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For the record, I'm no camera whore! Check the footage. I just want to ride.

BD6: Heal up quick. I was on the bike on Sunday. I'm ready for the chickenboro/atwood trails.

Stevo: Let's hit ft rock next week after work. Wed?, Thurs?

Thanks for the props. Can we hit tux yet? Maybe the 24th.

MacEnzo: Keep doing whatever you did this past season. You killed it!

Speaking of hunting, I was just looking for a place to hang my climbing tree toilet. Now i need to tune up the bow.

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listen you frog! just cause the HABS stole one last night in washington, doesn't mean you can come into this thread and run your big mouth about the B's! remember last year when Lucic sweap causeway street with that fat pile of $hit mike komiserik? 8th seed, good luck, you eurotrash frog!

gfy 77x's!


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Memorable quotes for

Slap Shot (1977) More at IMDbPro »

advertisementJim Carr: Well I may be bald, but at least I'm not chicken**** like you!

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Reggie Dunlop: Hey Hanrahan! Hanrahan! Hanrahan - Suzanne sucks pussy! Hey Hanrahan she's a dyke! I know, I know! She's a lesbian, a lesbian, a lesbian!

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[after meeting the Hansons]

Reggie Dunlop: Oh you cheap son of a bitch. Are you crazy? Those guys are retards!

McGrath: I got a good deal on those boys. The scouts said they showed a lot of promise.

Reggie Dunlop: They brought their ****in' TOYS with 'em!

McGrath: Well, I'd rather have em playin with their toys than playin with themselves

Reggie Dunlop: They're too dumb to play with themselves. Boy, every piece of garbage that comes into the market and you gotta buy it!

McGrath: Reg, Reg, that reminds me. I was coachin' in Omaha in 1948 and Eddie Shore sends me this guy who was a terrible masturbator, you know, couldn't control himself. Why, he would get deliberate penalties so he could get over in the penalty box all by himself and damned if he wouldn't... you know...

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Reggie Dunlop: She underlines the **** scenes for ya? Jesus, if she underlines the **** scenes for ya, she must worship the ground you walk on.

Ned Braden: They teach you how to underline in college.

Reggie Dunlop: Not the **** scenes, they don't. Braden, you gotta learn to put out more, you know what I mean?

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Jim Carr: Ned, what's a young man of your background still doing playing professional hockey?

Ned Braden: I hate my father.

Jim Carr: Is that right?

Ned Braden: That's what I said, isn't it?

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Lily Braden: You're bull****, you're really bull****.

Ned Braden: You're drunk.

Reggie Dunlop: You're right, he's bull****.

Lily Braden: Yeah? Well, he and I are the only decent items in this town


Reggie Dunlop: That's great. Why should she care what anyone thinks about her? Shes just scrappin' Hey, how does Braden treat her? Is he nice to her?

Denis Lemieux: Oh yeah, he love her. He tell me 'I love her.'

Reggie Dunlop: Well, maybe Braden's a faggot, you ever think of that?

Denis Lemieux: No way, he got a big cock, like horse.

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[after losing at poker]

Denis Lemieux: ****. I lose my blouse.

Jim Ahern: Shirt... shirt.

Denis Lemieux: ****.

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Ned Braden: You take the van, I'll keep the dog.

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McGrath: Good crowd out there tonight, boys, let's really try to win this one.

Ned Braden: You have to hand it to the old bastard, he's highly original.

Jim Ahern: That man traveled 15 hours by bus to say that?

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[repeated line]

Dickie Dunn: I tried to capture the spirit of the thing.

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Reggie Dunlop: I am personally placing a hundred-dollar bounty on the head of Tim McCracken. He's the head coach and chief punk on that Syracuse team.

Jim Carr: A bounty?

Reggie Dunlop: Yeah, a hundred bucks of my own money for the first of my guys who really nails that creep.

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Tim McCracken: Dunlop, you suck cock.

Reggie Dunlop: All I can get.

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Reggie Dunlop: Goddamn lard-ass Barkley Donaldson, I'm tellin' you he jumped us!

Steve Hanson: [nodding head] Mm huh.

Reggie Dunlop: Gloves off, stick down, no warning, he challenged the Chiefs!

Steve Hanson: Called us names!

Reggie Dunlop: Called us names! But Dave was there.

Steve Hanson: Dave's a killer!

Johnny Upton: Dave's a mess.

Reggie Dunlop: But Dave's out. Who's gonna take his place?

