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How to keep people off the tail of your board


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Summer is killing me, so learning how to work the newly purchased digi cam,

First ever posted photo by me on BOL.

There was a post a while back someone mentioned people crawling up the tail of board in lift lines.

I was getting pretty fed up with this phenomenon this winter after the first 50 or so days of the season and decided to take a more proactive approach to negative conditioning of bozos in the lift line chewing the tail of my flat tailed decks with sharp metal edges.

Solution sections of rubber dresser leg pads from the hardware store with 3/8ths wood screws up from the bottom epoxied to the back end of the deck with approx 1/8th inch of sharp nastyness sticking up ready to add a little spring texture to the less astute/inconsiderate in the herd who choose to ignore my territorial bubble and my lovely yellow warning stripes.

This is after approx 20/30 days use with this set of spike mats on the the old Bizyk stick.

only problem I have found is I have to be a little more carefull with any of my now several spiked up decks so they dont chew each other up in storage

Plan for next season: some sort of two inch wide strip of velcro with a rubber strip the width of the deck and many many pointy bits sticking up.

Evil I know, but hey summer time boredom resolved. Hope I didnt shrink the picture to much.



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on the tail. Or gluing a pad of light microcell foam.

It really used to bug me and I was forever giving people the message to keep the #$% off my board. I honestly don't understand why people can't maintain control in a queue and respect other people's property.

So I guess I'm a grumpy old B ;-)

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Good topic! I would like to develop some sort of syringes that inject sulfuric acid into the culprit's board. Then about 45 seconds later the acid eats away the perp's board while they are on the lift. Well, really just the tip.

Its one idea that I had.

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Why not just carry ski poles while you are boarding? That way, when somebody runs up the back of your board, you can turn around and stick one of those poles in the offending skier's eye. It would also be fun to sit on a lift chair with skiers and explain to them why you snowboard with poles.

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Tail Protector Mod/ Tinkler Style

I think this has come up before on BOL.

As a larger part of the snowboarding community adopts dissregard for their

equipment (deliberately damaging their boards) , it seems they apply their uncaring methods to those around them also. It seems this has become common the last couple years. Slamming their boards edge into yours while standing in line, loading or getting of the chair. Standing on your board tail, etc, etc with the attitude, "Don't sweat it , it is just a snowboard, meant to be THRASHED". My guess it will get worse before it gets better.

Defensive protection is reasonable.

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Why not just carry ski poles while you are boarding? That way, when somebody runs up the back of your board, you can turn around and stick one of those poles in the offending skier's eye. It would also be fun to sit on a lift chair with skiers and explain to them why you snowboard with poles.

Only because NOT CARRYING SKI POLES is one of the pleasures of snowboarding. Except when going BC, injured or perhaps as a lark.

But I do like the chemical treatment Slopetool! :eplus2:

Carbide points installed on the Dakine "Spike" stomp I used to build the Tail Protector on the Tinkler. The look on the offenders face as they watch p-tex curl off the bottom and hanging out the side of their ski :biggthump

It does a couple things, pushes the ski/snowboard up so it doesn't slam into the expensive carbon rod "Snow-Stix" and holder.

Offers a bit more resistance than the smooth surface of the top of my board , therefore SOMETIMES making it more obvious they are ON MY BOARD!!

Next version will look more like this! Good project for BOL CNC machine?

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I have tryed the board tilting, but the the people nailing the tail of my board have been quite wily, they seem to wait for that first moment you are not paying attention and Wham they just zapped you. After which I used start doing the "beaver tail slap" if in a bad mood or the butthead didnt say sorry. (I got 140 recreational riding days this past season so little things add up to piss you off and unfortuneatly Pimp Slapping the SPODEs* faces is frowned upon in Whistler)

With my spike mats its actually kind of entertaining in busy lift lines now, its like fly fishing and waiting for the hit. Their ptex grabs onto the tips of the wood screws and you can " feel the bite", then you can turn around smile sweetly and shake your head, thats about when they take a closer look at the tail of my board, watching the look of comprehension on some idiots face as he realizes what he just did to his Brand new Atomic Metrons and there is not a damn thing he can say cause he did it himself, now that like minded evil geniuses of BOL is negative pavlovian conditioning.

Derek who any one was at the " whistler expression session" this year would have met, was laughing his ass off at this, He runs a ski tuning shop, business for him, some moron showing up going I dont know how these gouges got here.

The best ever was the the little twinkie^ girl who ran both skis about a foot and a half over the spikes and literally had to forcibly lift her skis off , I can only imagine the gouges(not a mark on mine) , and to top it off she was with three clients, I smiled ever so sweetly , ahhhhh the happy memories, she left a nice two foot gap the rest of that line up.

Just like fishing, waiting for the nibble

Whats that German word " Shaudenfroid" (not sure of spelling)


only 3 3/4 months till riding season starts.

*SPODE - stupid people on dumb equipment

^Twinkie - ski instructor, W/B vernacular

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I got 140 recreational riding days this past season so little things add up

You making me jealous.

About the screws. I am lucky to be in an area where it's not such a problem (riding on my tails) but still pisses me off when it happens. The screws and description of curling ptex is brilliant.

About the screws ending up in my body. I would think that (with my boots) if the screws are in my back that the punctures I get would pale in comparsion to what my knees would look like. :mad:

Dave have you punctured yourself?

Really liking the new innovations in ASSGARD, the Anti SPODE Sloth Gaurd And Repellent Device.


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I have never come close to puncturing my self, I am not a very bendy person, even when clipped in on the living room carpet I really had to contort and stretch out to even touch my spikes with a hand.

Have crashed so may times and never had an issue. How does the saying go "eye of the hurricane is the safest place".

I also rigged mine so only about an eighth inch ( 2mm) stick up so at most all I could give myself would be a very minor flesh wound. To tell you the honest truth Its other peoples moving board/ski edges that give me more cause for concern....

The only prob I have is taking extra care in stashing around my other boards so they dont tangle and chew each other up

As to the 140 days, averaged only 4 shifts a month Jan to April, had to sort of threaten to resign if they didnt give me the time off. ( the boss said that was essentially blackmail , I said so be be it when do you want my papers), would have worked less but I guess they were a bit short at work all winter , and hey you gotta go back once in a while to rub the coworkers noses in how great the season was going . Started riding Nov 05 ended june 03 2006, could have gotten more on the Glacier but I needed a break from riding.

Two posts in one evening, an avatar added, I think I have just become a

post whore.

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Solution sections of rubber dresser leg pads from the hardware store with 3/8ths wood screws up from the bottom epoxied to the back end of the deck with approx 1/8th inch of sharp nastyness sticking up ready to add a little spring texture to the less astute/inconsiderate in the herd who choose to ignore my territorial bubble and my lovely yellow warning stripes.

This is after approx 20/30 days use with this set of spike mats on the the old Bizyk stick.

Hope I didnt shrink the picture to much.


Dave, how about a larger photo of the tail protector. I can't see the details.


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Bryan sent two pics to your oldsnowboards contact email so feel free to play away. Might take me a while to get proficient with this stuff.

Wait till I submit the video clip of me and that grouse/ptarmigan to videovat or ebaums. Some pretty funny stuff.


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Thanks for the excellent ideas team. Perfect!

I`m going to have a go at building some of those for my board:ices_ange

Curious how that quote applies here? It is from a thread about race course cones , correct?

The photo was out of focus. Tried to darken it and bring it into focus.

I could only do so much with it.

It does help you get the idea. This could definitely be done with the Dakine "Spike" pad also.

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