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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. talk about me doing things wrong. In the 2nd picture, I know my right hand isn't where it should be. Unfortunately, I was caught in bad times in these pictures since I wasn't getting as low as I was for the most part of the day because I wasn't as confident. The run he was taking pictures on wasn't too friendly for me for some reason, but heres me on the 183 speedster. These pictures don't show it, but my hands finally calmed down by the end of the day because the extra edge pressure wasn't required. And lastly, no i'm not wearing lipstick, my lips got sunburned.
  2. clip 2 in the 1st row of videos cuts off right where the racing begins
  3. Thanks for the update. Thats what I was thinking. Most people are probably sick of winter or something. Count me in for friday and sunday then. Saturday, I'm headed to tuckermans. Maybe that'll wait a week though. How is the coverage doing though? any barespots? should I take out my good board?
  4. day by day, but in march, it was everyday. Well almost. I think I got 20 of my 33 days so far in the month of march. If the weathers good, I go...if it isn't, i still go. Quantity not quality for me this season so I can get good enough to make my spring break trip count.:D The crappy weather days usually turn out to be great anyway.
  5. Loon is still saying they're closing the 15th. With the incoming snow, do you think they'll extend it one week? I'll need my fix right before finals roll in.
  6. have you seen the new G35 sport coups? Infinity is where its at right now, in my opinion.
  7. Gleb

    Steep and cheap

    what could make an iron worth that much? Its just a piece of metal that heats up to a specified temp, isn't it?
  8. Gleb