Ned Braden: Is the answer Jesus?

Reggie Dunlop: [looks at the Hanson brothers] Ok guys. Show us what you got.

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[Reggie is trying to get his pre-game nap]

McGrath: Are you nuts? A bounty? We could all end up in the clinker for this. You can't put a bounty on a man's head.

Reggie Dunlop: Bull****. I just did.

[Hangs up, Phone rings again]

Dave 'Killer' Carlson: Coach, I want that hundred dollars.

Reggie Dunlop: Ya gotta earn it, Killer.

Dave 'Killer' Carlson: My attitude's right.

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[afterthe Hansons join the team]

Johnny Upton: They're ****in' horrible-lookin'.

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Hyannisport broadcaster: The fans are standing up to them! The security guards are standing up to them! The peanut vendors are standing up to them! And by golly, if I could get down there, I'd be standing up to them!

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Ned Braden: Now, they give you one phone call. See they book you, and then the give you one phone call.

Jack Hanson: Call the pizza man!

Morris Wanchuk: Why dontcha call a massage parlor!

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Johnny Upton: Jesus, what did the old man trade for these *******s, a used puck bag?

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McGrath: Every scout in the NHL is out there tonight, with contracts in their pockets, and they're looking for talent. For winners. OOOOOOOOOH. All my years of publicity. All the fashion shows and radiothons for nothing... They come here tonight... to scout the Chiefs... the toughest team in the Federal League! Not this! Buncha... pussies."

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Tim McCracken: Hundred bucks says you're gonna crack my skull.

Ned Braden: I wouldn't crack your knuckles for a hundred bucks.

Tim McCracken: So, he's bluffing.

Ned Braden: Somebody's gonna kill you, ya dumb son of a bitch, but it's not gonna be me.

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[referee skates over to Steve Carlson during the playing of the National Anthem]

Peterboro Referee: I got my eye on the three of you. You pull one thing, you're out of this game. I run a clean game here. I have any trouble here, I'll suspend ya.

Steve Hanson: I'm listening to the ****ing song!

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Jim Carr: Oh this young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusal to accept him, well, I guess that's more than most 21-year-olds can handle... Ogie Ogilthorpe!

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Reggie Dunlop: You know, your son looks like a fag to me.

Anita McCambridge: I beg your pardon?

Reggie Dunlop: You better get re-married again, or he's gonna have someone's cock in his mouth before you can say Jack Robinson.

Anita McCambridge: How dare you! How dare you!

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Hyannisport broadcaster: Look at that. You can't see that, I'm on radio.

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Lily Braden: What's the story on that dog?

Reggie Dunlop: That's the dog that saved Charleston from the 1938 flood.

Lily Braden: Well **** him.

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Jim Carr: Here's a name for you nostalgia fans: Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown. I'll never forget an exclusive interview in which Swamptown revealed that he calls his hockey stick the "Big Tomahawk," and he usually refers to the opposing players as "the little scalps".

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Jim Carr: Andre "Poodle" Lussier, defense. Andre, as you know, has been living in semi-seclusion in Northern Quebec ever since the unfortunate Denny Pratt tragedy.

Morris Wanchuk: Not Poodle.

Jim Carr: And from Mile 40, Saskatchewan, where he now runs a donut shop, number 10, former penalty-minute record holder for the years 1960 to 1968 inclusive, Gilmore Tuttle.

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[at the Chiefs Fashion Show]

Johnny Upton: I'm gonna flash' em, Joe!

McGrath: No, you're not.

Johnny Upton: I'm gonna walk down that stinkin' runway, open up this faggot robe and wiggle my dick at 'em! And do you know why? Because I want you to have a heart-attack and die so we don't have to do this **** again! You and your ****ing fashion shows!

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Reggie Dunlop: What are you guys doing?

Steve Hanson: Puttin' on the foil!

Jeff Hanson: Every game!

Jack Hanson: Yeah, you want some?

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Reggie Dunlop: It's their rink, it's their ice, and it's their ****in' town. But tonight we got our fans with us!

[other players cheer]

Reggie Dunlop: They spent their own dough to get here, and they came here to see us! All right, let's show 'em what we got, guys! Get out there on the ice and let 'em know you're there. Get that ****in' stick in their side. Let 'em know you're there! Get that lumber in his teeth. Let 'em know you're there!

Ned Braden: Bleed all over 'em. Let 'em know you're there.

