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PSA: "Frontside" and "Backside" are dead.

Jack M

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You turn towards your front with your toes and you turn towards your back with your heels. Toeside turn=Frontside turn, Heelside turn=Backside turn-they're interchangeable, if somebody can't get their brain around that, how are they going to figure out that a 2 degree side bevel is the same as an 88 degree side bevel unless you have a 1 degree base bevel and then you've really got a true 89 degree side bevel or that detuning can either mean base bevelling OR dulling the edge? Oh, and the mountain IS macking Sunset, Hanalei or Laniakea. The faster you go before your first turn, the bigger the wave is. :eek:

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You turn towards your front with your toes and you turn towards your back with your heels. Toeside turn=Frontside turn, Heelside turn=Backside turn

The problem is that there just as many valid reasons to call a toeside turn a backside turn and a heelside turn a frontside turn. Toeside and Heelside are the only unambiguous terms.

The only reason to use frontside and backside are if you want to be a word-snob and make newbies and/or non-surfers and non-skaters feel stupid and excluded.

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I thought it was Peahi......

Peahi is "Jaws" on Maui. It IS amazing how Laird intuitively knew to drag his hand in that wave to slow himself down enuf not to get sucked backwards into a potentially deadly wipeout on that nasty reef.

Tahiti is so sweet: TAHITI BOAT TRIP

I think kids, or anyone really, learning to snowboard should be aware of how the whole thing came about, how surfing became skateboarding and surfing the snow evolved.Surfing is a hell of alot harder to get good at than snowboarding.

I don't think Jacko surfs. :cool: Plenty of cold,rocky coastline up there in Maine tho.

pebu, the mountain IS one BIG wave with alot of little peaks to slash.

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Jack why do they want to change that!??

Its frontside and backsides since snowboarding appeared, it comes from surfing and its what i feel i'm doing on snow since day one too ( surfing on snow)..... its also way easier terms to use in other languages than english... heelside in french alone translates as "virage coté talon" and toeside "virage coté orteils"...

I'm not sure to understand why backside and frontsides arent obvious anymore when turning on a snowboard ( front to the snow, or back to the snow) ??? The explainations are obscure as hell!

Now for your eyes only, and solely for the purpose above ( why backs and fronts are cool still), i'm letting you see the rarest of all ( sorry no you will NOT see the whole clip, I promised NEVER to release it / give it away!) an extract from the first ever snowboard movie ( not the crappy burton story of the guy in the backyard in the 20's) showing what surfing on snow is like in 1977:


Please dont relink etc... i'll post the full movie when i get the authorization!


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The problem is that there just as many valid reasons to call a toeside turn a backside turn and a heelside turn a frontside turn. Toeside and Heelside are the only unambiguous terms.

Really? Please explain.

I vividly remember my first season of snowboarding and indeed learning a toeside turn was akin to going frontside on a wave, and so on. For the first few times on the hill, I used these terms because, well, that's really all I knew...until I learned and became used to using other terminology. It made sense. Yet at the same time, I understand the tendency for some to equate the two sets of terms - and it has nothing to do with being a "word-snob".

And after a nice session of freshies yesterday - The "rights" and "lefts" were eqally good :cool:

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The problem is that there just as many valid reasons to call a toeside turn a backside turn and a heelside turn a frontside turn. Toeside and Heelside are the only unambiguous terms.

The only reason to use frontside and backside are if you want to be a word-snob and make newbies and/or non-surfers and non-skaters feel stupid and excluded.

I will agree with you Jack it can be confusining in a pipe frontside is toeside in the park its heelside...It's entirely related to the direction of travel and what you are facing. I've been looking at the world from a skater POV for 10 years longer than I've been snowboarding and I started snowboarding in 83. I only think in terms of which way I am facing not what edge I'm using....So Jack do you feel stupid and excluded?????

BTW I'm pretty sure that Willy is right it's Teahupoo, Jaws doesn't have a Left that looks anythere near that clean (nor is the left rideable).

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its tahiti guys! ( sorry for the off topic slide)

Color, the fact that the lip is so thick, the fact that he barely has a meter of water left under his feet before the reef...the fact that its a left ( jaws has a very rare left if i remember, and its not tubing like this one).

Been surfing in tahiti before T was "discovered" well, surfed, and taking off in bigger than 2m wave is really something scary in tahiti, especially if you're regular ( most good breaks are lefts aka backside walls for regulars). It goes from hill to straight wall in about 1 second, and when u bail out you are just crushed on the reef, eating it big time if its a serie coming after the wave. Surfing T is something i'll never do and i'm happy with it! ( almost drowned in 2m surf at taapuna reef pass, made nightmares for almost 2 months afterwards..) T is a bout 10 times bigger and faster than all the rest!!! I have the big respects for the guys that paddle out there ( not so much with tow in surfing thu...noisy line ups sucks big time).

