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Yes I am skimming!! You can sign up below Moguls at the ticket office or on the phone with the events center. I am mounting up a vintage(late 80's early 90's) Kemper Aggressor Comp 170 for the contest. It has very little sidecut, a nice nose and is very very wide. Last year I could feel the sidecut of my tail (Burton T6) and my boot overhang dragging so I am going with freestyle binding and soft boots with around 45 front and 40 rear for no overhang. I am very tempted to use the Das Amputator, but I think the stiffness of the boots could be a hinderance for the delicate edge control and feel I think I need. I have been training all week by jumping into a frozen pond near my house.


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I am thinking that the 4807 178 is the way to go! that boat nose looks like a winner:biggthump softies set with no overhang is the way I roll anyhow so that is the plan. That crowd is enticingly close to the pond I'd be tempted to lay it over just to include them in the fun:lol:

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DrD How about the skimmer who makes it the furthest gets both boards! If you won you would get a fine Vintage Kemper Aggressor Comp that has been drilled and remounted only 5 times!!

I think that board shoud treat you very well in the contest.

I should be riding at the Big Thursday through Sunday. I should pass 1,000,000 million vertical feet tomorrow.

John G. is closing in on 4.5 million for the season. Not too bad for a guy who broke his collar bone 1 week ago, had surgery, 10 screws and a plate, and was back riding. Yes... back riding in less than 100 hours from cutting him open. :flamethro

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DrD How about the skimmer who makes it the furthest gets both boards! If you won you would get a fine Vintage Kemper Aggressor Comp that has been drilled and remounted only 5 times!!

I think that board shoud treat you very well in the contest.

I should be riding at the Big Thursday through Sunday. I should pass 1,000,000 million vertical feet tomorrow.

John G. is closing in on 4.5 million for the season. Not too bad for a guy who broke his collar bone 1 week ago, had surgery, 10 screws and a plate, and was back riding. Yes... back riding in less than 100 hours from cutting him open. :flamethro

The guy is like the terminator:eek: I can't keep up with him for more than 3 runs on a normal day maybe I can hang with him now:biggthump Good to hear he is back up and at em. see you up there.

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I agree!! It was some amazing cord today!! Carve-a-licous I must say!!! Das Amputator and I are still giggling this evening. We shall go give it a try tomorrow too!!

John is riding very consistantly, even with one arm in a sling. Still about 4 runs a hour. Hour after hour after hour.....Rick and I run as blockers for him to keep the SPORE's (Stupid People On Rental Equipment) away from him.

See ya up there on Sat!!

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John is riding very consistantly, even with one arm in a sling. Still about 4 runs a hour. Hour after hour after hour.....Rick and I run as blockers for him to keep the SPORE's (Stupid People On Rental Equipment) away from him.

See ya up there on Sat!! Now I know you cant be telling the truth. People are still renting ? I say not..The cams tell the story no one on the hill. I need A new life or A new location or both.

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Can't say enough about the fog :biggthump The mere mention of it scares away the riff raff:eplus2:

On the upside it is possible to get stuck here for a week as the airport is often fogged in. Terrible problem to have to board the sunshine above the clouds while the boss fumes at home and nuthin to be done about it til the fog lifts:biggthump

pic 1 single days new snow standing four inches deeper than my 24 cm board is wide.

pic 2 Paulk resetting his gyro compass

pic 3 the airport as viewed from bigmtn:eplus2:




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Another amazing carving day at the BIG!! I did have to cut the day a little short the wife tipped over (snowboarding) and broke her wrist. It was a "Good" break and should heal up nicely.

Tomorrow Pond Skimming!!

Be Safe out there!!

42 days and 1,000,000 vertical feet and counting.

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OMG! can you send me the 3rd one in full size? I need a new background.

that's the biggest version I have but I will look around. I don't remember f I took it on my phone or if one of the bomber guys took it when they were here.

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It was a beautiful sunny day at the Big Mtn for pond skimming. DrD, Eric P, and I all competed in the Second Annual Big Mtn Pond Skimming Contest. The pack started out with a mix of 80 snowboarders, skiers and Eric P on his mono-ski.

The first round was brutal with nearly 60 of the competitiors left swimming. The second round was equally brutal with another 10 swimming.

The third round was the true test. The pond had lost nearly all of the water and left about a 4 foot drop to the water and nearly no run in for speed. The skiiers were able to skate for speed.

When it was all said and done skiers took the top 3 spots. From fourth to 7th was a mix of snowboarders and skiers.

DrD did had a great run but ended up swimming. He still had a big happy smile on his face.

Eric P in his retro 70's Disco costume and mono-ski ended up blasting over the nose and swimming on his 2nd run. He too had a great big smile.

I placed 4th overall and 1st for the snowboarders on the Kemper Aggressor Comp in my Sponge Bob "UNSINKABLE" pajamas.

Many of the snowboarders were waxing up with Rain-X but I just used regular yellow swix, seemed pretty fast.

I am fairly sure that 4 kegs of beer were drained in the process. Everyone had a great time and are scheaming for ways to win next year.

I will post pictures tomorrow.

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It appears that I truly suck at pondskimming:lol: :lol: :lol:

next year will be different;)

I am going long and skinny next year. I think you need a tail 3 feet long to absorb the 3 foot drop to the pool and the nasty little kicker at the end of it.

I think the 195 will be included in my next attempt at greatness:biggthump

What a hoot though and damn that water was cold. All the fake boobies in the contest lost three cup sizes on contact with the water.:lol: come to think of it I lost a "cup size" or two myself:lol:

Dave should have won some kind of award for sacking up enough to wear the spongebob spandex they were truly worth a look. but only one since there was a liiiitlle to much crack showin for a family oriented event:lol:

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I managed 45 days this year at Big Mtn with 1,031,050 vertical feet logged.

My good friend John G. who finished the season with a broken, plated and screwed(10) collar bone logged 4,602,790 vertical feet to win the vertical challenge for the 2006-07 season. I am not sure how many days he logged??? He is the first snowboarder to win the vertical challenge at the Big. Great Work John!!!

Another honorable mention is Rick S. who logged 3,060,578 verticle feet 6th place on the Big Vert Challenge. He was there every single day they were open and hard booting every day!!

Below is John (yellow coat) and Rick (black coat) getting ready for the last run of the season. Also is an X-ray of John's sweet new titanium hardware.



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