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The leaving present from hell!


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I went back to see my old workmates today, at the job I left last month. I had to pick up my leaving present as it hadn't arrive before my last day.

I am now the proud "mummy" to a Donek Axxess 167 with Olympic construction and my name and favourite turn of phrase "Knock Yourself Out" emblazoned across that oh-so-sexy red-metallic-topsheeted round tail.

I went all weak at the knees...

I'm not actually planning on riding it, as I'll only fall off it and scratch it, and that would never do.

I can't quite figure out if they really like me, or were just really happy to get rid of me! Either way, I'm thrilled! Anyway, off home in a couple of hours, where I can carpet surf and slobber some more.

Had to share. Roll on December.


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I went back to see my old workmates today, at the job I left last month. I had to pick up my leaving present as it hadn't arrive before my last day.

I am now the proud "mummy" to a Donek Axxess 167 with Olympic construction and my name and favourite turn of phrase "Knock Yourself Out" emblazoned across that oh-so-sexy red-metallic-topsheeted round tail.

I went all weak at the knees...

I'm not actually planning on riding it, as I'll only fall off it and scratch it, and that would never do.

I can't quite figure out if they really like me, or were just really happy to get rid of me! Either way, I'm thrilled! Anyway, off home in a couple of hours, where I can carpet surf and slobber some more.

Had to share. Roll on December.


I've never worked ANYWHERE where I'd get a $600 snowboard from my coworkers......

Nice house plants, yes, but.....

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I got a Baume and Mercier watch handbuilt movement from leaving my last job (which they then rehired me for another position, so I ended up returning to work within like less than a month); but that is standard stuff, people like to give watches and clocks all the time.

Someone must really know and love you to give you something so specific!!

Let me know, I could do with another leaving gift from around here :-)

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Yeah, I sure entered the profession of medicine too late....back in the day, drug reps would buy trips to the Caribbean, expensive dinners, trips to ballgames...

Now anything more than a pen or a stack of post-it notes is illegal/unethical

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I'll try and get pictures up tonight. I actually have to go in search of some wax - I used the last of it during the week for summer storage on the rest of the boards, I wasn't expecting another one!

Actually, it wasn't such a mystery to my staffers. I came within 24 hours of ordering one in Feb, I was going to do it on the Monday and I came home from the hill Sunday night to find my border collie with a ruptured cruciate ligament, and myself with an $1800 vets bill. My two staff had put up with my agonising over the previous week and had helped me decide that the red topsheet was definitely the best. so they knew all about it...

Still a huge surprise though. I think there's a fair chunk of my boss's money in there - things are good in construction in Calgary this year.

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I've never worked ANYWHERE where I'd get a $600 snowboard from my coworkers......

Nice house plants, yes, but.....

Yes but you haven't met Allee - she is single, attractive, pleasant, smart and fit - I bet all the guys at work have been dreaming that she might look their way.

Allee - what's the new job? You aren't going back home are you???!!??

It sounded like you were happy with your setup when we met at the girlie carve thing at Stratton...

BTW are you going to SES this year? -Maybe you should negotiate time off ahead of time before you start your new job?


Completely unrelated:

Yeah, I sure entered the profession of medicine too late....back in the day, drug reps would buy trips to the Caribbean, expensive dinners, trips to ballgames........

Not cool to take all that stuff anyway they are just buying your signature - aviod the drug reps and think for yourself

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No, I left the drywall company where I was the boss's right hand finance person and confidant for 4 years to go over to the dark side. I swore I'd never work in oil and gas but I now have a fabulous (if challenging) job in a very successful field services company, back to using the manufacturing skills I developed over 15 years of hanging out in factories ...

The old job was fun, but the company was moving to the city fringes (read 2 hours + commuting each day) and I was totally over construction in Calgary ... it's so overheated right now, and everyone is climbing over everyone else to make the fast buck. It just gets really wearing after a while. I was glad to get out, go "back to my roots", and find somewhere where I can really make a contribution.

The new job has great benefits, a gorgeous office complex, a courtyard with trees to eat lunch in, a cardio fitness room and weight room, lounge with TV, BBQ's on Fridays once a month (with beer!), 3 weeks leave from day 1, and a ton of really friendly and helpful people. Not such a bad move!

I'd LOVE to go to SES and it's on the master plan ... but as Jan 2007 is the big 4-0 the other half and I have tentative plans to go to Paris and Rome for a week or so ... so I guess it won't be next year.

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If anyone wants to make money right now, go to Calgary or Edmonton, wear a hardhat and stand on a street corner. Within minutes, someone will swoop you up and you'll be swinging a hammer for $60 an hour. The labour shortage is so bad that they are using prison labour and importing workers from Asia.

BTW, try this in Toronto and you'll get swooped up for other reasons (it's Pride Week right now).

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Not cool to take all that stuff anyway they are just buying your signature - aviod the drug reps and think for yourself

Ummmmm...screw you...you don't even know me and yet you've already decided I'm some idiot....

My brother gets a moving allowance from Fidelty to move 3 miles.

My friend's husband will get his house purchased by his employer if he can't sell it himself within 30 days of his transfer to another city.

My husband gets taking out to lunch by vendors and takes out potential clients to lunch all the time.

If I get more than $300 of anything that could be considered a gift, it's illegal.

That rule applies to no other business in this country.

Drug companies spend billions of dollars on direct to consumer ads-I don't have to be swayed by drug reps, people who know little to nothing about pharmacology walk into my office and demand inappropriate drugs by name ALL the time.

So please don't get on some high horse and accuse me of being a member of the world's "dumbest" profession because you think I can't appropriately prescribe medication without legislation.

Oh and BTW, I also happen to be attractive, fit, and slim.....obviously not the horseface you just assume I was......

Geez, what an ******* you are

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Hey Allee! Many congrats to you on that awesome "leaving gift", and on your new job. Why on earth would you not ride that board? You are more than capable girl. Hope to see you at SES next year. I'm trying to talk my other half into it.

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