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Blue Bird

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Everything posted by Blue Bird

  1. maybe she would love me now that I don't live in a trailer any more
  2. I knew aguy that we referred to as the "berserker". man was he fast and able to do anything...... good times
  3. Christmas week is definately one of the busiest weeks in Colorado. the major resorts are going to be packed and the smaller resorts may not have what you are looking for. If you can try to post pone the vacation until early to mid January.
  4. Summer is long gone up here. I am seeing 10 degrees F in the mornings for the past week. the leaves are turning, hunting season has begun. :freak3: I hope it is an Indian Summer, I still have many outdoor chores to complete and I am not ready to travel to the desert for riding.
  5. Summer is over - It is getting busy here again
  6. Cash for toys and luxuries Credit for items that bring in money my lesson is about a year from ending, it took way to many years to get to this point. And I was less than $20K in debt, which is not much in the grand scheme
  7. I thought that Dave just liked little boys
  8. ...........is there anybody...........out there????????.............
  9. spend $2,500 and play, you're lucky that you only had to make 2 payments on the beast. debt sucks
  10. with the loss of vision and hearing I am unsure if the spellling in theis post is correct. ThT was painful, please don't do thatagain
  11. as quickly as the price is going up, it seems bogus. today alone it went up $420,000.00 and the auction doesn't end until Sunday night. I guess I am a sceptic.
  12. $300,000+ now and more than 2 days left
  13. looks like it would be rough on the chain. would a wax be more appropriate for lube?
  14. I would like to see the loaded Olympics, "If you ain't dirty, you ain't welcome!!" I imagine a wieght lifter doing a clean and jerk and the arms coming off (I think SNL did a skit in this regard). to me it's like boxing or UFC, if two people are willing to get in the ring and beat the crap out of each other, i'll watch. Any abuse that is self induced is all right by me
  15. any pictures of Skipuppy's bikini? Many of us really want to see
  16. When I am on the bike in Denver, i find that as long as I am overtaking traffic I am able to reasonably predict what the other drivers are going to do. I find it similar to skiing and snowboarding when I am overtaking others on the slope. There are the occasional people that are going faster than I am, but it is rare. The extra 5-10 MPH really helps to reduce the need of looking behind you as much. Overall though, I agree with Lee. The dirt is where it is at.
  17. get a bike and go to school to learn how to ride it, especially if it is something that you haven't done regularly. no different than ski school.What I have learned about street bikes is learn the bike, ride defensively and have the knowledge to ride aggressively It may be different in the east coast megalopolis, but it works out here.
  18. I think I need t save this letter for work
  19. I rode the "Grizz" yesterday and today, what an ass kicker!!! Can't wait to do it again
  20. Dave, it takes a team to make it all work and I appreciate every last one on that team. Thank You Vets now, i'm going to go and play for the next four days, this makes me even more appreciative that I have the opprotunity to do this.
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