver; from simply riding with me, to offering clear and helpful advice, to having demo fleets so I could try different boards. It has really been a great year of learning to carve for me and I look forward to next winter.

I will definitely miss riding with the Oregon crew this spring. Hopefully, Rebecca can get away from her caretaker duties to make some turns. Looks like it will have to wait until next year unless I can get a couple of tentative turns on the Mile in early June. Make some turns for me!


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Buell man, that totally sucks! God speed the healing my friend! My thoughts ( and Carves ) are with you man!

Although I didn't offer up any carving tips or anything, it was a pleasure to meet and ride with you and Rebecca while I was out in Utah! Good times!

We'll have to keep in touch for next seasons' SES/OES! Looking forward to riding with you guys soon!


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Yep.... like evryone so far said.... That Sucks....

at 56 days too.... hope you heal up nice and strong Buell.. don't rush back before you're ready..... Next year you'll kick butt!!!

Hope the OP goes well!!!

PS: post pics of the operations aftermath... including pics of your xrays.....!!!


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Buell, we'll all miss you at OES. (At least it's not in May like it was the 1st year... so you won't be tempted to make an early comeback and risk re-injuring yourself!) Take great care of yourself, the mountain will be waiting for you next season as well as your awesome quiver.

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Thank you all for the kind thoughts.

Blackbird, I'll see what I can do about those x-rays. I haven't seen them yet myself.

Mike, looks like Rebecca has a hell of a quiver to choose from for the rest of the year.

Skully, if you didn't get our email from a few days back, can you drop us a line through our profile?



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Well, at least I know why you didn't answer your phone yesterday while I was scooping up freshies off of Strawberry. I must have made 3-4 calls from the gondola, thinking "Unusual for one of them not to answer, I wonder where they ended up today" :confused:

I'm sincerely sorry to hear about your injury and hope surgery goes well and you heal quickly!!

So, where did this take place? What deck were you on? Uh...what were you doing?

Just to vouch for Buell and Rebecca - Their riding skills are SOLID. You would NEVER guess that this was their 2nd season on snow!!

Talk to ya soon!

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I feel your pain. We will all be around if you need anything.

I however am bed bound also. Just had the ACL and Miniscus and MCL fixed this afternoon. Want to race to see who heals faster. ;)

You know how to reach me.

Good luck and heal fast!

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Guest dragon fly jones

Heal up quick gents, we need you out there spreading the good vibes.

Billy - man we need to get you out from under the injury cloud. I know you love what you do man, just turn it down to say a 9 on the 11 scale.

Be sure to watch those endless repeats of Star Trek DS-9, those have paced me through many an injury.

See ya soon.

The one and only DFJ.

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Thanks everyone.

Kirk, Rebecca and I actually had a great morning at Powder Mountain, but my phone doesn't work there. Glad you were getting the goods too. Thanks for the props.

Bordy, we thought about you the other day when there was a kite at Powder. You get well quick too. Hope your surgery went well and there is NO WAY I am racing you at anything! I go under the knife in the morning, it will be good to get it done and start moving forward on the rehab.

Jim, I am planning to ride hard in 07/08. ;) Must be a good winter surfwise in your neck of the woods this year. Hope you are catching some good days.

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Buell is out of surgery and in the recovery room. The surgery took a little longer than expected due to some damage to the cartilage and lateral meniscus, and a couple of "little chunks of bone" that had to be removed. However, four titanium screws and some clean-up later, Buell can start healing. The prognosis is roughly the same - 8 to 10 weeks until he can bear weight (or drive a car!), up to 6 months for "full" recovery. He's the poster boy for PT, as well as being a lightweight, so the outlook is very good.

Thanks so much for all of the support and kind words the last few days. Buell spends a lot more time lamenting the days he won't get to ride with you guys than he spends complaining about pain or recovery time.

Keep the good vibes coming. They really help.


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Jim, I am planning to ride hard in 07/08. ;) Must be a good winter surfwise in your neck of the woods this year. Hope you are catching some good days.

Yup, surf has been unusually clean from all the weather being pushed up your way. Not bad for consistency to. Getting a new Fish and a longboard this month. Oh yeah, the local crew of Point Rats are thin this winter. I know you will understand. :AR15firin

BTW I snapped my collatbone two seasons back in February. Missed the best surf/snow in a decade. I feel your pain. :(

See you in '08

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Buell, The crew at Berg's wishes you well and a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you:1luvu: .

We are a little jealous of the 56 days on snow:boxing_sm . None of us have had a 5th that many in probably 10 years. Amaizing we can still ride at all.

Love those store hours:smashfrea . Thanks for living the dream!

Maybe Rebecca can make some turns w/ me before the snow runs out.

Anyway, Heal fast my friend and come back stronger next season!!!!! Can't wait to rip it with you again.

Much love my brother!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for all the well wishes. It really helps keep the spirits up.

Well, 4 weeks from my injury and I finally have some images of the damage. The first two show the CT scan of the broken lateral femoral condyle. The x-ray shows the 4 new titanium screws which now hold the bottom of my femur together. The two thick, threaded screws are from my ACL reconstruction in '95. I think my right knee has enough metal already!

My recovery is going well. I just finished 4 wonderful evenings of the OregonES here at Mt Bachelor. Fortunately, Rebecca got to enjoy the days as well. I certainly missed riding with everyone, but it is really nice to visit with so many great people. Next year! :biggthump

I meet with the surgeon on Thurday to get my first x-rays since the surgery and find out how I am healing. Hopefully I can start some more aggressive rehab. Can't wait to ride again next season.




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