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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. I did see three snowboards being ridden with the tail as the nose. I don't thin that the riders knew that the short end of the board was supposed to be at the back of their stance. entertainment is simple for me!!

    Play hard!!

    life is good when you are easily amused


  2. Yo attendee's and potential attendee's,

    Please let me know if we can expect to see your smiling face on the 8th, so we can start putting some numbers together, as well as possibly giving me some more oomph with marketing and getting a few more pitches groomed.



  3. This thread aint for pickin on fellow ridas, no matta how bad they look on camera, I should know! Any more of this nonsense and the perpatrata gets a beat down from me....:eplus2::boxing_sm

    Give me some idears on what time youse 2 can leave on thurs, I can probably get out of town 5ish, sooner if we need to


    LCI ENFORCER:biggthump

  4. Could this be loveland? no need for a Belligayva, 7 layers of fleece and mittens in Febuary? Am I in an alternate universe? Word is out , no interlopers at our table this am, no need for any beat downs. Don't mess wit' the LCI. Pete and I got a run down fire cut before they set gates for the racecourse and scarred the bastid up so bad they couldn't figure out where to set the course, the groomers where heading back up the hill to fix things, but the race coaches figured running crevasses would build character and called them off. Arneburner is so badass that he scared the threads of of his heel bail following my line on the cat walk and emerged unscathed. We where joined by Big Dave from steamboat, and Balboa Jeff, who is selling all of his tele gear after Inks Tutorial. Spent some one on one time tormentoring AC, he is beginning to show some progress, he just needs to stop thinking about turns and start turning. We may have overloaded him.


    belgin style beers are good

  5. Of the large and in charge group, I have been known to leave some seriously deep trenches. On softer days the sub 21cm waist boards stay in the truck. I boot out/blow out/wash out if the snow is too soft, until I get on the tanker, then I make berms, not leave trenches. I have taken out an innattentive tele skier or two and small children have gotten lost in those berms:eplus2::eplus2: So when the snow is soft, go big, go tanker, and all will be right with the world:biggthump

    I feel your pain,


  6. Are you and P in Aspen Sunday and Monday?


    Ride sun hotsprings sunday pm, hotsprings/vapor caves/massage monday. These last few weeks wearing the belt have kicked the snot out of me, looking foward to some relaxation. See you Fri if not sooner


  7. while I'm down there for SES.I can't wait to get to Colorado.I'll miss my kids but I'll be riding with and visiting so many cool people while I'm there.


    Our numbers are light during the week, you best chance of meeting the LCI is on a Saturday, Pete and Dustin will be on missons next week at other mountains, but Ink, proby AC and myself will be representing next saturday, as well as a few other drop ins.


  8. I see it all the time, snowplowing and turning completely across flat catwalks, 2 turns and stop in the middle of steep pitches and under rollers as well as riders/skiers consantly on pitches totally over their heads. Yesterday an instructor popped out of the woods onto a steep blue with a class of little grommets in tow, without looking uphill to see D.T. barreling down the run. Dustin was able to bail without incident. People are just oblivious to whats going on around them, and seem to feel that they are the ony ones in the world. You should be made to recite skier/rider responsibilty before you are allowed on the mountain.


  9. .....Just got back from a 2 plank free heel backcountry excursion (we will discuss demerits and possible disclipinary action next meet up) and stopped at Tommyknockers, The have ceased production on Cocoa Porter for the season. Once the kegs at the 'skeller are drained, we are sol, we will no longer have any of the offical LCI beverage to partake. We need to have a little chat with tkb management about this and plot a course of action. :boxing_sm:flamethro:mad:



  10. It's the voices ,they won't stop talking, skis or longboard......skis or longboard............. all daylong , nough to make you jumpy.

    Just put on the long board and turn up the tunes to silence the voices, works very well for me:eplus2:


  11. Watch the comments on Tele skiers , some of us are sensitve about our darker sides............

    As one phsycopathic ex ice coaster to another, I would expect you to have somewhat thicker skin.....


  12. ....But the carnage was immense. The day started with me tossing some stinky hippee tele interlopers from our table at the wedge. It got better from there. Fellow LCI member D.T. and myself left some nasty trenches on the fresh groom on fire cut that a whole grommet ski class and few freeheelin' freaks had to be rescued from. Later D.T. and I launched huge 80 foot airs off of a grooming ridge by the base of 6 and did tail taps off of patroller Red Foremans head. I had to beat down a skier in drifter who voilated the responsibility code and took off without looking uphill first. No mercy for violators.

    Also flyin the freak flag today were Tony, Old Acura, Accidental Chef, and a suprise dropin by Kimo... Steve, freshman year is over, do your home work and bring your A-game next week, no excuses!!

    Every day is game day

    LCI out


  13. ... got my ass handed to me yesterday at Copper

    I'll ride Wanker Park and stay close to the couch

    Reports I have been getting is you are just plain whipped, that you don't even ride anymore and you are done with snowboarding.

    When are you selling your quiver, your house and moving to the front range?


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