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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Last day for me yesterday at the basin, my season ended without the attitude issues I had been having as of late:biggthump. Conditions ranged from extra firm, firm to slurpee glop. Much fun was had by Angie, Ice, Ink and myself. We were joined periodically by Dave "Zen Jedi Flowmaster" Winters who just rocks it!! Highlights included multiple killin' it runs by all on powerline, as well as multiple bloopers and lowlights by yours truley. We are so spolied by our conditions out here, we get away with some truly poor technique when the snow is good, and thouroughly bitchslapped when conditions are not. No more laid out turns for me, next season I am stayin' stacked. I made it through this season without any major injuries, though I did tweek my ankle a bit yesterday in one of my many lazy laid out chatterd out toesides. Ink, Hows your face after your Justk(rash) imitation!;)

    LCI: GREAT SEASON!:1luvu::biggthump

    Pledges/Probies: Tormentoring ends, pick up your games next season!:eek:

    Guests: Thanks for dropping in and trenching with us, season pass deals end 5/31!

    I ain't drinkin' per se -Me

    We don't make trouble, we make trenches -Ink

    Every day is game day -the Mayor

    See you in October on the WROD,


  2. I am taking a minute to let the naseau subside before I hit the bike for some rounds. I made it through, it wasn't pretty, and I vastly overestimated my strength, It seemed like I spent more time lightening the load than lifting. My core and forearms are wasted, only 5 more of these to go. yea. i mean it.

    really. :barf: :barf: :barf:


  3. Sounds like you either break boards or yourself!! Don, It was great riding with you this season, rest that leg, and I hope you plan on coming back to Lovey next season.

    LCI, are we planning on using up our basin tics this weekend? Ink you posted while I was typing, I'm thinking Sat., Sunday being mothers day


  4. I did the "A" workout last night, and the "B" workout lies ahead for tomorrow. I am also up to 4 of Alwyns rounds after, and those pedals where not wanting to turn very well after the front squats and lunges. My metabolism is raging right now, and I feel like a bigger spaz than normal. I am really digging the simplicity of the program, only 7 1/2 weeks of the fat loss programs to go, and 11 1/2 weeks of HIIT to go. Brad thanks for bringing NROL up, I am really liking the concepts that Alwyn and Lou have put out there. If anyone here has been struggling to drop some poundage, I suggest you give The New Rules of Lifting a shot, it is $14.95 well spent


  5. I have had a serious attitude problem since spring break, :boxing_sm :boxing_sm :boxing_sm:AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin

    and I kind of felt like I have been done for weeks since I bitch slapped a jibber who hit me. I was starting to get really annoyed with the crowds, so I thought it was best for me to leave when I did before I did something stupid. As for the rest of the LCI, Pete was off exploring wilder parts of the ridge, Derek was in Austrialia, Dustin is traveling on business, Arne is windsurfing in South Padre, Monodude was just plain mia, and various pledges and probies are on injured reserve. I was happy to leave when I did, I did a fair amount of damage to the hill before y'all got there. I have been riding since mid october, so I was more than okay with an early exit. We will probably close out the season next weekend at the basin when every one is back in town


  6. was planning to close Lovey on Sunday, but now have to travel :(

    thanks to everyone for a great season

    have fun on Sunday

    Sorry you can't make it. This season was a good one, I need to start a to do list for next season. I think I will skip that last tree run we did a few weeks ago.:eek::o:barf:


  7. So how is eveyone doing? I have finished the break in period plus 3 of Alwyn's rounds after each workout, and have dropped ~7lbs. I am in the middle of my rest week before I jump into the next phase of evility, Fat Loss II. May and June are looking a bit tough, since I am adding another round with each phase. I am really looking foward the aforementioned giant sets in fat loss III. I must say, I can really feel a difference in my metabolism since I started, and it is nice to see that scale finally moving down.


  8. big mario,

    Your guys still riding out there? The only riding I'm doing on my Mtn Bike, and thats becoming an issue with the wif!



    Last weekend @ lovey coming up, then next weekend at the basin. I am ready for the season to be ova, had to bitch slap a jibber who grazed me while I spotting a run for the crew, an intervention by DT prolly kept me out of police custody. I'll break out the heckler soon, and work on gettin' my mellow back on :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin


  9. Tempting!!! I'm Jonesing...

    Is it likely to be any good?

    When's first chair?

    Thor? PC?

    Its lovey, its always good!!:biggthump

    first chair @ 8:30, come and slum with us Dave!

    Angie, are you in?


  10. Whose in? I have a 183 Phantom I need to put through its paces before it goes back to the SALESMEN:eplus2::biggthump:D Weather should be somewhat interesting.:AR15firin:AR15firin


  11. from watching me go over the bars this season? It was a blast riding with you this year even when you showed up with those skwals on your feet. sorry to hear about your biff, glad it wasn't any worse. Heal well, have a good summer and we will see you again in the fall, that is if you still want to show us how its done.


  12. Ink,

    Thanks for getting my back.


    No apologies needed. Growing up around the swamps of south Jersey I had that same problem with foot in mouth disease, I started to think clearly once I started to breath the rarified air of the Rockies, now I very rarely have that problem. For the mean time, try some of that vinegary carolina 'cue suace on that shoe leather for greater palatability:p:D


    aka petite flower

  13. I use Royal Oak Hardwood briquettes in my weber bullet for smoking, with oak or cherry trim scraps. I use my natural gas grill for quick and dirty grilling, and I also make up smoker packs when I am feeling lazy on the gas grill. I have done ribs, brisket, shoulder, beer butt ducks and chicken, prime rib, lamb on the smoker. I like to make my own rubs and sauces, and of course drink quality cold beer when I am cooking. I like to keep my temps nice and low, ~200f for up to a day depending on the cut. I use wood for art, and gas for utility. Oh, and I use a chimney


  14. It's snowing frickin everywhere, except any place between Possum's Pouch and HellTown.

    I get the picture.

    Thanks a lot...??


    Yo BB,

    No malice intended, you were premptively calling us out for not going to Wolf creek, a six hour plus drive for many of us, and we were just letting you know that we didn't let any of the big dump go to waste. As for subtlety, Once you get to know me, you will see that my signeture is both ironic and somewhat sarcastic.

    powder and peace to all,


  15. you're not at Wolf Creek today, revelling in their recent 21" dump and their special re-opening for the weekend.

    I Know the place is remote, but geez, I'd thumb, hop a train, abscond with a taxi, commandeer a plane, whatever, if real powder were that close.

    Lucky You!!

    I didn't have to do any of that, just hop on I-70 and less than an hour away....

    It was gooood:1luvu::biggthump:eplus2:


    Ps. for fun I did a little excavation/graffiti under the lifts on some of the groomers

  16. The Dude somehow made his way up to lovey today despite 70 being closed, and made a point of calling me @ 7:20am for a personal rubin. Unfortunately for Don, Lovey appears to be closed today, and now he is stuck up there without a lift turning. Poor Guy:eplus2::eplus2::eplus2::lol::lol:

    Sunshine tomorrow, should be good.


  17. I have been lifting off and on for over 30 years now, and I have gotten into some wacky stuff, isolation compound sets, painful forced reps, squats till I've nearly puked, negative exentuated reps, blah, blah, blah....... At first I'd thought I would just jump right in to fat burner I, but decided to start with the breakin workouts because I am becoming less impulsive as I get older. This is some painful sh!t, and I think I'm looking foward to the other workouts....:p


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