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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Damn, that blows. If you need some drugs, give me a call. I work in a pharmacy ;) jk. looking forward to the drug and alcohol indused posts.
  2. i might go up and watch. Should be cool.
  3. lol! can't imagine doing that and then still having him as a teacher. Talk about awkward.
  4. I'm with Ralann on this one. It might be an accident but its the same thing as having a brush guard on your truck. People might hit you by accident and they would cause much more damage to themselves than to your car. As long as you're not going around and trying to slide your board under people's skis, there should be no bad vibes.
  5. i wish. Its a 3 hour class I have once a week with a teacher who knows me pretty well because I went to high school with his daughter. Also, I'm really good friends with his daughter's boyfriend because I used to wrestle with him. Definitly no miss his class.
  6. i can only make it this weekend. i have class tonight till about 8, so no go for practice.
  7. I use the multi edge tuner as shown in the abc of snowboarding guide and it leaves scuff marks on the base when I use it. Is there a way to avoid leaving marks and still have an accurate bevel?
  8. my friend lives down the street from there. Its commonly know as iceface and for good reason. When they say "thin cover" its actually no cover, just a sheet of ice and rocks. Similar to Cannon mtn out here. I've never been there but be sure your board is sharp enough to split hair.
  9. I went to WV today and it was the best carving of my life! The wind chill was around -30*F and the mountain was empty. I was able to still get to fresh tracks at 3pm. Amazing day. I think WV is the only mtn where i can take my speedster gs 183 with confidence. I was on my Madd for most of the day though. Where are they going for the bx race? ragged as well?
  10. hell ya! I'll be there. I'll try to talk her into it. I'm definitly in for forfeiting my hard earned $5.
  11. Bob Dea showed me the multi-tuner on tognar.com it fits all the diamond stones nicely. In fact, i just finished touching up my boards for a subzero day tomorrow.
  12. and they're dirt cheap too. I think i'll check out a pair soon.
  13. no clue but he's reasonable.
  14. contact dan yoja at http://www.upzboots.com/ he's the man.
  15. if its above freezing, i wear my smith reactor sunglasses. otherwise, i have my Zeal Optics detonators. Zeal is one of the best goggles for the helmut wearers. Love em!
  16. I was there yesterday but i was teaching a friend to ride for most of the day. The fresh snow was a nice touch and made the moguls fun. It was the first time i actually had fun on moguls. If there is gate training next week, im definitly in.
  17. Damn thanks, but for $36, thats not too bad. You're not kidding about the airfare though. damn thats steep. Thats gonna take alot of partying to cover that. Hope is not lost!
  18. Gleb

    Madd 170

    ya, great vid to show off what can be done in terms of flips on hardboots. Good stuff.
  19. sorry, forgot to put the link to the thread. Its up now.
  20. Bought it a couple of months ago and it is a killer board, I just need the money now. I've taken it out maybe 5 days since I got it. My Madd BX has been getting a little more snow time. Here is the thread where I bought it. Bindings are not included. Will let it go for $250 plus shipping.
  21. Gleb

    Madd 170

    I'm very interested. Need to raise the funds quickly, I'll let you know after tomorrow night.
  22. you're kidding! If i knew it was that cheap I would've already had my place booked for march break. I can't really see montana as a large spring break destination so I'm guessing plane tickets would be on the cheap side. I'm kinda kicking myself cuz that means I'm only like 4 large keggers away from booking a flight as we speak. If my party this tuesday brings in over $200 for me, I'll seriously consider a trip out there in march. Wish me luck!
  23. I might come out to just check you guys out in a non sexual way.
  24. i know one of my spring breaks in the next 5 years I'll definitly make it out there. With those pictures, its a place i'd consider living in after I'm done with school. My only worry now is that once I land, i wont be able to rent a car since I'm only 20. I think we've talked about this before. I think there is no bus that goes from the airport to the mtn, right?
  25. It seems like Montana is the only place in the country thats doing really, really well. Damn am I jealous.
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