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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. So for the first time since the winter of '93 I had no where I had to be today. It was a strange feeling to say the least. I went down to my former employers office and picked up my last checks, and filed for unemployment. Fellow LCI'ers Dustin and Monodude have offered me a few days worth of work, and I found out that my layoff is job attached, so things are looking up a bit. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I wish the snow was flying, it would be really nice to be making turns during the week with no one around, so instead I guess I will just have to do a mountainbike ride tomorrow morning to soothe my soul, it will be tough without anyone else on the trail;)


  2. Thanks BB,

    In a way I am feeling relieved, Thursdays and Fridays when the site schedule came out or the projectect coordinators came out to do their visits were getting way too stressful. Now that it is done I can get on with the next chapter. It just took me by suprise, I was on the schedule for 2 sites next week, and was working on the logistics of moving all of my tools from one job to the next. I thought I was safe for at least another week, and then HR's Explorer pulled up and I knew it was my turn. When it was all over, he thanked me for not tossing him off a second floor balconey. Not that I would do that, that wouldn't have been very subtle:eplus2:


  3. It was black Friday @ work today, after 14 years I was let go. At least 5 others are joining me on the unemployment line next week, about a 1/4 of the companies workforce.:barf:


  4. my legs are somewhat hammerd from squats and other fun things last night, so I have no Idea what I am in the mood for, and I will probably be slower than ever:biggthump


  5. Yeah, in TX now, back tonight. Heading to VA on Sunday morning.

    I'm playing this weekend!!

    P got to work this am and they didn't need her so we are heading up to try Kenosha. This opens up tomorrow for me so let me know what you have in mind.


  6. Nice Riding Kai!

    Taking some Vaca time this week, so I am thinking Apex on Mon am and some thing else front range on friday am, maybe the newly sanitized :( chimney gulch


  7. Rode Apex with Farmer tonight, its always nice to ride with someone who biffs more than you. It was rather amusing watching him stommit halfway down the rock problem before the forest and land in the stream at the base.

    I had one near endo, but I felt it coming, and vaulted over the bars, a perfect2 point landing. Good times. I may be able to swing one on Sunday, I will let you know


  8. the LCI may be switching to brighter colors to be seen by the kooks. I'm not really into it since the park monkeys are wearing bright colors but I don't care to get hit.


    I am not giving up my smokin' jacket, I will so smack they asses doown........

    JD, workin on the hippee hair as well as the 500lb deadlifts. I may have to cut out the back of my boots to get my calves in, and I aint even started the HGH yet



  9. I am going to give green mtn a shot tomorrow in the pm weather permitting. Should be interesting after deadlifts, vulgarian split squats, walking lunges and intervals. Should be kinda fun.:D


  10. WELL STOP THAT!! said the pot to the kettle......

    glad you are okay, sounds kinda like the time I went over the side @ apex with the bike 20 ft down to the creek. Had to hand the bike back up to Farmer and climb out. Tried the same feature again with nearly the same result. Cleaned it on the third try. Some people never learn:eplus2:


  11. D,

    Maybe you should stick to bike paths! Seriously, butt back behind the seat and lay off that front binder when you come up to those rock problems on the descent mister! At this rate you are going to catch my helmet retirement rate in about a third of the time! Please be careful, we dont need any more brain damage amongst us.


    Not sure yet, with P spending 2-3 nights a week down in the springs it may be a bit tough to get away on the weekends, I might be riding on monday/wed nights weather permitting


  12. The workouts are going good and in a sick way I am enjoying the split squats with overhead presses, I think there might be something wrong with me. I have been setting records up to this point, and I may have pushed it a bit tonight. I bumped the snatch grip deadlifts up to 245, left the t pushups at a a pair of 20's, so I thought it would be a good idea to try 30's on the bulgarians. I made it throught the first set okay, I got half way through the second and I just crumpled. I threw the dumbells out to the side and ended up diving for the mat( I have a decent home gym, gotta love craigslist!), laying on the floor wondering wtf just happend. Good times, :barf:, only 4 more workouts to go than on to fat loss III. Is any one else having this much fun??!!!


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