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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. here's a freak easily draggin' elbow, then drops the helmet down for a little asphalt rubbin' <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OXL-rYIlEd4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    not if PC shows up!!!
  3. I have no experience with DB, so, sorry, no comment on the brand... 29er's on the other hand, I have two. Both are hardtails, the main difference is the Cannondale is set-up as a 1x9 and the Felt is a 3x9. Both bikes are awesome. They both have short chainstays and relatively steep head angles, so the handling is very quick and responsive, but not twitchy. It takes a little bit longer to begin accelerating but once you get going it's great. The 29ers maintain speed better and roll down the trail better. Here in the Rocky Mountains, I do feel that the 29er is more sensitive to tire choice; I don't know if it's because of the leverage (wheel radius)/tire deflection being different or if I am maintaining a higher speed... Definitely ride before you buy. Also remember that not all 29ers are the same. Geometry will substantially affect the way a bike rides (just like with boards). Basic dimensions such as head angle and chainstay length greatly affect handling.
  4. Scott - send Gretchen our well wishes Sadly, I understand her "pain". On May 27th, I had a kid decide to remodel my motorcycle while I was on it. I now have a plate and 7 screws to add to the collection in my left forearm. New golf clubs - sitting, waiting to be used... New mountain bike - sitting, waiting to be used... New (replacement) motorcycle because the first one was totaled - sitting waiting to be used... The boredom hit on about the third day. Books and movies were about the only things that helped pass the time while I was off work. Now that I am traveling again, things are not too bad. Hopefully I should be able to start "playing" again in ~10 days.
  5. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    a real bear or was Mario running around butt naked? I've heard that he's done that more than once...
  6. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    you can take one of mine if you want to drive to CR to get it
  7. might have a board that fits the bill how much do you weigh?
  8. the spirit of what you said was correct, but a more appropriate way to say it is: while titanium may be present in trace amounts, it is not one of the primary alloying elements in Titanal.
  9. Since you are adamant about this, I have one question... If I add these numbers together unless I'm doing some special math, I get 99.8% (even though you do not state it, I anticipate these numbers are in weight percent). What's the other 0.2 wt%? :)
  10. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    better late than never! <del>Hoping to make it up on Sunday, not sure how long I'll ride. The foot and ankle are still pissed off</del> edit: change of plans... the ankle is starting to feel better. I'm not going to risk f-ing it up any more/again. Hopefully I'll be out hiking for turns in a week or two.
  11. what, is you incompeeeetentttttt?!? <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/adBjz-lpm7k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Shelly said that you called this morning. I can actually walk again, with little to no pain. I'm thinking that Saturday may be in the cards. Might be done with Sunday's for the season; Shelly is starting to get the Triple Bypass training bug again...
  13. One problem here - that upright stance will lighten the front wheel when climbing, potentially making the bike difficult to control on the climb. If I read your requirements correctly, you want to be comfortable, but also be able to bomb the downhill. There is a simple solution... get a bike with a height adjustable front fork. Rockshox made the Pike and is currently making the Domain, both of which are height adjustable by turning a screw located on the top of one of the fork legs. Fox also makes the Talas which only requires rotating a lever ~90°. Manitou made the Nixon, which operated at the push of a button. I'm sure there are many others that I have not mentioned. Drop the fork to a lower height setting (3" or 4") for the climb up, then raise it up (5" or 6") and bomb down the hill. The change in geometry is very noticeable, both on the climb and the decent. As Allee mentioned, changing the stem can make a substantial difference in the riding position. You just have to be willing to dial things in, it's a lot like a pair of hardboots. There is no way you will get a decent bike at the low end of your price range. If you do find one, anticipate that it is beat and will need lots of love during the few years that you own it. At the high end of your price range, you might get lucky and find someone trying to sell a good bike because they have upgraded to something different. Here is one for example: http://denver.craigslist.org/bik/2317524867.html This particular seller is sick and tired of the lookey-loos and Nigerian scammers, and would be willing to deal on the price. (yes, a shameless plug, but fits your criteria...) Back on topic - the point being, if you search, you can find something decent. Good luck.
  14. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    rode from 9:30 to noon today. conditions were great for carving! started on 1, noticed the melt freeze. went to 2, hoping that the sun would have softened things a little - it did; spent an hour slaying fire bowl and drifter. went to 6, destroyed roulette for three runs, then it got soft. went back to spillway and richards, they were firm as could be. could not set an edge riding aggressively. started to ride with finesse (yes ink, me riding with finesse) and had a blast! not sure why I ever considered selling the Monster. the only bad thing today was the corral at the bottom of 1, it was a complete ice-rink :( someone had a break-through day today. she started reaching for the up edge and pinching her core. she also started to look further uphill as she was coming across - they way she hooked up and railed those turns shocked her. had her first legitimate hand drag, because she was low, not because she was reaching. also had her first legitimate butt drag, again, because she was looowwwwwwwww. she was grinning from ear-to-ear! it helped that there was absolutely no one on the hill. riding Saturday only this weekend. picked up the 185 Virus - should be fun...
  15. D.T.

    LCS Part 4

    Everyone made at least a run or two before switching over to powder gear. The snow was dumping the entire time, then as Angie said, the wind showed up and visibility went from next to nothing to nonexistent. We have the largest female presence ever... Michelle, Angie, Jen, Steph and Shelly were all representing! Total attendance was over 25 people. Bola made some Viruses available for demo. Sean had a group of Doneks available as well.
  16. pretty sure that wasn't me. sounds like al though! (not that i disagree ;) i would've called him a f***er) that was me cussing at Kevin, thank you very much :D
  17. D.T.

    LCS Part 4

    Ink - pass Concussed - pass KarverKai - pass - very excited to be able to participate finally Big Mario - pass Seraph - Covered, I have a 4 pak tik. Arneburner - pass Greenleaf - pass Angie/Jim Callen - we have 2 for 1 vouchers (might have some extra too) Michelle - ticket Shrederjen - 4 pack ticket + Mark R (wants to try hardbooting!) - 4pack ticket pc denver - pass - if the G lets me out of the house scott.creer - 2 passes needed D.T. - pass Shelly - pass
  18. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    my return travel schedule was pushed back a day, won't make it up on Saturday :( both of us should be there on Sunday
  19. for Shelly it was switching to a "soft" plate binding that would give her a feel of the snow.
  20. I have a 182cm Donek Nyberg Axxess that I would consider selling. It has a 22cm waist and 12m SCR. The specs are on Donek's site. Send me a PM if you are interested.
  21. D.T.


    by chance, do you know what wax Mike is putting on his tunes?
  22. there is one shop that's somewhat close. what's their name?? ...oh yea, BOMBER! they are in Silverthorne, the town adjacent to Dillon :) also, All Boards Sports is about an hour drive away
  23. Evan, I have Donek Nyberg Axxess that I recently picked up that I would be willing to sell. I bought it to play around with, but I need another board like I need a hole in the head. Here is the link to the thread where I purchased the board. The specs are: Length: 182cm Effective Edge: 158cm SCR: 12m Waist Width: 22.5cm While 182cm may seem a little long, at your height and weight, a long effective edge is not a bad thing. The 12m SCR, will keep the board turning relatively small, but will really turn tight if you power into the turns. The 22.5cm waist width would allow a wide range of binding angles, which could be good for a beginner with relatively large feet. Another bonus is that Donek boards are know to be durable and able to withstand heavy/powerful riders. E-mail me through my profile if you are interested.
  24. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    the new workout program endorsed exclusively by the LCI <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CKekcHMiVVg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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