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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. :AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin And I already have a tree and a lift pit post to my credit. I have already taken out countless kooks:boxing_sm:boxing_sm, at least one tele skier and yourself with my trenches, what else do you want? More importantly, are you in for saturday or what?:confused:


  2. I am thinking sunday, hopefully less cfc's/gapers/blaze orange/jeans/ect. ad nauseum on the hill. Got a reply about the fence on Ricardo's, let's see if they follow through.


  3. 2) watching Mario slam the post at the lift mid-load. Holy Crap, what a hit!:freak3:


    That was an eye opener for me, one grooming ridge in the shadows can ruin your day, last I saw that pole was still out of plumb. Luckily once again my bhudda bellied/linebacker/Adonis physique kept me from getting jacked up.

  4. one other thing...

    Ski Patrol has consistently not been stringing the fence at the bottom of Richards; therefore, the gapers have been blasting the jump from Home Run onto lower Richards. I almost got hit mid-carve yesterday by a Starter jacket wearing fool. :angryfire

    It's good insurance to stay right at the bottom of Richards and avoid these dumba$$es!

    Just talked to Patrol, they assured me they will have the groomers flatten that out tonight and they will move the fence down, I almost got tagged there on Sat.


  5. Tae,

    When you get off the highway turn right to go to loveland BASIN. I will be there around 8:30 and the hill opens at 9:00. I will be upstairs of the lodge (beyond the clock tower) near the Wedge Bar. If you are arriving later give a call when you get to the hill. Digits are seven two oh - two one seven - seven eight oh five. See you in a couple days.


    Arneburner, are you riding with us?


    I am counting on you to pick up the enforcement while you are up during the week when I am not around, especially with all of the spring break interlopers darkening or slopes.


  6. Big mario --

    i think ink is slamming me here

    i'm counting on you to rectify the





    I can't come to your aid here without having ridden yesterday. On the face I may have to agree with Ink. However If your legs were as blasted from Saturday as mine and Dustin's were, I think you may have a case for letting the LCI down, and not face disciplinary action. I must say, after hearing that the probies stuck it out and had good days, I am disappointed in your actions

    Redemption comes next weekend


  7. Not that it matters to many, but the omnibus bill is another steaming pile left over from the past that if not signed shuts the govt down. Obamas hands are tied on this. Both sides of the aisle are resposible for the "pork " in this bill, including those who are squealing the loudest about it. No earmarks was mcains campaign platform, not the Presidents, his was reform. Nuance does not fit on a bumper sticker, so the mass media leaves it alone, and focuses on the easy emotional and simple sloganeering. Earmarks are a small portion of the money the govt spends, but a very easy way to whip up a feeding frenzy in the driveby media.

    I hate politcal threads, but they are a train wreck and I cannot look away, especially when they start pissing me off. I am done with this one. I ride on saturday, I cannot wait.


    Try 8,000+ "earmarks"!!

  8. Mario: the food was really , really fantastic. I've spent my adult life in search of the holy grail of BBQ , I once drove from denver to miami eating BBQ at ever place I could. This meal was epic , the combinations were well thought out and the flavor pairings sophisticated , sublime. A nod to tradation without cliche , the beans held the picnic standard while introducing a fresh prespective to the the old legume. I particularly enjoyed the brisket/ coleslaw pairing. The slaw was light , with a vinegar marinade that cut the fat content of the brisket , brillent. Mario , construction is a waste of your talent..................

    Thank you for the nice reveiw Jeff


  9. of you that made this such an amazing time. It amazes me that just a few years ago the only hard booter at Lovey was Pete, The perpatrator of the LCI, though he won't admit or take credit for it. Now we are hosting a session with over 50 carvers from all over the country, and if you count Aussi Scott, all over the world. Pretty damn cool. Thanks again for joining us on our mountain. :D

    Thanks from the LCI,

    " We don't make trouble, we make trenches" - Ink

  10. ink -- religious holiday tuesday (purim)

    no school

    thus, i felt it necessary to engage in a

    spiritual activity

    pc denver

    P wants to know if you were dressed as Queen Esther and if you snacked on hamentaschen instead of ensure


  11. So the question is...

    Can we get more LCI (and LCI wannabees) out to ride Loveland on Sat 28th or Sun 29th?

    Here's what Im think so far

    Fri 27 - Winter Park

    Sat 28 - Lovey or Beav

    Sun 29 - Beav or Lovey

    Mon - Abasin

    Prefer sunday @ lovey, less kooks and gapers this time of year


    LCI= Loveland Carve Initiative

    tactical plan: convert as many riders as possible to harboots with our awesome jaw dropping carving abilities

    strateagic plan: take over the mountain with our army of converts!!!!!:eplus2::eplus2::eplus2::eplus2::eplus2:

  12. mario...troll away guy:flamethro but does the LCi Jong Show have stickas, swag, vids, groupies, cougars, security detail, wrecking crew, gong show crew, official drinking team etc etc?? we're like bullet proof tigers...don't phk with us!! :eplus2::eplus2::eplus2::AR15firin:AR15firin



    No trollin here guy, just keepin the thread at the top of the page per JD as Inks second.

    The LCI has 2 guru's, one cheif instigata, one enforcer, 2 chefs, a mtn bike chapta, lots of wannabes, t shirts, a movie star and matching gaydas. Working on the drinking chapta. I'll have to talk to ink about sticka's


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