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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. from my experience living in CO they close the roads when too many idiots slide off or crash, so just hope people aren't being stupid that day and you'll have no problems.

    On the way to lovey this am, less than an inch of new, one pathfinder on its roof and one fourunner with bent rims on the passenger side. The only thing that kept it from rolling was the rock wall it slid into. Once saw 3 jeep liberty's on their roofs between the tunnel and Georgetown. Slow down and be safe and all will be fine.


  2. Thanks for showing me around today! I look forward to coming back with boots that are molded!

    Too bad it wasn't colder, you would have gotten the full on lovey experiance!


  3. They have a tendancy to drop back closer to parallel with the board than perpendiculer. Tip it and trust it to get lower, remember to angulate your body as you inclinate the board. simpest way for me to think of this as I am laying it over is to reach for the snow on the down hill side of the board. Otherwise not to shabby.


  4. Thanks to all the Rippa's who showed up today, good fun, sunburned teeth and all, already looking foward to next weekend. D, very,very glad you came out of your slide okay, freaked me out a bit when I got the details.


    Every day is game day


  5. I hate to disappoint anyone who is coming from elsewhere on sat, but you will not be getting the full on lovey experiance. It will be sunny, 31'f, nw winds@ 5-7mph. :( Sorry you will not be getting the thrill of bitting cold /flat light/shreiking winds. We don't want to give you the wrong impression.


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