Reggie Dunlop: Give 'em a good warm-up, Denis. Come on, fellas!

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Reggie Dunlop: You mean you could sell us, but you won't?

Anita McCambridge: I could probably sell you, but I can't.

Reggie Dunlop: Well - you know, uh - we're human beings, you know.

Anita McCambridge: I have to confess I've never let the children watch a hockey game. I have a theory that children imitate what they see on a TV screen. If they see violence, they'll become violent. If they see someone stick up a bank, they'll stick up a bank. Heroin. You name it.

Reggie Dunlop: You're ****ed!

Anita McCambridge: What?

Reggie Dunlop: You are totally ****ed! You're garbage for letting us all go down the drain.

Anita McCambridge: Are you serious?

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Shirley Upton: Johnny always says you can just drink so much and screw so much.

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Gilmore Tuttle: We'll straighten you out, you little prick!

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Morris Wanchuk: [while watching a soap opera in the bar] That cunt is no good!

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Jim Ahern: If Hanrahan's wife's a dyke, does that make him a fag?

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Jim Carr: Hi, Jim Carr again. Denis, I know that some in our audience don't know the finer points of hockey. Could you tell them, for example, what is icing?

Denis Lemieux: Well, um, icing happen when the puck come down, bang you know, before the other guys you know. Nobody there, you know. My arm go comes up then the game stop then start up.

Jim Carr: I see. What is high-sticking?

Denis Lemieux: High-sticking happen when the guy take the stick, you know, and he go like that

[high-sticks Jim Carr]

Denis Lemieux: you know. You don't do that.

Jim Carr: You don't do that?

Denis Lemieux: Oh no, never, never.

Jim Carr: Why not?

Denis Lemieux: Against the rules. You know, you're stupid when you do that. Just some English pig with no brains, you know.

Jim Carr: Uh, what is slashing?

Denis Lemieux: Slashing is um, like that

[demonstrates on Jim Carr]

Denis Lemieux: you know.

Jim Carr: Mm-hmm. And there's a penalty for that?

Denis Lemieux: Yeah and for the trip also, you know like that


Denis Lemieux: . And for hook like this


Denis Lemieux: . And for spear, you know, like that.


Denis Lemieux: You do that, you go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know and you feel shame, you know. And then you get free.

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Denis Lemieux: My allergy to those ****ing fans has returned!

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Denis Lemieux: I'm tired of it! Puke! Blah! All the time, puke!

Reggie Dunlop: You're a goalie, you're supposed to be like that.

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Reggie Dunlop: They convicted Ogilthorpe!

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Johnny Upton: ****in' Chrysler plant, here I come!

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Jeff Hanson: Eddie Shore?

McGrath: Piss on Eddie Shore.

Steve Hanson: Old-time hockey?

McGrath: Piss on old-time hockey!

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Nick Brophy # 8 Hyannisport Presidents: Anybody throws me against the boards I'm gonna piss all over myself.

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Reggie Dunlop: How's it going, Nick?

Nick Brophy # 8 Hyannisport Presidents: I'm drunk.

Reggie Dunlop: Nah!

Nick Brophy # 8 Hyannisport Presidents: I'm not bull****tin' ya. Got stinkin' ****faced on the bus. Louise left me, and that son of a bitch over there keeps playin' me when he knows I'm ****faced.

Reggie Dunlop: Jeez, I'm really sorry.

Nick Brophy # 8 Hyannisport Presidents: Anybody throws me against the boards, I'm gonna piss all over myself.

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Tim McCracken: They don't call me Dr. Hook for nothin'.

Jeff Hanson: How ya doin'?

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Steve Hanson: [to Ogie Ogilthorpe] Hi Ogie. Buy you a soda after the game?

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Jack Hanson: [to Andre "Poodle" Lussier] Hi. You know Toe Blake? No?

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Johnny Upton: On watching the Hanson Brothers and their unsportsmanlike play "these guys are a ****ing disgrace!"

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Johnny Upton: [Raises his glass in a toast] Hell, here's to the Sunshine State!

Morris Wanchuk: Here's to all that gorgeous snatch in F-L-A. Yeah!

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Reggie Dunlop: Jesus Christ, what a friggin' nightmare...

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Hey weather....GFY!!!

You snowed more today than you have for the past 2 months combined. I got a full 1/2" at my place. Sugarloaf is claiming they might pick up 6" over the weekend. WTF!!!!!

