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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. thanks Pebu and tex. pebu, just ride, ride and ride. But it actually helps alot when you ride with others. I can learn more in 2 hours of riding with someone than 10 days on my own. Jack, yeah I liked that article and I had more luck driving the hips on toeside earlier that morning. My 2nd picture shows the wrong way and the bottom picture (although the angle makes it harder to tell) i'm actually trying to drive my hip while I'm bent at the waist trying to get upright. Also, I'm trying to do that in the 1st picture too. I'm gonna read over that article again tonight before i head out to okemo.
  2. My friend took videos of me carving near the end of the day a few weeks ago and I got some stills from the videos. They're pretty low quality but you can get the basic idea. I waited till the end of the day to film these because the snow was too perfect in the morning, and I have a belief that the best way to judge someone is on less than perfect snow. In the morning, I was going down significantly lower especially on heelside. My butt was hitting the ground almost every turn. From these, I noticed that my trailing hand needs to come forward and down. I have only 1 or 2 days of carving left so tell me what I should do next. Be as mean as you wanna be, I can take it
  3. ya I actually love the boots. I have 31 days of riding on them so far. It all healed up well. All thats left is that there is a little bump on that shin now thats not a problem at all though. The liners just didn't match my leg type probably.
  4. ones that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  5. you lucky f***ers!!!! leave some for me.
  6. Gleb


    I'm with skatha on this one. I know several doctors that made the same desicion, unfortunatly. Its a hard one to make, but not with family involved. Hopefully its a desicion I hope to never have to make because I don't know what else I'd do in my winters. Start back up when kids are in college and you've retired. We'll miss you and I wish you the best of luck.
  7. It flips the same as before i think. Hasn't bother me too much except when I rode in walk mode (don't anymore for the most part) and fall, it would get flipped back up. Not too much powder to worry bout here.
  8. I saw it snowing half the day, no accumulation here. How much snow up there? I'm either going to loon or Okemo with my friend on Friday. Off topic again: Worked at a pharmacy next to Boston University today. Lemme tell you, those girls LOVE their birth control and live off of Plan B, which kind of makes no sense since most of the girls that get Plan B are on birth control. God bless America:biggthump
  9. glad to hear the good news. You addicted to the painkillers yet? We have so many people at my pharmacy that are addicts, its crazy. They will always try to fill their stuff early. example: A guy comes in and tells us to transfer some painkiller in from a walgreens pharmacy. Everything is fine. He comes in 3 weeks later to refill and is suprized why we wont let him fill his meds 2 weeks early. He then says he never actually got it filled last month. I quickly tell him that it was transfered in from walgreens. He then yells at me saying he never did anything like that and that he's always had it filled at my pharmacy. He keeps on yelling and asks to speak with the head pharamcists. She tells him the same exact thing as I did and he explodes again and just runs out of the store. We also have notes that techs and pharmacits leave regarding patients on the main page of their profile and in his it said, "****NEVER FILL EARLY****" and also a simple, "dick". What a day...off to work I go.
  10. I'm just gonna get some ski boots. I haven't actually put them in but having an intec heel would make it a huge pain to remove. I could just as easily go into the car and get ski boots. Someone (I think Bobdea) told me about that hassel but I just bought them anyway. I only skied twice this year anyway. One of these years I'm just gonna sell my skis because I have way more fun on a board. Not next year though.
  11. damn, 800,000...im sure some people bought up as many as they could to make a killing. I can't see myself spending that much and still being on Loon. I mean, its a nice mtn and all, but as you said, out west would be more worth it. The northeast is so expensive now, its crazy. Got work all weekend to start getting the school off my back for all my violations. I might be there closing weekend though, if theres anything left. I can't believe its almost over. :( This season has been so good for me. For the 15th, me and a bunch of people are planning to hit tuckermans if the weathers good. I'll get to whip out my BX boards for that.
  12. sheffy, I just recieved my buckles in the mail too. I've never had a problem with Dan. Fastskiguy, the UPZs are about as wide as boots come, I think. Plus, you can use them on your skis with the changable heel and toe pieces, which i have for sale.
  13. your f***in kidding me. How much do those condos sell for? Also, i always thought that resorts would make more money on day lift passes instead of season passes. The way it looks, i'm probably wrong about that, but i think someone said $100 for a day pass. you're better off going to Cannon or even Killington.
  14. 13 mil!? god damn thats pricy. Hopefully it'll work out for them. Hiking prices like they did isn't going to help them out that much though since many will just go elsewhere. How wide are they? We dont actually have a frat, we just made our own. Most people dont know who PJ stock is, they just like the shirts.
  15. well kinda free. at the cost of 1.5 million francs to replace the lift, its all yours. Looks like a nice carving slope though.
  16. Lol Willy! Sure. Mall Discount Liquors can get me almost any beer I want with a week notice. I'm down for anything too. Kiting (saving up for kite), downhill boarding (getting a vanguard loaded soon) and pretty much anything else. I have a long ass summer and our school isn't letting us take summer classes so I need stuff to do other than work.
  17. btw, do you guys think that the price hike is due to the new trails loon is opening new trails for next year? I'm looking at the new trails on the map, and as far as i can tell, there are some decent carving trails opening. I dunno how steep they are though. Just a thought.
  18. We pretty much need to put in completly new walls. There is almost nothing left. For some reason, when someone loses a game of beruit, they think it proves that they're tough by punching through a quarter inch of plaster...We have a brick column in the basement too. If you wanna be tough, punch that till you pass out if you want. This rain doesn't seem promising right now. I might make it out on friday if theres anything left.
  19. you might have to narrow your stance now. Its still good.
  20. my ultimate goal is to be able to carve into my 70s. Folding the nose means just putting too much force on the front of your board in easy carving conditons. It almost happend to me coming in over a roller and on the bottom of it, the snow was much softer than I expected. Carvedog is right, its having to much momentum going forward when your board is starting to go across the hill. Its easy to do when you are on easy carving snow because you can become over confident with your carves and at which speeds you can handle them. Best thing to do is center yourself more on the board and don't try to go mach 2 and carve on super sticky snow. Good luck
  21. LOL! I'll take the name with honor. College is too good right now to trade for anything. I got 4 years left to make the best of it. Our landlord just shut our basement down because the holes in the wall that we promised to fix 4 months ago are still there. We also spread to word of PJ Stock around. Our place came with a hundred or so PJ Stock Crew shirts. We gave them out to everyone (even the cop that stopped by one time). On thursdays at our school, all the frats wear their shirts so we wanted to compete. We had more people repping our house than all the frats combined. God damn i miss first semester! Btw, I'm going to loon on monday. Is it worth it?
  22. Get the booster straps and just put them around the highest part of the boot. It works wonders.
  23. I have the RSV. The nuts are rounded off so I wasn't sure how to adjust it. I've always looked at it and thought that maybe they had something to adjust it with. By distributor I ment from their factory. i bet you'll be able to order the custom. It wont be cheap though. I've never heard of a boot so customizable. Ski boots have that too?
  24. I wouldn't sell them until I actually get to try the Deeluxe on and they turned out to fit better. The UPZs are working great for me but occassionally I'm still getting hot spots in random places on my foot. I heard that Deeluxe fit like gloves for most people so I'd give it a whirl. I love the stiffness of the UPZ and overall they're great boots after the liner situation is worked out. Also, when it gets all chopped up, I end up riding alot in walk mode to make it easier for myself. From the recent thread about powder mode, I stopped doing that. I wish there was a way to put the BTS on UPZs. As far as customizing the boot, I bet you can get the retailer to order it for you. Do they actually sell boots to consumers directly from the distributor?
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