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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Of our magic elixer, I got some bad intell from the source a few weeks ago, the porter is on tap @ the Rathskeller, and it it appears that I was the first to partake this season. More importantly, when are the rest of you gonna start representing? Had a softie come up as I was putting the '83 away asking where the rest of my gang was. Pete, Ice and I can't be shouldering the whole load here, especially since I am in south Floriduh for the next 2 weekends, and the dude is out sick.

    Today would have been a good day for the headknocker with it as firm as it was early on. It stayed pretty kook free til about 10: 30, than the flood gates opened up. Put the bikes away and start riding, we have a :AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firinrep to protect!!!!!

  2. Actually not too bad. Ice was over from summit, Hollywood Hambone, the Sheriff and myself enjoyed about 1.5 hrs of relatively kook and racer free carving. Felt good to get out and get some turns in. They were not pretty, but they were turns.


  3. Maybe I'm not understanding the risk correctly. What's the purpose of padded shorts?

    Wish I was wearing some @ winterpark on the labor day weekend gravity fest when my bar clipped a tree and I went down hard. My fat a$$ is still hurting a month later, you never know until you need it.

  4. I am spazing even more than normal, hard to believe it is even possible!!!! I am in the middle of tuning the axe and I cant even finish that without finding something else to do.:eek::freak3::1luvu::eplus2::biggthump I am riding tomorrow!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


  5. Think maybe that with a new season, we could start a new thread on the Co ride board that has less than 650 replies?

    Like maybe Loveland 2009 - 2010?

    neva eva sucka :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin



  6. Yes, Yes, Yes, I do wanna ride tomorrow!

    Unfortunately I can't. News came Tues and the family and I are heading to Ohio tomorrow early AM. :(

    Very sorry to hear that, my condolances to Concussed, Karver Kai and yourself.


  7. Nice! Is there a possibility that this could again be long term?

    Depends on how many new jobs come in. The nice thing about it is they are sincere about my job attached status, if there is work I will be working. This is a very scary economy, what has gone on this year with layoffs is a first in the 36 year history of the company, and I am the first ever to be brought back in. There is a chance I could be sitting again, but I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that I can keep going.


  8. Stopped by TKB last evening, and word from our server was that Cocoa Porter will not be out until Thanksgiving,:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin maybe we should switch to macro brews :barf::barf::barf::barf:


  9. buff creek / pine area

    sunday 9/20 pcdenver

    Dustin and Derek are already out there for the epic, try and call them, or drive out stupid early and meet up with them at the meadows campground, Derek is staying in his ugly dodge transvan, I am spending my day with my honi after building trail out there today.


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