I think dimitrije is just incredible in that movie... he surfs without bindings ( just straps) and he just ripps! The most fascinating is to imagine that when it was shot he was probably the only human on earth able to do the same stuff)....( jake was just buying tools for his garage at the time)


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that's the insane teahupoo (choe poo) wave from Riding Giants-mavs looks brown-tahiti is blue

Yep - Teahupoo. The drop in is after being towed in :eek:

Been a while since I've seen the film. Wasn't Teahupoo a tow-in only wave for some time...untill some sacked up and started paddling in?

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the little vid before the Tahiti Boat trip vid was Laird's Jaws ride but I guess it changes to different videos as Boat Trip is loading. This will answer all your questions

Riding Giants it was on Discovery HD sunday night when I got home from riding...NICE !

Until you've stood at Pipeline and felt that thunder in your chest, it's hard to fathom how incredible big wave surfing really is. I chatted with Laird years ago and the guy is just so mellow and friendly, no attitude at all.

it's all about the spirit of aloha. :biggthump

has anyone successfully paddled in? I've never seen that..

paddle surfing is so "in" right now


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surfing terms don't apply.

Towing the party line a bit?

Snowboarding's kinship to surfing is the ONLY reason I got attracted to the sport back in the 90's. I never skied or had any desire to.

Surfing terms and sensations CERTAINLY apply.

Embrace your sports' roots, not your BBS moderator.

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maybe you should feel "stupid and excluded" for starting this ridiculous thread. you have taken this forum to a new low.

I didn't feel stupid or excluded when I told the ski jibber kid on the chair last sunday

"dude, that was a sweet heli you threw in the park"

he said " heli ? that was a cork 3"

back in MY day we called it a heli...a helicopter....never mind, I'm old. :cool:

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Towing the party line a bit?

Snowboarding's kinship to surfing is the ONLY reason I got attracted to the sport back in the 90's. I never skied or had any desire to.

Surfing terms and sensations CERTAINLY apply.

Embrace your sports' roots, not your BBS moderator.


It's "toeing" the party line, and no, Im not, and the terms definitely apply in certain situations, like on a transition, etc.

Im not dissing surfing. I dont surf, but am 100% respectful of surfing.

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wow. some people are really, really acting like morons over this. Taken this forum to a new low? For stating (accurately) that one doesnt really turn "frontside or backside" (although the description someone gave, toe = front made sense) and that the more accurate terms would work better?

you guys must have an easy life if something like this is that offensive to you.

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wow. some people are really, really acting like morons over this. Taken this forum to a new low? For stating (accurately) that one doesnt really turn "frontside or backside" (although the description someone gave, toe = front made sense) and that the more accurate terms would work better?

you guys must have an easy life if something like this is that offensive to you.

Yeah, it's a little surprising anyone even cares, especially since it seems to be snowing everywhere now. Otherwise I could understand. By the way, D...my brother wants his avatar back. :D

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I am not sure why everyone is getting so upset over this. Those of you who think it is simple probably do not realize that what you refer to as frontside and backside turns are indeed referenced quite the opposite way by a lot of people.

Who is right?

Well, everyone thinks that they are right.

I, too, have found that simply dropping frontside and backside and replacing them with toeside and heelside makes things a lot easier. There is no confusion in the terms toeside turn and heelside turn.

Blame it on round turns. Initiating across the fall line and finishing the other way across the fall line means that you can not use the mountain as a reference for FS or BS. You could categorize it with airs, like a lot of people do, but then you are confusing those who refer to FS and BS edges and vice versa.

It seems to me that the people who have gotten offended by this post are not realizing that there are a lot of riders who consider FS and BS turns to be the exact opposite of what they do.

The terms toeside and heelside eliminate this problem.

From a Freestyle Coach's perspective, there is enough to learn about FS and BS off of straight jumps, halfpipe, and especially rails - which seem to confuse everyone (a FS boardslide and a BS lipslide look identical to the undiscerning eye - as Mark J. referred to). Throw switch into the mix and you have a whole new set of ideas to learn - switch FS and switch BS. The last thing that I would want to now have to clear up with athletes is which is a FS turn and which is a BS turn.

Don't use toeside and heelside if you don't want to, but understand that it IS confusing to some.

OR, someone can try to standardize which is a TRUE frontside turn and which is a TRUE backside turn. Of course, that person would probably get reamed out by the Bomber masses for assuming that they hold the power to set the FS/BS standard. ;)

edited so that it gets my true point across - Jack! :D

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Jack, you fargin bastage. I can't believe that I did that. I am going back and editing, although your post will stand. AARRGGHH. (I am laughing on the inside)

I thought that I had really put a lot of thought into that post ..... then I screw up like that.

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