    Steep and cheap

    I've saved hundreds of dollars on sac. By next year, it could go over $1000 saved. God i love that site but I sometimes refuse to check because it drains my account pretty fast sometimes.
  9. Riiiiight....I'll give these "lamb burgers" a shot--medium well, please. oh wait, you're not making burgers. nevermind then.
  10. I wasn't aware you already had one. I can never ride without them now because it feels too loose, even with the buckles down as tight as possible. Have you ever been 100% comfortable in them? I've had a handful of days where they just worked for me with no glitches, then others where I kinda suffer half the day till they feel like slippers after lunch.
  11. Bruises are good! Destroying pants isnt, just bring some duct tape. Okemo was probably mauled today by the NY and NJ crowd so open space would be doubtful. Same thing with Loon and waterville with the Boston people. Even friday was kind of crowded at times. Scrape up some change and senior slide your way towards Okemo to make these last few weeks count. 3 out of my 5 breakthroug days this year were there. Do it! Tpaulk, i read through your site and that video is great, as are your ideas. My goal for next year is to be able to carve switch. Thanks for the encouragement and pointing me there.
  12. You don't happen to be in the market for a wood chipper as well?
  13. carvedog, thanks for the input, I'll give it a try when I'm on the slope next friday. Ursle, my bad. I agree about conditions. Prestine, but I've had better days this year. The grooming wasn't done very well on most parts of the trails but the snow was so damn fast! I finally had the balls to open my speedster up. I won't be going back there till next year. Okemo is a great intermediate mountain, I love it:biggthump
  14. OMG! can you send me the 3rd one in full size? I need a new background.
  15. already did and it made all the difference. Well that and the booster strap which I recommend to everyone. I still get the occassional hot spot which goes away after lunch when i loosen my boot, take out the liner then reinsert it, but hopefully that will go away next year when I get some custom footbeds.
  16. pow, I guess the drugs do help Just kidding! I know what you mean with that now and now I see it more clearly. At the begining of the day I was too far in front of my board too, which is a problem that fixed itself since that caused me to get tossed around like salad....bad analogy. By the end of the day, everything was coming together for me. Around every turn I just said to myself "hips down, arm up" and the board just started flexing, flexing and flexing some more. Plus I read over Pat Donnelly's email about the "Core 4" (which actually ment alot more to me now than it did the first time I read it) and cleaned up on my "outside arm down" technique (best way to carve in less favorable conditions.) I can send those to you if you don't already have them, Pow. Btw, I think I saw Ursle and another guy from Jersey on a Vokl Cross(which looks sick!). The guy at the board shop said he never sees anyone on hardboots anymore, but I guess he isn't looking hard enough.
  17. I worked on the countering the counter rotation today and carved with my hands behind my back or by my sides at Okemo. I took out my speedster GS after lunch and now I'm offically a GS board lover. Maybe it was the perfect hold on the snow, maybe it was just I wanted to go all out on the last few days of the season, but I was able to bend that thing like it was nothing. My carves were tighter on the speedster than the silberpfeil on occassion. Any custom board I'll get in the future will def be a GS. I was able to carve in much narrower trails than before on a board that long. Bob, I'd like to thank you for pointing me to the Speedster before anyone else had at it earlier this season . Its my favorite board right now. Regarding the metal board, for the amount of days i'll be getting next few years, I don't think id be putting the board through the right amount of days for anything to happen to it within the 2 year slot. My riding will be limited to Loon during winter break and hopefully Big Mountain during spring break as well as a weekend trip to ECES. Outside of that, school will be destroying my time on the hill. Kent and Pebu, in which video or picture do you see the most counterrotation? I guess I'm counterrotating but I'm having a hard time noticing where.
  18. John, I will sacrifice 2 virgins in the hope to be able to use your mountain again. Bob, I highly doubt I'm as good or better than you. The metal boards do seem tempting but I don't know if i could justify saving up that much money and spending it on a board that has a higher tendency to delam than a standard one. The way it looks now, I'm definitly going to give it a few more years for all the manufacturers to perfect their technique.
  19. yeah I can't understand why someone on here would give him sh*t about it. Its another way to go down the mtn. My feel is that you can never know too many ways to get down and just do what works best for you. If you ever go demo in the Northeast next year, let us know.
  20. I'm getting to like the steeps alot more and more these days. I learn best when I scare the crap out of myself. By going out of your comfort zone on steeps, it makes you a better carver on the flatter trails. I try to just focus on linking two carves then work from there. the video starts off all white because of the sun. I'll edit that out when i have the chance/am not so lazy. at your request willy: <object height="350" width="425"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrH3Lw0WO6E" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="350" width="425"></object>
  21. I sometimes do a little counter rotating but I try to keep it to a minimum. To avoid it, I like to practice going through a mogully area with my hands behind my back now. Or I just take out my mogul shaver (F2 Speedster) and slide right over the big moguls when it gets chopped up at the end of the day. Video is up. My next step is to get on some steeps for some faster runs. Watching these really makes me see how slow I am compared to you guys.
  22. One of my dad's coworkers had a huge problem with a porsche boxer he picked up at auction. Someone screwed up on the title and wrote "Fleet"-meaning it was a rental-instead of "flood"-the car took some swiming lessons. I think he eventually got his money back, but thats a huge hassel. There are always steals. My uncle got some sweet deals on a few SUVs and some other mid-level vehicles. Good luck.
  23. RicHard, I think I know what you mean. I'll give it a shot. I noticed it in the video too. Neil, I flex my knees alot when I'm on rougher or tighter trails. I like to switch off. My knees always end up draging more on the snow when I do that which isn't good for the pants :-\ Next time I have to make sure to not cargo pants. bob, thanks man. I don't want to be that "gay skier" hanging with you and willy any more. :) My skis are for teaching people how to ski and thats about it. I stay low if the trail narrows, but I actually have a bad habit of taking up the whole trail width no matter what. Guess I wanna get good milage out of each run. If more snowtime is what Dr Bob prescribes, then I guess I should be planning on getting about 800mg of that tomorrow. I dunno bout the metal yet. I don't think my riding is to a level where I can actually use its potential yet. Tpaulka, i uploaded a few more vids onto youtube, i'm waiting for them to become avaliable. There is one my friend uploaded that willy got. I like to think myself as a one of those weeble wobbles things. We all are, just a little more classy, and we do sometimes fall down. Gleb is the God of Gods in Norse Mythology i think. So i'm Zeus! Pebu, I actually got to read your post, and I think you're right. And don't put yourself down, you have far more riding experience than I do. EDIT:
  24. Willy, thats the F2 Silberpfeil. The BX wasn't stiff enough for those conditions for my liking. Im low on dough so with wachusett closing, i'm barely squeezing in the last few days in...also finals coming up soon Jack, I'll give it a go tomorrow. thanks:) RicHard, i think you're right about the shoulder and I think its similar to what Jack is saying. Drop the hip before you drop the body. as far as my rotation, on my toeside, you think I should rotate my shoulders more clockwise? right? Tex, these pictures are all optical illusions. In reality, i have a hard time finding jackets to fit my enormously muscular arms. I also occasionally make orange juice with my rock hard pecks and abs. Care for a taste? Plus, i have a hard time hiring someone to wave a russian flag behind me everywhere I go.
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