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Everything posted by bjvircks

  1. I've got a pair of Oxygen Krypton M27. they are in pretty good condition, might be a good entry level boot for you. 3 ratchet strap buckles and velcro power strap. When I get back to my place I can post photos. How much do you want to spend?? enable your email if you want to communicate off the thread.
  2. sometimes things like that happen when one person needs to throw a handgrenade into a situation to disrupt it but can't allow their consious mind to acknowledge it. After a while I recognized the sound of my (now-ex)wife starting to pull the pin.
  3. Really sounds like they were trying to milk you for everything they could. In a situation like that the best thing to do is walk away and then tell everyone possible this outfit tried to screw with you. Then go back with a bike from somewhere else and tell them face to face 'you blew it, jerks!' on the positive side... such a wonderful problem to have. Some folks are starving or having their homes blown up and their families killed.:(
  4. OUCH GO AHEAD AND BE MAD... at least for a while. Maybe even kick the crap out of something safe. Then go out and arrange your own financing. I think you did the right thing by walking out. It is hard to tell (right now) if they had a legitimate mistake or are trying to take advantage of you. Either way it sucks. It is easy to imagine them thinking they had you by the short hairs and that they expected you to just take the deal and be out of there. Any chance of giving them the opportunity to "figure out the original terms were right after all" and close the deal? I've heard you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. Best of luck Brad How much for the Jeep??
  5. from 'Cool hand Luke' starring Paul Newman shotgun toting prison guard to chain gang: "What we got here is a failure to communicate."
  6. Honest-to-God, this happend to me at a place on Michigan's Upper Peninsula. I came down a run and made my way over to the lift. A collection of young punk boarders had flopped down right in front of the rope gate to the lift line, which was completely empty. There was absolutely no way to get to the lift unless someone got up and moved! WTF??? I had my rock board so I just plowed over them! IMHO they were trying to be gangsta
  7. Nope, Phil you're on target... the initial core issue was a 16 year old kid who apparently felt he was 'in control' simply because his board was still base-to-the-snow. My guess he had no margin left and any attempt on his part to turn would have meant a huge high speed wipe-out for him. I suspect rather than do the right thing and go down he opted to hit the lady.:( I hope thru all of this he can now see things from a more mature perspective.
  8. Does anyone see any possible way of assuring some level of basic competence before a lift ticket is sold to a person going higher than the bunny slope??? I'm getting really tired of people picking the worst possible places to stop. When you try to clue them in (courteously, of course) they blow a gasket and almost always respond ' I'll stop where ever I da** well please ' I'm certain that almost all the people who do this have absolutely no idea how dangerous they are. On skis several years ago I was faced with a split second choice. I could choose to hit a rock face straight on at moderately high speed, hit a kid, hit his parents or lay it over and tumble a bit before going off the trail and dropping 15 ft into trees. I was above a familiar wide shallow chute with steep rugged rock on both sides for a bit. About 1/3 down the right side opened to trees in a drop-off. About 2/3 down the chute narrowed and a rock outcrop from the right pinched off the chute to passage of about 15 ft. I scoped things out before dropping in. I saw the family standing around at the outcrop near the pinch-off, and I know they saw me. I figured where to make my turns and how to approach the exit passage. Then I went for it. It was just awesome until I was 3 turns from the exit. I saw the family starting to move. No problem yet, just had to be more careful. By the next turn the family 1/2 blocked the exit and one of the kids fell over, completely blocking it. I used my last turn to scrub as much speed as I could before laying it over and going off into the trees. IT REALLY ****ES ME OFF THAT THEY SAW ME COMING AND STILL DID THAT!!!
  9. Run that foil cube past NSA and see if it meets TEMPEST Level I
  10. for email you can click on my bol name. this will bring up a set of selections, allowing you to view profiles, send email, etc. ( teach a man to fish... yada,yada yada) Brad
  11. Being a patrol-ambasador sounds like my 'best deal'. I'm a 50 something engineer living on the mid american flatlands and looking forward to retirement. I want to ski and carve 'til I'm 90 or so and if I can get free lift tickets... sign me up when I move to the mountians.
  12. I've got a pair of Mondo 27 Krypton boots by Oxygen in good shape. Not a 'totally awesome, greatest ever' boot but serviceable entry-level. I'm not certain if the boot is Intec-compatable. My guess is NOT. (I'm open to other's wisdom here...) I'm considering switching to a ski boot 'cause I'm tired of traveling with 3 sets of boots.
  13. I have a definite interest, been wanting a good board about that length. oldsnowboards is right about the photos, etc email sent 2nd edit... Out of my 'cheapskate off-season' price range. Thanks for the feedback Sam. Have at this board, guys. Best regards, Brad
  14. bjvircks


