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Have you ever had your alpine board stolen?

Jack M

Have you ever had your alpine board stolen?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever had your alpine board stolen?

    • Yes, once.
    • Yes, more than once.
    • Never.

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Always used the community racks. Never had any problems. I didn't even know what a "board check in" was until I rode in Aspen. They don't have that stuff down here to my knowledge.

I'm somewhat paranoid and keep my eye on the board as best I can.

Also can somebody explain to me how you use board locks? Do you loop the cable through the bindings? If so wouldn't somebody just be able to leave the lock+bindings behind and run off with the board? I guess that would minimize the damage but you're still out a board (usually the most expensive part of the setup). But then again I don't know many people with 5mm hex wrenches handy to unscrew my TD's either...

When I use my board lock I just run the cable through the bindings. I figure if someone is looking to steal gear they are going to go for what they can grab quickly. Plus it would look suspicious to be unscrewing the bindings on a board that is locked up.

They do make something that will protect the board though. It's a round metal piece semi hollow with a hole drilled through the side. You screw this to any open insert in the board then run the cable through it. The cable blocks access to the screw head to remove it. I have one at home but never use it.

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I go to a mountain where gear theft is a big issue. Its not really a destination mountain and its mostly local park monkeys. My friend had her board jacked the first day of her season. A huge bummer and since it was outside, the mountain is not responsible for it. I always use the check in thing.

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I got loaded at Cittas in Whisler and left my F2 on the pub's rack outside all night.

When I woke up the next day, I thought for sure it would be gone. Not so strangely, it was still there with a scrawled note on it reading: "We didn't want your s#!t monoski. Lucky you. Enjoy the pow, Submariner".

I did feel lucky, but kind of alone, too.

By the way... that Oxygen you're talking about sounds like a Dangerous. They were around 170, all silver, with a 18 waist. The year before, they had a doberman on the tail. I used to ride for them and that was the funnest board they ever gave me... That and this purple KR72 that I wish I still had.

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I never bother locking my square tail boards, but my new Donek will be locked for sure, as it's a round tail and way too good looking to leave unattended. Bomber bindings are great for running a cable through, no park monkey is going to have a hex key on them.

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I always lock my board since I got my first board stolen on my first day. Alpine is still popular here, so I think I still have to worry about it, especially since last year since I got some Catek OS1, and I think the shinny aluminium might attract thieves.

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I had an Alpine and a Freestyle board stolen from my storage shed when I was living in Pacific Beach (crackhead building super). Nevre had any thing stolen on the mountain (knock wood) In Japan I never really worried because my board was waaay bigger than most of the comon alpine boards there...and board check is easier/closer than the community racks. A couple of the resorts I went to had a pay once use the check all day thing that made life very easy...it went along with the chip/coin skipass you paid an extra 500yen in the AM and had service all day...here in the USA I either lock up baby sit or check my board though as resorts here are waaay to ghetto :nono:

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First year snowboarding I bought a Ride Timeless, with brand new burton custom bindings. I was young enough where this was my first purchase independant from my parents. I think I spent like $700 total.....third time out that season, it dissappeared. Funny thing is, when I ran out of the lodge looking for some punk to kill, about 4 other people were running out of the lodge in fury at the same time yelling WTF! 10 boards were stolen that night. Not an alpine deck but man I miss that board.

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I never had my board stolen but I always lock it. My cousin had his skis stolen twice. The second time it was a gang that was burying the skis under the snow then climbing up the mountain on foot at night digging up the stolen skis.

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