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What does everyone use for vitamins/nutrition/energy?


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I have a favorite that I use. The same stuff that J.J. Thomas (snowboarding medalist) and Caroline LaLive (skiing medalist) endorse.

What about the rest of you? Favorites, less than favorites, and why.

Here's what I use: http://www.xelr8.biz/denver

The energy and hydration drinks are awesome and it's a local Denver company.


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I have a favorite that I use. (The same stuff that J.J. Thomas and Caroline LaLive endorse.) What about the rest of you?

Favorites, less than favorites, and why.


I survive on large quanities of Starbucks brand vitamins :biggthump

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(The same stuff that J.J. Thomas and Caroline LaLive endorse.)

Who are these people?

Supplements and vitamins are to SUPPLEMENT where your diet is lacking. It varies by individual.

That said, I use

Flintstones Complete (2-4/day) Taste yummy too.

Chromium Picolinate

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For real, I munch powerbars or clifbars and I'll drink LOTS of water. Sometimes I'll go with a powdered sports drink if its going to be a long session, again in large quantities (by the 75oz Camelbak). After a workout (anything that involves more than like...500 calories being burned/anytime I've gotten wobbly after doing stuff) I'll chug about 20oz of Orange Juice. I read in SKI Magazine that the citric acid (good for you) from the OJ going through your system RIGHT AFTER (no more than about 15 minutes) a workout helps to flush out the lactic acid (causes post-workout cramps, the weakness afterwards, ect.) that builds up during the workout. I swear by the OJ treatment, since I started doing that I have not ONCE been tight or crampy after a workout. Its alot like taking a long walk after skiing/riding all day, how the little bit of light exercise makes you feel better. Try it, it really works.


Extreme Vaporizer

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I like the yogurt covered granola bars when I'm riding.

I got a hella case of hiatal hernia/gastric reflux from my two pregnancies and can't keep anything heavy down when I'm exercising now, from biking to riding...

Lots of water good....

Vitamins....can't say that supplements of anything work better than eating good food, although research has shown diabetics that take multivitamins have fewer episodes of the flu-how that translates to everyday people, I can't say...

I take a vitamin with extra calcium at night, a calcium with extra Vit. D in the am, and glucosamine that may or may not work or have 1000 mg per pill or not...

Post-riding, I prefer my antioxidants in the form of a nice pinot or zin(not "white zin") or merlot if it doesn't smell of gym socks

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living in Japan I got greek style yogurt pretty regularly. When i returned to the states last Oct I lost that...Until last week when I discovered Fage yogurt which I have to say is awesome with granola, strawberries (I have fresh growing in the yard), or even some Marionberry jam. I have never (here at home in the US) had such yogurt...ummm breakfast is so nice again. not to mention that it's so rich it's almost desertlike

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Vitamins....can't say that supplements of anything work better than eating good food, although research has shown diabetics that take multivitamins have fewer episodes of the flu-how that translates to everyday people, I can't say...

actually, i can vouche for being on vitamins that you get sick much less. During high school, when i was in tip top shape, i took this mix of vitamins that you put into orange juice. It pretty much had your daily value of things you acually don't always get from everything you eat. During the 4 years of high school, i was probably had the flu and cold less than 3 or so times. my immune system was undestructable. That summer, i got lazy and stopped taking the vitamins and had a cold every other week.

vitamins = healthier immune system :boxing_sm

at least thats the case with me.

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I have a favorite that I use. (The same stuff that J.J. Thomas and Caroline LaLive endorse.) What about the rest of you?

Favorites, less than favorites, and why.


I use food. It can taste great, smell great and in some cases, get you some luvin'.


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Who are these people?

J.J. Thomas is a halfpipe medalist and Carolyn LaLive is a skiing medalist.

Both <a href="http://www.xelr8.biz/denver">XELR8</a> endorsers.

I am working on getting this product more mainstream in the hard boot community <br>and landing some "A List" pro and Olympic racers as endorsers.

<br>There's 400 already in other sports.

Any interest? Hmmmmm,....wonder if Chris Klug has an agent.


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I'm definitely sure Chris Klug takes nothing without his transplant doc's okay...

The main trouble with herbals and megavitamins is that we have NO idea how they can interact with medication....

Since I'm sure he's taking some form of immunosuppressant to stay alive, I'm sure he's not playing Russian roulette with unknown stuff

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it all depends what you do and why you do it.

For 95% of the population a normal +- 2000 calories a day meal will be more than enough. Considering you are eating enough from all the groups.

For athletes it's differents, good supplements can help you build more body mass faster, give you more endurance or as simple as give you more calories. There is so many supplements out there and so many opinions about them it can be very confusing.

When I'm weight training a lot, I like to take a meal replacement, gives me the extra energy, there are some important vitamins and proteins. I still need to eat my 3 meals a days with good food. If you spend 2000 Cal a day and you eat for 3500 cal .. there might be a problem in the long run.


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For athletes it's differents, good supplements can help you build more body mass faster, give you more endurance or as simple as give you more calories. There is so many supplements out there and so many opinions about them it can be very confusing.