    time to load up the bass-o-matic MMMMMM...... that's good bass!
  15. Reminds me of the time I chased my daughter around the back yard with a palm sander, trying to scrub spagetti sauce from her face. Everybody almost died laughing. But #14 is my favorite... caught me totally off guard.
  16. Do you really need a mechanical engineer? Sounds like a good carpenterwould do.
  17. bjvircks


    a few years ago I picked up one of my favorite tee shirts... a list of why ski lifts are better than a girlfriend. has things like you can ride all day and it doesn't mind. you can get off without saying 'you were awesome', doesn't care if you ride other lifts etc,etc. (did not mention beer in this posting)
  18. I'm wondering if his 'fishbowl' gimic is actually conditioning for the final stunt. (this is a stunt, not magic in my opinion) Does anyone know if being so completely marinated in highly oxygenated water could artificially extend his ability to hold his breath? Also, hasn't there been R&D work done towards developing 'breathable' liquids? I wouldn't be surprised if this were the plan... for him to 'drown' before our eyes while really breathing liquid for a short while.
  19. Catwalks will be a dream, plus... when somebody rides up on the tail of your board in the lift line you just use the thrust stream to set his tips on fire! The downside is now we need to be concerned about FOD.
  20. Pretty good results so far... I usually head to the hill with a board and skis. I stash one or the other somewhere convenient. Often I'll take a trashbag along to put the boots in to keep snow out. I loop a lock cable thru buckles, bindings. This March my son and I were having a couple 'end of the day' beers at the outdoor snow bar at the base of Steamboat. Good rays, good tunes, good company. Then Joe says 'hey Dad, where's your board?' I'd left the board and hardboots at the top of the gondola, and they were close to shutting down! I should have just put out a sign HEY!! STEAL THIS COMPLETE SETUP edit: I didn't feel like committing a 'CUI' violation (carving under influence) after retreving my gear so I did the right thing and rode the gondola back down. I'm no Bode!
  21. I am looking at a board on ebay and got to wondering if it might be stolen. Nothing specific got me to thinking of this other than postings in the last few weeks about idiots doing this kind of crap. I know I'd feel bad if I showed up at some hill with a board that had been stolen and somebody recognized it as theirs. I had a small case of camera gear stolen from my home when I lived in SoCal years ago. One of the camera bodies turned up in Florida and police traced back to me through my drivers license number that I had engraved on the baseplate. Here is my pitch... add a section for stolen gear somewhere here at BOL. We could post notices, photos and identifying stuff. I'm going to be engraving my present DL# on my skis and boards. I know that we buy/sell/swap gear amongst ourselves quite a bit. Would something other than DL# work just as well?
  22. the chainsaw must be running backwards???
  23. I have nothing to contribute regarding the comparison between Flexon and Indy boots. BUT... I'm thinking of trying Flexons as a way of being able to easily switch between carving and skiing ( I know... I said a naughty word... maybe I need to be spanked... oops, sorry, wrong thread) Also if Flexon boots work well enough for me for both it would allow me to travel with just 1 pair softboots, 1 pair hardboots. What are your opinions about the Flexon Comps? I'd like to know what you (and others) think about them. Are you thinking of getting rid of your Flexons? If so, what size are they, etc? I believe a mondo 27 from most brands works best for me. Regards, Brad
  24. I do not believe that Greenland was ever green... but that it was so named by Viking Development Corp in order to prop up land values and promote tourism! Much like North Dakota which wants to change its name start using palm trees on its brochures. Hey buddy, I've got some glacier to sell!
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