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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Just looks fine to me how you wax it. I also keep the bindings at the board. Never have stonegrind my boards. I sometimes give it a sandpaper with 400 at places with some repair (scratches). Especially my SWOARD I will never give this one a grind. All my boards are just a little concave. So then I scrape them a little at an angle so I get more wax off. Greets, hans.
  2. I use the same wax. The blue hard wax from KUU. I always clean my boards with a special cleaner from TOKO or BOOSTER before it gets its one big seasonwaxtreatment. So all the old wax will be out off the board/skis. After waxing your board with the iron: just scrape it till there will be no more wax coming off your board. Just take a hard brush (metal or plastic depends which wax and snowconditions) and after that polish it with a soft brush and cloth. Than it must be okay. Just another thing. Don't use too much wax. Just drip some wax from your iron on your board and just heat it directly afterwards. Make some fast movements with your iron on your board to spread the wax better and not to heat your board too much at one point too long. After that let your board take the wax for at least a full day before scraping it off. That's the way I wax my board and skis once a year before the season starts. The rest of the time, I use my waxwhizzard with blue KUUwax every day I go out. ( I just make 15 to 20 days in the snow a year, excluded the days in snowworld). Hope this helps. Greets, Hans.
  3. I also have suffered form some chattering. The main reason of the chattering with me was caused by/due to: - weight not centered above the board - too much pressure at my back foot, due to the mistake I was afraid to fall ,backwards in my case, what you do then is just more weight on your back (foot) and leaning over the back: causes just even more chatter. So the conclusion for me was: - stay centered above your board in any case. - stay more upright (your upperbody) - just push your frontfoot more, this also correct yourself because it's almost natural that you lean too much backwards/on your backfoot in a backside, if you are regular try to reach with your right and left hand the tip (front) on the left of your board). This technique also helped me a lot:http://www.extremecarving.com/tech/tech.html I also use race/bombertechnique. Greets, Hans.
  4. Wearing Dainese Valdez (XCRmaterial) and another Dainese pants with kneepads. The Valdez I like the most because this pants is a semibibs (removable back). I always wear some Icebreaker underwear underneath for extra warmth for my muscles. Greets, Hans.
  5. Soccer shinguards are made of hard plastic so they will not fit perfectly. Shintronics are made out of neoprene and have a V-form due to the two replacable pads in the inner part (you can change the place of the pads if you like) The shintronics will form to your shins and boots after use of a few hours, the soccershinguards won't. Shintronics: because the pressure on your shins will be put on a higher place, your lower shins will be having lower pressure. Also the pressure is placed over a broader area because of the shintronics. The shintronics will be about for three or four cm. in your boot, the rest of it will be above your boots. I had to try some with these but after 15 minutes of use you will notice when the position is not right, too much pressure on your (back) calves. Greets, Hans.
  6. Was on a winterholiday last week in Haus (Austria). I just wear them six full days from 10:00 till 17:00. No problems, the longer you wear them, the better they will be. The product is new for this season, invented by a dutchman. Another satisfied user: http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1976&highlight=shintronics and other solutions. (I have no mountains here so I got the shins about a month ago and tried them in a snowhall with artificial snow, www.snowworld.nl) Hope this helps. Greets, Hans.
  7. Buy yourself a set of shintronics. No shinbang ever, more control and more pressure on your edges, www.manoove.com I tried them for a week now and I will use them every time I go out. I first used boosters but the shintronics are a way better solution. Greets, Hans.
  8. Some specs which Frank gave me this morning: Lenghth: 175 cm Width : 18,5cm Will be made in one style: Titanal/Carbon Holz. Just awesome. I am considering to buy this one since the Vampire is more forgiving than a Gladiator. Just still hesitating which one to choose. Greets, Hans.
  9. Just very anxious to see your extended report overhere. Greets, Hans.
  10. This one is HOT, some specs would be fine...... Greets, Hans.
  11. Send you email for pics. Greets, Hans
  12. Send you email for pics Greets, Hans
  13. Here in Europe the EUROSPORTS channel will cover 24 hours a day the whole event. You can get this by satellite. Greets, Hans.
  14. Don't know here, just forwarded this video from McFussel from http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2025 because I found it awesome. You can find some beautiful pictures as well. Greets, Hans.
  15. Very nice, Jack. Shot is very stable for a helmetcam. Greets, Hans.
  16. Nothing to be said here anymore, just awesome. http://www.megalanparty.de/lothar/WE_RIDE_HARDBOOTS.wmv Greets, Hans.
  17. Over the boot, so all around the boot with the logo of Booster over the front and over the tongue of the boot. Boosterstraps certainly do stretch because of their elastic webbing, it takes the stretch while moving so your lower legs stay under a certain tension compact in your boots. Just fiddle with the tension of the straps. You will feel when they are too tight or too loose. You can also try Shintronics from www.manoove.com. Helped me out. Greets, Hans.
  18. Okay, still interested and also interested in your 'demo' riding report of that ULTRA CARBON. This must be another board than the 'normal' carbon type. Greets, Hans.
  19. Ray, What has happened to your Gladiator Zylon. If you still have it, I am interested. And why the Carbon version now? Is it that much different? Greets, Hans.
  20. Nice topic, Bob made the points very clearly with the pictures. I had the same problem with my toeside. When I just corrected my upperbody, the problem was gone. Just align your upperbody to the length of the board and things will work out fine. I just changed my settings too. No more lift and cant. Had to adjust myself about three days, but I like it a lot now. May be some pictues and movies will help:http://www.extremecarving.com/tech/tech.html Keep on going more girls carve like this Greets, Hans.
  21. I have got the Raichle AF700 and weigh about 87 kgs. I found these boots rather stiff but good for my sometimes agressive racingstyle. I think that the AF600/Suzuka's will suit you better. The plastic of these boots is less stiff and also the tongue has another construction (softer, more flex). I have the AF600 now and like them a little more due to it's softer flex. Boots overall are stiff enough, also for racing. Hope this helps. Greets, Hans.
  22. Very nice pictures of this BTS. Some nice craftmanship. We in Europe will get our own european BTS soon. Introduced at the ECS 2006 at Zinal. Some pictures of prototype you can find overhere. Will save me some taxes and sendingcosts: http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1964 Greets, Hans.
  23. Hans

    TD2 Question

    It's just a guy who I know through the forum of www.extremecarving.com. I will probably meet him at the ECS within three weeks. I can ask him about the possibilities. Greets, Hans.
  24. Hans

    TD2 Question

    No hassle with it, works fine. I got some stronger springs from SITO, now they are superb. Greets, Hans.
  25. I just wanted to order one, but they are sold out already :( till november 2006 !!!
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