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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Come up and get some mid week biking in before the snow begins to accumulate.

    Friday@ the park? Doin' a coupla front range rides wed and thurs this week, a gravity day might be make a nice recovery day!


  2. Sorry to hear you have become a statistic, hopefully you will not remain #547for very long. Though I have had to cut back drasticly, no new boards, very glad I got my pass last May, I have been sleeping much better now that the ax has fallen, and my home punch list has gotten smaller. I am hoping that things turn around and I do get called back in Feb., but I may need to start thinking of an alternate career as well.


    Bequia is beautiful, back in the olden days when I was way flush, my Honi and I spent 10 days in the Grenadines and thourghly enjoyed it. Congratulations on your pending nupitals, and good luck on your new career


    I thought Aspen was recession proof with all of that Hollywood and oil money, but I guess this mess is much deeper than the pockets of the very rich. Good luck, and if you are in the mood for some early season slumming, I will be doing a bunch of mid week riding on the divide starting in October @ Lovey


  3. what does "tweener" mean guys? I'm not up with the lingo;.

    I saw this Donek Tucker also. I think it looks sweet. You don't

    think it would be to long if there was a bunch of powder? Also, you

    don't think its too long for my weight? 185ish.

    My old all mountain board is 167, and i've been meaning to go

    longer with my next board.

    Do you think it can hold a good edge where I do most of my skiing at

    home, on hard pack?


    Tweener Board: Noun, a snow board that is neither a pure race board or a powder board, can deftly handle all conditions from hardpack to powder.


  4. Hi, I am looking for a decent board to go out west with this year.

    Do you think the tucker would be a good all around board? powder

    and groomers? I'm looking for a good all mountain board, also, I am

    6"3' 185.


    That is a great all mountain board, narrow enough to rip on groomers while possesing enough float to keep a 215 pounder on top of over a foot of Colorado freshies. I am sure D.T. would have held on to it if he wasn't such a fickle board 'ho:D


  5. I'm at the point of not wanting to say anything when I see stupid stuff that needs to be fixed because I fear that I'm going to step on the toes of some 'golden boy' who would rather get me RIFd than admit he's screwed up.:smashfrea

    I know that I made a few friends through the years with my subtlety:eplus2: which I am sure did not help me in the end.

    Justin, sorry to hear that, and good luck in you newest endeavour, at least you'll have some real mountains to ride again


  6. Hey. I take exception to that slam on resort snow reports. I look at the numbers and tell the truth. Winter Park has always under-reported conditions and lifts open. I can't say that holds true for all resorts though.

    I know another Co resort that has a tendancy to do that, I have shown up more than once with a carving board expecting dust on crust and finding a foot of freshies and no tanker


  7. Thats funny ****. Noting but love. You boys are consistent and thats important. Big, how goes the job hunt?

    He may get me on the forums, but I useually get the better in person. :AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin

    I am still getting my head around the whole thing, and haven't put too much effort into the job hunt yet, I have been picking up a few days here and there( thanks Monodude), taking care of the punch list that has gotten a bit out of control in the 13 years we have been here, and grabbing some midweek mountain bike rides. Parts of me are still too stunned, but on the whole, I am good.

  8. Except for that little crash there at the beginning, my talibone is fine, right buttock is none too happy along with my lower back. I am moving like an old jewish man with sciatica problems this morning. Dustin, excellent idea for a gravity day, that was some serious fun yesterday!:D


  9. 7:15 at the PnR works for me. I'll be at your place @ 6:30 :freak3:

    Just to confirm, Shawn's rack is tube mount - I don't need to bring my fork up adapter?

    Nope. I don't even have to bring my top tube adapter.


  10. big mario that double bi pic is friggin awesome! i have a hardtail but looking at a santa cruz fs. is that a heckler you're riding and how is it for you?

    thanks a lot big guy

    life would be good.


    I am riding a Heckler. After breaking a few 4 bars, virtual pivots, hardtails, and other wackey suspension designs I have gone back to the simplicety of a beefy single pivot with a stable platform shock. I have had that ride for a few seasons now, and it has held up to my occaisional less than subtle riding, bunny hopping, and trials moves without any complaints. It aint light though, the current build has it tipping the scales @ 32lbs. A fellow clydesdale that borrowed it when his ride was in the shop felt he wasn't manly enough to ride it, it could even give JD some calves!


  11. What about D.T.'s 20mm thru axle? Darn guy has to go against the grain.


    Should not be a problem, it is a top tube rack, carries a funky Heckler frame just fine, and you can leave your wheels on.


  12. We almost got to the lower lot before weather and time sent us back.


    That is very cool!! The little man will be showin the rest of the LCI how its done in no time!! Congrats

    Ride today was nice, went deer hunter style, one shot on a problem and you were done. Cleaned a few things that I haven't made in a while. Tweaked my derailler hanger on a rock, so I had to cut it short before the forest. 43 beans for a new one. Ouch. Workin with Monodude next week so no monday ride for me,


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