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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. I tried carving on grass... Rather enjoyed it!

    Isn't that the only way you ride?!?!?!:eplus2:

    Felt like Febuary up there yesterday, Good Times, most excellent riding, now I just need to learn to stay off of the nose when I start pushing it. I guess I could stop leading with my head for once in my life, though I don't see that happening any time soon:biggthump


  2. Though I do talk some smack to my buddies on the rideboard on occasion. I like the community that we have built around here, and I am still blown away by the fact that I can post up about a gathering at my local mountain with some demo's, food and beer, and have 50 riders show up, some from close to a thousand miles away for one day. How cool is that!! I have met some really cool people here, and I have crossed paths or posts with some not so's. It does get annoying around here from time to time, but you have to take the good with the bad. EricJ, some of the sh!t that you have come up with has me laughing my A$$ off, as well as the shenanagins over at Goon/Waterville Valley thread. Billy, I would never have had the oppurtunity to skate with you and watch you pull euro carves on pavement if it wasn't for Bomber. I hope my wipouts that day had some entertainment value for you and Rusty. As a grommet I could not get enough of this board, I devoured every tech article I could and tried to apply it on the hill while keeping up with Pcdenver. I still can't get enough of the stoke spread here, and I hope that many others still feel the way I do.

    Ignore the B.S., hold on to the good, spread the stoke.


  3. Sunday was decent. Groom was ok, but there were lots of soft pockets in which you could/would get burried.

    And way tooo many jackasses. :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin


  4. TVR is having computer issues, so as a public service I am letting everyone know what the plan is at this point in time. Right now they are heading to The Park, Sunday @ lovey, Sat and monday may flip due to all of the snow. Anyone with Beav info, ie; groom firmness ect.... give Stanley a call and let him know what the haps are


  5. separated at birth?!?


    I'll let you be the judge!

    DUUDE, you missed an important part of the pic, the snowboarder 2/3 on the sign, it ruins the whole context of the shot!:(

  6. Definitely wish I was there - I'm sure Mario is already plotting and D.T. should watch out! :boxing_sm

    No plotting needed...... Maybe. I just think about the day over at the valley when D was floundering on the ground after he hit on of my trenches.....Ahhh, good times.....


  7. Seraph,

    Come spend time at Lovey with me and the LCI and I will guarantee that you will find your carve and get better. You will also have fun in the process.


    read: free coaching from the LCI


    My offer still stands from the beggining of the season. It looks like I will be up on sunday this week, let's get together for a few runs. Wedge bar@ ~ 7:15, lift one @8:30


    PS, thanks for the beer!!!!!

  8. DT has taken over the role of Enforcer after jumping on the hood of an isuzu trooper that was on his bumper and putting his boot through the windsheild.

    Other than that, we welcomed Monodude back from his world travels, and had a most excellent day on firm to extra firm conditions. Looking forward to next week,


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