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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Fin is so tired, he doesn't even know what a BTSkit is anymore. Have a nice springbreak/sleep Hope that you will all recover soon. Till next season.
  2. Each year big event, much fun...... among other things, look for yourself: http://www.sandboarding.org/files/photos/index.php?folder=/ Greets, Hans.
  3. Thanks, SHREDDDDDDDDDDD Got it today! This cap is very cool I like the shape of it very much!!! It fits like a glove. Just aching for a COILERcap Greets, Hans.
  4. Yes, they are, but if you read it carefully, Donek is using another kind of material for the base for this one than the 'normal' Donek: P-Tex 4000 Electra Base Greets, Hans.
  5. NICE. I have some questions: What are the ridingcharacteristics of this board??? I assume you have tested this one before taking it into the productionline. Can I order the board directly from Donek? Because if it has first to go from the US to Greece and then to Holland it will cost me. That white thing at the bottom, is that a damper to save the bottom?? I think as it comes from Donek, you can build it to your ridingstyle/weight and so on?? Well, and at last the price. Greets, Hans.
  6. Hans


    http://www.gforcecarving.com/products.html Greets, Hans.
  7. I want that TD6 he spokes for. That metal board I already have: Volant Excel 162 Greets, Hans.
  8. Thanks, D-SUB for the effort. SHRED has a very nice shrederized Coilerlogo which is as nice as the logo put on the Madd caps. So I must be patient. If things don't work out, your proposal is certainly an option. Greets, Hans.
  9. This topic belongs in the Classifieds/For Sale section, not in this forum. And it's no alpinestuff, it's just an Arbor, nothing special. So why make all the fuss about this Greets, Hans.
  10. Hans

    Northwave .900 !!!

    Sorry, looking for C-type (mondo 26.5 - 27) Greets, Hans.
  11. Hans

    Northwave .900 !!!

    Very interested, just want to know more about the mondo. Email send. Greets, Hans.
  12. Get yourself a nice Roofbox. It's also very safe. I wouldn't think what could happen if you brake your car with power, what would happen with your boards that are lying loose in your car Just my 2 eurocents. Greets, Hans.
  13. Shred, if you can get me a COILER cap, I would be very happy, it's shipping to the Netherlands, can pay through Paypal. Will cover all the costs, no problem since the Maddcaps looks really nice. Can email at j.meijlis@chello.nl (I have Coiler logo in Jpeg, did use it for a sweater) Greets, Hans.
  14. You are right, they have even a full line of skis (titanal/bamboo), helmets, bags and so on. All based on bamboo and the bamboo look. In our former house we had a bamboofloor in our livingroom. Very tough material, hardly scratches on it, cheap material compare to other 'wooden' floors. Greets, Hans.
  15. If you look at the model card at the pics: 225 is comparable to the Lemans (same mold?) and 325T is comparable to Indy (not the same mold). Indy's and Suzuka's will stay next season. I rode the 325's I think about 8 years ago. Found them equally stiff or stiffer than my former AF700/Indy's. Molds look very familiar to me. Anyone else? Greets, Hans.
  16. Couldn't resist. Some old molds in a new coat. Look at the prices:225: 65,100 yen and the 325T: 75,600 yen. You can buy a Donek Olympic for the 325T. Well think they will be cheaper in the USA and Europe. Greets, Hans.
  17. Hans


