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Blue Bird

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Everything posted by Blue Bird

  1. see, if you had a dirt bike you would be much happier about the lack of snow. Ryan and I are loading up here in a few minutes, listen for us in about an hour.
  2. TVR... were you just getting in at 6? I didn't think you agreed with being awake at 6 AM
  3. Way to go Ink, I was wondering if the racer in you would win! I have been told that if you run a quarter down the edges of the glad and bx that the tune will last longer. something similar to a heat treatment. try it, i'm sure the owner won't mind. I was always shocked when DT defiled the one gal, but you go and defile all of his gals, it's inspiring. I never would have guessed that all of his gals were so easy.
  4. Bummer, sorry to hear such things. fight hard for what you want
  5. if you do as Dano says, letme know, I'm a twit who needs a roof rack. one caveat, will the towers work on a 2nd generation toyota rack system (4 runner)
  6. that looks like a nice addition. Coffee envy..2 places to try for good beans http://www.eastcoastroasters.com/ http://www.rockymountainroastery.com/ Here's to good cups...cheers
  7. is the house even carrying f2 plates anymore? didn't look like it from their website
  8. I thought this would be adjusted for by using taller towers
  9. This season was an exception to how I voted. Typically 250-500 so I can try something new and different. This season, was boots bindings and a board. Definitely a fluke year. I prefer to spend the money on getting to the hill as opposed to how I will be on the hill
  10. Instant gratification is a wonderful thing. I like the presspot idea too, coffee doesn't taste any better than that. It's a shame that I am to lazy for a french press style. I will most likely go with another drip machine, one that is faster though. Having to wait 5+ minutes is a little to much check this place out http://www.eastcoastroasters.com/ great coffee and you support a fellow hardbooter (Krudcarver). I can personally attest to the Kenyan and Ethiopian. Ohhh, quite nice.
  11. my coffee maker just died and I stayed up to late last night for this!! Waaahhhh :( Son of a ......
  12. Accepting the manpon will definitely drive a "man" to drink, not that there is anything wrong with it. Didn't get the Steamboat option. still need to get the SES passes though
  13. that's crap Mark, it's never going to snow again. We are all done riding. Everyone, it is a drought that means no snow. keep your mtn bikes and long boards out, it is the only exercise you will get this winter. brace yourself for the cold so that you are reminded that winter is here, that's not going to disappear. for those in the gray areas of the world, get the prozak and double your dosage. the clouds won't clear till June Everyone who bought new equipment. ha haa, you suckers. Screw the new stuff to your walls. at least there you will be able to think about using it, it sure as hell won't be on the snow this year.
  14. They are on their way Thanks
  15. I like the way you think
  16. it's all about the boards isn't it. The gear Vacuum!!!!! I was wondering why you picked up the blue bomber
  17. Still need to get the tickets lined up. I would love to see a mid season demo day, maybe late January before SES or sometime in Feb. The grill was most excellent Brats boards buds. doesn't get much better
  18. It was good to see you guys in the candy store. This season we well get more days in together. we will have to get together so TVR and DT can double up on the new girl. Which board are you going with? Red or Black
  19. Mine is in the 5-6 years old range. too old!! It is lifeless. a younger sister will be happening this year and a brand new one next year. Don't ride Grandmothers!!!! (unless of course it's all you can get)
  20. Ahhhh.. the cruel wandering beaver.. Amongst the most cruel and vicious of all attack beavers. I have yet to come across this in my time. My experience is with the heavy pelted oak chewers...ahh the memories.. loyal to one, but vicious to the one and any other beaver that tries to get in between. to be the owner of this sort of beaver is pleasure and pain..
  21. Jobs are easy, concentrate on a place to live, that is the hard part
  22. when i received that email it also had pictures of the guy being carted off to the ambulance. true or not, I'm glad to not have been involved
  23. find the largest rubber phallus you can find and attach it to the board, just behind the tip, call it "your guiding light" or "compass". I think a 15-18" unit with the girth of a beer can would be appropriate. Considering your man, maybe you should call it Al
  24. so far I see that the board is fruity,swallows and is going to have flowery stickers, you can call it Jovan Sigfried Roy The queen H.B.I.C. Puff the Magic (and put a dragon sticker on it, or other sticker)
  25. I hear you, the days when showers happened occasionally, skiing happened daily, the mind was rarely at home and mud season's were a guaranteed vacation. I had about 3 years, of about 7 as a ski bum, at a cabin community where showers and running water were on the other side of the compound, friends and time were all around and very plentiful.
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