It's not confusing...humans need 20% of their daily calories to be in the form of protein. That's a medical fact. Humans actually consume about 30-40% of their daily calories in the form of protein. Protein supplements in the form of whey proteins offered at health food store are superfluous-we already take in more than enough protein in our diet.

Muscle building? You have as many muscle cells as you will ever have when you hit your peak muscle mass-at age 18. That too is a medical fact. You can increase the size of the individual muscle fiber by training and increasing the amount of glycogen stored, but glycogen is a carbohydrate, not protein.

The extra protein you eat is broken down into glucose in your liver and stored as glycogen or fat, especially if the caloric burden is more than your metabolism requires.

It's only confusing if you believe the guys at GNC-and they are trying to sell you a product

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a favorite that I use. The same stuff that J.J. Thomas (snowboarding medalist) and Caroline LaLive (skiing medalist) endorse.

What about the rest of you? Favorites, less than favorites, and why.

Here's what I use: http://www.xelr8.biz/denver

The energy and hydration drinks are awesome and it's a local Denver company.


I'm interested in the XELR meal and snack stuff as I'm looking for some more stuff to snack on. Does the energy drink have caffeine in it? The description sounds a little suspicious with the phrase "without all the sugar, calories or super-high levels of harsh caffeine."

Do you have any independent third-party review of their products. I've Googled it but couldn't find much on them. Are you an XELR8 distributor? I noticed the XELR8 link you posted redirect me to a specific Denver distributor's webpage.

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There is so many supplements out there and so many opinions about them it can be very confusing.

That's why I say, if you don't understand it, don't buy it. :) The saying in the software industry is "If you don't know what this is, then you probably don't need it."

The supplement industry is unregulated and relies heavily on FUD to sell their products. Several years ago, the IOC evaluated something like 200 off-the-shelf supplements and found around 50 of them contained some amount of steroids, which weren't listed anywhere on the label !

I used to be a supplement nut years ago, having been brainwashed by the bodybuilding mags. But after a few years I realized that it's mostly crap and I didn't need them. Now I rely exclusively on food, and I'm in better shape than I was then.

I usually suggest to people to check out the food guide by their governments's health department. It's based on proven science instead of FUD and has gone through an approval process.

You could also get a good book on nutrition (e.g. Nutrition for the Serious Athlete by Dan Benardot) and/or visit a certified dietician. Again, there's almost certainly a credible federal organization of dietitians (e.g. Dieticians of Canada). Go through them to find one in your area that suits your needs.

I still need to eat my 3 meals a days with good food. If you spend 2000 Cal a day

You should be eating 4-6 meals per day. Keep in mind, that snacks such as a cup of milk and a banana are considered meals. :)


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J.J. Thomas is a halfpipe medalist and Carolyn LaLive is a skiing medalist.

Both <a href="http://www.xelr8.biz/denver">XELR8</a> endorsers.

I am working on getting this product more mainstream in the hard boot community <br>and landing some "A List" pro and Olympic racers as endorsers.

<br>There's 400 already in other sports.

Any interest? Hmmmmm,....wonder if Chris Klug has an agent.


Charles, perhaps send some samples of your product to the hard charging carvers here? Testamonials from our piers would be ideal?

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That's why I say, if you don't understand it, don't buy it. :) The saying in the software industry is "If you don't know what this is, then you probably don't need it."

The supplement industry is unregulated and relies heavily on FUD to sell their products. Several years ago, the IOC evaluated something like 200 off-the-shelf supplements and found around 50 of them contained some amount of steroids, which weren't listed anywhere on the label !

I used to be a supplement nut years ago, having been brainwashed by the bodybuilding mags. But after a few years I realized that it's mostly crap and I didn't need them. Now I rely exclusively on food, and I'm in better shape than I was then.

I usually suggest to people to check out the food guide by their governments's health department. It's based on proven science instead of FUD and has gone through an approval process.

You could also get a good book on nutrition (e.g. Nutrition for the Serious Athlete by Dan Benardot) and/or visit a certified dietician. Again, there's almost certainly a credible federal organization of dietitians (e.g. Dieticians of Canada). Go through them to find one in your area that suits your needs.

You should be eating 4-6 meals per day. Keep in mind, that snacks such as a cup of milk and a banana are considered meals. :)


I agree with you about supplements and food. Although there is one thing: the government health department food guide is not necessarely based on science; there is a lot of lobbying involved for calculating the portions. My GF has done some personal researches on this.

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Hum...after further review, it seems that you're trying to stir up some bidnez as it's a multi-level marketing dealio.

FWIW - It's a great marketing concept as less than 1% of Americans are on any sort of healthy mealplan. However, the product ingredients would be considered "low grade" when compared to industry leaders (i.e. Beverly International).

If any BOLers need a mealplan, diet or whatever....feel free to PM me with your current situation and goals. It's pretty darn easy to get from point A to point B, providing you have the discipline to follow it.

I'll start another thread about it....


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