JD I started reading your post but then my ADD kicked and I had to pop a ritalin. Is that Act 2, Scene 5, Lines 41 - 63??

FF...I can't see the Bruins pushing this series beyond 4 games with the Ryder/Wheeler/Satan offensive incompetence. They're torture to watch.

Do you do mail order chix parm??

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Sugarloaf is claiming they might pick up 6" over the weekend.

As of 3:30 EST, at least 6 'Fake-afarians' have accumulated around the village, resplendent in tri-color beanies w/attached f'redlocks.

Looking ahead, base maintenance anticipates picking up at least several inches of litter by Saturday PM, more expected on Sunday.

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Great game!! This was the type of play fans expected to see from the team all season. Lots of grit!! If they can maintain this intensity, they're gonna wear the Sabres down. Next game is pivotal!!

I went ballistic on the Boychuk hit. Ridiculous!! Ellis was fkn dazed & confused on that one. Guy you gotta embed this chit:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZLPuyiW_4&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZLPuyiW_4&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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Did T32 hit Tux yet? Haven't seen any footage of it this year.

We had plans to hit Tux, but a few of us were running on fumes at the end of the season and are pretty banged up. If my body heals up, I might shoot up in another month or so. I went up twice last June and there was still great peel-away corn on Sluice.

With all the Nor'Easters this winter, the place to be this spring is on the west side. Great stoke in the TR's on T4T and FIS.

Once Gleb recovers from 4/20 I hope to get his HD clips from Stratton so I can come up with another T32 redneck carving flick. Rumor has it that JD was spinning 360's like a punk ass park monkey in the X-Games. Until then...grow those beards....it's playoff hockey!!!

Tuuuuuuuukaaaaaa!!!! Tuuuuuuuukkaaaaaaa!!! TUUUUUKKKKKKKAAAAAA!!!!!

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they put it in in '03, you just missed it!


Great..Just Great.. I spent good 2 hours to climb up and took me 30 seconds to get down. Even though it's only bottom half of the bowl (upper half of the bowl was actually too steep for me to do anything except sucking up the air and praying for no avalanch :eek: ), I'll take 2 min. ride on that thing and enjoy 20 seconds of riding. :1luvu:

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Great..Just Great.. I spent good 2 hours to climb up and took me 30 seconds to get down. Even though it's only bottom half of the bowl (upper half of the bowl was actually too steep for me to do anything except sucking up the air and praying for no avalanch :eek: ), I'll take 2 min. ride on that thing and enjoy 20 seconds of riding. :1luvu:

yeah it saves a ton of time but man, on the nice days the line is back to the starbucks hut!


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Since Boyne owns Tux, I heard rumors that they're gonna take the Spillway double from Sugarloaf & replace that with a fixed grip quad. Then there are plans to recycle that double chair for a lift up Left Gully. I've been searching on www.sugarloaftoday.com but can't find any leads. I just wish they'd put a lift up the Sherburne Trail. The hike up to Hojos is the one that tires me out. When I'm up in the bowl...it's all adrenaline. I never ride the lift while up there. I like earning my turns.

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yeah it saves a ton of time but man, on the nice days the line is back to the starbucks hut!


Dang... then it would be 20 min. waiting for 20 seconds of fame but still way better than 2 hours of climbing 70 degree upright cliff. :)

Stevo: You're welcome. You wouldn't got the Indy if it was Mondo 28 :nono:

Although snowboarding down from head-wall to bottom of the bowl is one of memorable experience, if I look back, I was more stoked to take a trail (can't remember the name and too lazy to look up) down to Pinkam's Notch. It was about good 30 min. riding with few stops. Although it was little narrow and bumpy, where could anyone get off-piste snow and backcountry type of run down in East Coast?

Yesterday Mammoth got 2' snow but Yeah we have Tuckerman's Ravine and the trail. Let's not get depressed. :1luvu:

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Since Boyne owns Tux, I heard rumors that they're gonna take the Spillway double from Sugarloaf & replace that with a fixed grip quad. Then there are plans to recycle that double chair for a lift up Left Gully. I've been searching on www.sugarloaftoday.com but can't find any leads. I just wish they'd put a lift up the Sherburne Trail. The hike up to Hojos is the one that tires me out. When I'm up in the bowl...it's all adrenaline. I never ride the lift while up there. I like earning my turns.

Thanks.. Sherburne Trail is what I was talking about!

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