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French Fries

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Everything posted by French Fries

  1. If you are a competitive snowboard racer, than Steamboat would make the most sense, the coaching at SSWSC should be up to par with your riding ability. Another place that has a really good program is at Park City and Chris Carol, he would probably give you more of the individual attention that you are seeking, he has a much smaller program than SSWSC, but is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to alpine racing, he was the 1st ever alpine coach. Jerry Masterpool ran Cross M team, and has coached what some might call a large group of highly aggressive riders with the perfect technique for going really fast and not falling. You could also do what Vic Wild did, and go abroad. He moved to Russia, became a citizen of Russia and even joined the Red Army, thats seems to be working for him. If thats out of the question, and you dont want to "pay to play" you can always use pine cones on a less travelled trail on your local hill, it will have a more natural look than covering a trail with red chalk powder, that in about an hrs time will look like an elk got smoked by a logging truck, as it skipped down your training coarse. Good luck Sochi is less than a year away !!!
  2. Jackco, is this beast still for sale? If so one of my husbands athletes wants to buy it. Email him at johndeere0321@hotmail.com. He is under the gun to get him a replacement.
  3. Is this particular one still for sale? Very interested if it is, let me know. Froggy Druanne !
  4. Dear Team 32, First and foremost I would like to warn you about a shipment that came today. We are now forced to say goodbye to BIG DUKE 6 and formally welcome the new and improved BARBIE DOLL 6. Be ready to hand out fines (not sure how much a pink snowboard is worth). Love you all, The Team Chef
  5. seriously, can anyone take him, the weekend on 4 december ? he needs to get out of the house, hes driving me up a wall.
  6. Just wondering if anyone has a reliable snow report for the Whites. I have his gear packed and ready.. F.Y.I. Boys, I hid his bail money in the front pocket of his new Disney backpack and tissues in his new camouflage pants. Please keep him as long as you would like. He hasn't showered since Saturday... so be ready with the FEBREEZE!!! Make sure you have your appetites ready for when we head your way. I am taking orders now............... For Food and wardrobe requests..........NOT FROM HIM:)
  7. WTF is this guy reading... Team 32 Top 10 turn ons.... 1. Banana hammocks. 2. Wife beater tans. 3. Mai tias at Polaris beach. 4. Flavor savers........ 5. Mustache rides from Ron Burgandy. 6. Big Juicy smoked pepperoni sticks:lol: 7. There is now an "OPEN DOOR PEE POLICY". 8. Down dog at low tide at Polaris beach. 9. Team 32 getting sexy head to toe.. Thanks to Allure Magazine . 10. Hey Maine GFYS!!
  8. nice vid boys.....................! no footage from the loaf after chicken pahrm induced coma's? see you G:eek::eek:N'S saturday at the beach! GFY's
  9. Lets Go Bruins...... Lets Go!!!!!!!
  10. I don't know what your talking about... I have nothing to fill a banana hammock with. Maybe I can stuff it with a little chicken parm. :p
  11. did i see one of you at loon today, in a all black uni, but in softies? i thought you guys were hard core? looked pretty soft pornish to me! did you have fun in the park? :p
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