    May be a little bit expensive for you to buy them from Europe, but there are always Virusboards for sale, mostly one or two years old, and just a few hours on them. Use the link and type in VIRUS, today six awesome VIRUSboards: http://sport.listings.ebay.de/Snowboarding_W0QQfromZR4QQsacatZ13394QQsocmdZListingItemList They are mostly sold for 60% till 75% of the new price. Greets, Hans.
  18. The choice for a boot is very personal and depends also on your ridingstyle. If you are looking for bombproof boots, if you like stiff racingboots with very tight support all around you, go for the Indy's. If you want them more flexible, not that stiff, some more 'freedom' stick with your AF600 and buy yourself a good liner if you don't have one. Because a good liner will also make a huge difference. I didn't like the standard liner of my AF700. I do like my AF600 with the moldable liner a lot, what a fit!! Now after 12 years of hardbooting, I know what I like about good fitting hardboots: not that stiff, just flexible enough in back and forwardlean, enough anklesupport, my ankles must be very tight in the boots, my feet must be tight enough in the boots, just that they hurt a little bit but not that much. Flexible enough sideways to give some 'free' pressure in the backside with some movement in the boots. Have had the AF700 for seven years. After remolding the outerboot with several bootfitters (big, broad forefoot), they fitted me better during the last three seasons. But it still wasn't perfect with that standard liner inside. Just after three hours of boarding they fitted better (warm and a little wet, so got more space). Now that I have tried the AF600 with thermo's , I prefer these. The AF600 have also more movement sideways because of the thinner plastic, I like this a lot, especially with the backside with the pressure at my front foot (I am regular).What I don't like is the 5-adjuster. I like to move the boots more freely. So I am gonna update these boots with a BTS. I weigh about 86 kgs. I do like to carve, but not as fast as Istvan with his VIRUS. Yeah, that man knows how to make a long, steep fast carve, just scary. But he knows what he's doing . I am more a cruiser with not too high speeds. I want to stay healthy. Both are good boots if they fit you right. The Suzuka's just have another closesystem then the Indy's. The Indy's are just more asymmetrical in the frontclosing flap/system than the Suzuka's. Think the Indy's closes just a slightly more better than the Suzuka's. But with riding I can't feel the difference, and that's what this is all about. About educated opinions on these boots: there aren't. It's just personal. There are racers who likes the Indy's more than the Suzuka's and otherwise. Final: Why change your boots??? Only if you are looking for more forward and backward stiffness, much stiffer sideways, more (no dynamic, not active) support (the plastic is stiffer and thicker). You use the 5-adjuster anyway, so the difference will be less between the two boots, if you use a BTS with the same springs the difference will be more noticable, I think. That's the only reason. If you have further questions, be my guest. Just my 2 eurocents. Greets, Hans.
  19. I fully agree. Two weeks ago a skier was racing after me at a red piste. I was also going very fast. He just touched my board lightly when he overtook me without noticing it and I fell over for about 10 m. First I just fell at the back of my head and then at my back at a very icy piste. My Dainese helmet had some scratches on it and I had a light headconcusion for two days. My back was hurting so much that I couldn't snowboard for a day (wearing also a Dainese backprotector but hit the piste with my back just beside my protector). If I hadn't been wearing this helmet, well I think I could say without any hestitation that that day was my last day on this planet. So my helmet was a real lifesaver that day, so I will never snowboard or ski without a helmet again. Just my 2 cents. Greets, Hans.
  20. A Vampire will cost me about euro 1400 with sendingcosts. The Tinkler 185 will cost me about euro 1500 with sendingcosts, and then the taxes and other sh....... about 25%. So that's making the difference. So not a very huge difference. But there is a difference. Just wanted to know if this TINKLER is as friendly to ride as a VAMPIRE, which I am told that the VAMPIRE is: a friendly carv' cruiser. Would be welcome to my quiver since my new Coiler RC 180 II is a board that needs very precise riding. No mistakes on this board or you gonna be punished. Greets, Hans.
  21. Interesting all this technical stuff. I just only want to know how this one rides, so that I can decide to buy it or not. Just hesitating between this new Tinkler 185 and the new model of VIRUS, the VAMPIRE (175 cm). So if there is any input on those boards please inform me/us. Greets, Hans. (not to mention a Tomahawk Titanal for half the price of the boards mentioned above, the world is getting more complicated with all this new exclusive stuff around, what a luxury).
  22. Can be read here also, about this tragedy. Double post. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=10562 Hans.
  23. This 26 year old sweed was practicing alone at the boardercross track. He landed very badly, tried to correct himself, but he broke his neck and had several internal wounds. A tragedy. He was 12th at the Olympics this year and was placed 45 in the worldranking. My condolances to his family and friends. Hans. Some official info of this tragedy:http://www.fis-ski.com/data/document/johansson.pdf
  24. Very curious, interested in your ridingreview. Looks are definately great Greets, Hans.
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