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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Thor is coming over again this Sat, and he is bringing Hotbeans, Forecast is looking good, Iggles are playing sunday, so it is sat for me, Ink, let me know if you want to ride sat, I don't mind driving again, it is helping me mellow out. Do we think that TVR can make lifts opening 2 weeks in a row?

    Go Green!!!

  2. You've been clamouring for it, and now its back!!

    LCS PART DEUX!!Brought to you by the LCI and All BoardSports, and whomever else would like to provide beer/goods and services/and or other stuff, for Sunday March 8th. We moved to later in the season so we could actually stand around and drink beer without it freezing as soon as you open it. More details to follow

  3. Aaron

    Politely inform the offending party that if they are going to ride fall line and not turn, that he should be the first down the hill, and to watch the others and learn how to safely ride in a group, not unlike a bicycle peloton. If that doesn't work, remove your stick and smack them in the head with it, repeatedly, until they get the message. Not that I advocate violence, but sometimes negative reinforcement works really well.:biggthump

    Are you going to make it out this year? We are looking at the first sunday in march for another session, so plan accordingly



  4. Once again we were in double digits, even though we were missing many of our regular members due to injury/illness/employment or whatever excuse they could come up with. We even have agents that have infiltrated the ski team. Some day we will take over the Mountain:eplus2::eplus2: TVR came over from winter park, Old Acura made it up, AC decided to neglect his studies, MonoDude has recoverd enough from a few injuries to make it back up the hill. We were also joined by Biggerwrangler, Justk,( after a years abscence). Agents Barefootskier and Steve joined regulars D.T., Ink, and myself for a day of serious carving and defileing of groomers, as well as near jibber smackdown, after aforementioned jibber jacked up TVR's new coiler(superficial) and nearly took out Ink. A quick intervention by Red Foreman of the Loveland Ski Patrol was all that prevented the jibber from being torn limb from limb by Initiative members D.T. and INK. Despite this incident, a great day was had by all


  5. For your own safety's sake, Pete is much bigger than he looks

    2-4 forecasted for today, less than 1" overnite, sunshine, light winds, and temps in the low 20's. I was beginning to really enjoy those minus 40f wind chills, flat light, and 60 mph gusts. I might as well stay home tomorrow, it sounds like it's going to be too nice.

    " Everyday is gameday" -The mayor of Loveland



  6. Heh, well this kinda stinks. I'll be here for the SES, but I am not going to have a pass. Bummer. I'll be stuck at the top of the hill, and once I come down there's no going back up for me.

    Hike up the milk and run tiehack, once I got on the quad, I put my classic pass away and I didn't need it until I went down to the base


  7. Lovey and the Basin will still be open. Conditions are all over the place at that time of year, ranging from massive spring storms to melt freeze/ boiler plate to nice spring corn to slush. Mornings can be really firm, softening up nicely in the pm. Long and short: expect anything


  8. First off, Stan, you are a great person to head down to the flat lands to take care of a sick friend:biggthump, we missed you on the hill. All in all a good day, though the grooming dept did not get the memo that we were coming. Kimo, it was most excellent to see you out tearing it up, lets make this a regular gig. Kevin, glad to see you made it over to this side of the divide, it was a hoot tearing it up with you. Tony, it's about time you got over your embarrasment:eplus2: and got out. Thanks to the rest of the LCI, what a great day!


  9. LLR and I kept running roulette, there was no one on it, could be due to the fact that it's steep, icy, and any semblance of fresh snow was blown off of it. I had a blast over there, as did Barbera. I even threw in some tormentoring. Some of my trenches were more like scratches, less than a half inch deep. Stayed on the headknocker the whole time. Good times

    Life is good,

    pray for groom



  10. We have also lost a skier at the Bird and at Loveland (?) in CO, already this year.

    Lots of snow on weak base.

    Be careful. Buddy up.

    No deaths at lovey. They where ready to open the ridge a few weeks ago and patrol bowl slid to the ground. Lots of slides up there, I dont think that even ski patrol has been up yet, I haven't heard any bombing while I have been there, nor is there any bomb craters. The pass was closed on sat. by a slide about half way up. Back country is real dicey right now, 2 snowmobilers died last weekend in grand county while they where high marking. Dangerous times.


    ps Willy, Berthoud closed a few years ago, looks like for good this time.

  11. Brad,

    Take the time to look at the link Bryan provided, there are a number of things on there that you will be facing in the next 6 months to a year, that you will not even realize you are experiancing. I whacked my head a year ago,and just put some of the pieces together about how I was acting, especially the irritability and anger. Glad to hear you are okay, and be carefull, think about staying off of the board for a bit.

    good luck on your recovery,


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